Perform Europe Call Announcement
Press release – 27.05.2021
After 6 months of research and analysis, we are happy to announce the details of the first step of Perform Europe’s application process!
In this first step, all interested producers (artists, collectives, companies and presenters that have produced an artistic work) and presenters (festivals, venues, and other organisations offering a presenting context) are invited to apply to be part of Perform Europe’s process of collective learning and networking organised by Perform Europe and supported by its digital platform.
Applicants selected in this first step will be invited to join two events, providing space for mentorship, pitching ideas, and sharing best practices of more sustainable and inclusive touring practices.
The application for step 1 will be open from 15 June to 7 July 2021 on the Perform Europe digital platform. Just get a deeper insight of the guidelines and criteria by clicking the button below.
You can also read and download this call in PDF in English and in all the Creative Europe languages on this page.
We will notify you about the launch of Perform Europe’s digital platform and the opening of the application process on 15 June. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please write to us at info@performeurope.eu.
Perform Europe will map and support experiments to make touring of performing arts works in Creative Europe countries more sustainable and inclusive. The overall aim is to design a future support scheme for cross-border touring and digital distribution of the performing arts. Perform Europe is funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and co-initiated by a Consortium composed of IETM, the European Festivals Association (EFA), Circostrada, EDN - European Dancehouse Network and IDEA Consult.