Perform Europe Opening Event - 28 January 2021, 14:00 CET
Press release - 19.01.2021
We recently announced the launch of Perform Europe, our long-awaited and highly-anticipated project which will support experiments to find more sustainable ways for international - physical and digital - touring of performing arts works in all the Creative Europe countries. The overall aim? To design future support schemes for the sector.
We will introduce Perform Europe at the Opening Event on 28 January at 14:00 CET on Zoom. You can check the full programme of the Opening Event here. It is divided into two parts: Plenary Opening - 14:00-15:00 CET Open to anyone upon registration, the Plenary Opening will introduce the project’s guiding values and vision and the opportunities it will provide for performing arts professionals from all backgrounds and horizons in Creative Europe countries.
'Imagine the Future' Talks - 15:15-17:00 CET This session will offer a few expert points of view on various aspects related to the distribution of the performing arts. It will also invite 80 sector representatives and policy-makers to envisage some elements for a future support scheme for the distribution of the performing arts in Europe.
Registration for the Plenary Opening Event and the application to attend the 'Imagine the Future' Talks are now open. Please click the button below to register.
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Perform Europe is funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and co-initiated by a Consortium composed of IETM, the European Festivals Association (EFA), Circostrada, EDN - European Dancehouse Network and IDEA Consult.