IETM Spring Plenary Meeting in Bergamo, organised in partnership with Associazione Etre, gathered more than 600 performing arts professionals to explore the role culture plays in regeneration.
During the four days programme, 23 – 26 April, we discussed funding alternatives and identified ways for achieving financial sustainability; we talked about the potential art has in reuniting disintegrated communities; we pinpointed mobility as a remedy for lack of local financial support and opportunity for enriching international collaborations; we’ve heard different voices on cultural diversity and freedom of expression; we shared and collected examples on the topic Arts and Politics, which will be used in the next edition of our publication series “Fresh Perspectives”, and reflected upon our audiences and the need to move closer to them.
Now it’s time we ponder the outcomes of our discussions, regenerate ideas to build a truly sustainable future for the arts and continue the exchange of knowledge in an open manner.
Image in banner: © SalaValli/Cesura