International network
for contemporary
performing arts

Réseau international
pour les arts du spectacle

Rete internazionale
per le arti performative


Internationales Netzwerk
für zeitgenössische
darstellende Künste

Международная сеть современного 

Red internacional
para las artes escénicas

Internationaal netwerk
voor hedendaagse

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Rede internacional
para as artes performativas

الشبكة الدولية
لفنون الأداء

í sviðslistum

Xarxa internacional
d'arts escèniques

Rhwydwaith rhyngwladol
ar gyfer celfyddydau
perfformio cyfoes

Rrjeti ndërkombëtar
për artet skenike

Διεθνές δίκτυο
για σύγχρονες
παραστατικές τέχνες

Međunarodna mreža 
za savremene 
scenske umjetnosti

Mezinárodní síť 
pro současné 
divadelní umění

International netværk
for kontemporær

Internasionale netwerk
vir kontemporêre
uitvoerende kunste

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Nemzetközi hálózat
a kortárs


líonra idirnáisiúnta
na taibhealaíona

Starptautiskais tīkls
skatuves mākslai

Netwerk internazzjonali
għall-arti performattivi

Międzynarodowa sieć
na rzecz współczesnych sztuk

Internationellt nätverk
för samtida

Međunarodna mreža
savremenih izvođačkih

Международна мрежа
за съвременни
сценични изкуства

Rrjet ndërkombëtar
për arte skenike

Міжнародная сетка
перфарматыўных мастацтваў

Međunarodna mreža
za suvremene
izvedbene umjetnosti


kaasaegsete etenduskunstide

현대 공연 예술을 위한 국제 네트워크

Tarptautinis tinklas
scenos menai

Интернационална мрежа
за современа
изведувачка уметност

شبکۀ بین المللی
برای هنرهای نمایشی معاصر

Rețeaua internațională
pentru artele spectacolului

Medzinárodná sieť
pre súčasné
scénické umenie

gösteri sanatları için
uluslararası iletişim ağı

06 - 09.09.2024
Sat 07.09

From Study to Professional Life in the Performing Arts

You are invited to a panel discussion addressing the transition from education to freelancing within the performing arts in Northern Norway.

After completing education, transitioning to the freelance realm of the performing arts can seem like uncharted territory, characterised by both uncertainty and possibilities. Since the professional performing arts scene is relatively new in the north, there are fewer working artists residing in the area compared to the rest of Norway. Artists are also spread over a larger distance, often making it more difficult to build networks between artists. Nordland County Council and Uredd are working to make this space more accessible and manageable. The ‘how to’ challenges for new performing artists are numerous; from running one's own business, finding collaborators, connecting with professionals, writing applications, to developing an artistic project.

This discussion will explore how performing artists establishing their practice can enhance their skills, what resources are available, and what might be lacking within the region. Panel members will share their experiences and insights on navigating the transition from studies to freelancing, aiming to highlight the specific challenges one could face as a new performing artist.


Maja Zakariassen
Jenny Svennson
Yohei Hamada
Thale Krogtoft Jensen
Lisa Pedersen


Launch: Anthology on multilingualism in the performing arts

The northern reality is multilingual. In the fjord, villages, on the plains and along the quaysides in the city, communication has taken place in Norwegian, Sami, Finnish, Kven and Russian.

In autumn 2024, Davvi - Centre for Performing Arts will publish an anthology on multilingualism in the performing arts, to reflect the multilingual North. How do you find the right words when your brain and heart work in four different languages? How does working with multiple languages affect stage texts? And how does the monolingual straitjacket from the Norwegianisation policy still impact people and performing arts today?


Tale Næss
Aslak Heika Hætta Bjørn
Siri Gaski

Sun 08.09

The In-between: A workshop with Carte Blanche

Join Carte Blanche – The Norwegian National Company of Contemporary Dance for an immersive workshop. This engaging session, connected to RETRO CAT by Tori Wrånes, offers an insider's look into Carte Blanche’s methodology and artistic vision.

Exploring the themes aligned with the performance, we'll navigate the space between discourse and practice, theory and artistry, concept, and method. Through hands-on exploration, participants will immerse themselves in a creative process of contemporary dance, gaining valuable insights and experiences. Together, we'll foster reflection and dialogue, exchanging perspectives about the role and importance of contemporary dance in today's society.


Annabelle Bonnéry
Gulli Sekse
Susanna Recchia

Mon 09.09

Presentation of Creative Europe project Moving Matters - European Performing Arts Development Program in Non-Urban Areas

Location: Eilertsen & Granados Teater

Location: Eilertsen & Granados Teater

Address: J. M. Johansens Vei 109, 8340 Stamsund, Norway  | Event MapVenue Accessibility 

Moving Matters is a two year project co-funded by Creative Europe and led by Eilertsen & Granados Teaterkompani together with partners from Serbia (Nyári Mozi Theater Community), Spain (Laboratorio de Artes Vivas - Tenerife LAV) and Ireland (The Non-prophet Organization) 

The initiative will stimulate six young artists to establish themselves in non-urban areas through strong international connections between dynamic artistic centres at the fringe of Europe. This will be achieved through an integrated programme, which will promote the young artists’ independence and empowerment. The main objectives of the project are to strengthen the internationalisation of performing arts in rural and non-urban areas, to create opportunities for young artists in rural and non-urban areas, to stimulate cultural cooperation, to enhance capacity and awareness in the participants and to design a framework for the development of arts in rural and non-urban areas.

Come and meet the six emerging artists participating in the project!


Cristina Granados
Silvia Demofonti
Andreas Eilertsen


A presentation of Stamsund Theatre Festival

Location: Teater NOR

Location: Teater NOR

Address: J. M. Johansens Vei 97, 8340 Stamsund, Norway | Event MapVenue Accessibility 

Stamsund Theatre Festival was established in 1998 and has been arranged every year since 2001. Their main idea is to facilitate the meeting between international contemporary performing arts and the small traditional fishing village Stamsund in north of Norway.

Their mission is to present new and process-oriented performing arts and to be there for the artists that work with risk and want to explore the future potential in this form of expression.

Art director Thorbjørn Gabrielsen will talk about our reflections around programming, artistic development and how it is to run a contemporary art festival this far from urban society.

Speakers: Thorbjørn Gabrielsen


A presentation about Figurteatret’s work and method, and the genre of puppet and visual theatre

Location: Nordland Visual Theatre

Location: Nordland Visual Theatre

Address: J. M. Johansens Vei 23, 8340 Stamsund, Norway | Event MapVenue Accessibility 

Figurteatret in Nordland (Nordland Visual Theatre) plays a key role in developing and promoting visual theatre in Norway. Figurteatret offers co-production, pre-projects and residencies through a programme aimed at professional project creators and performers within puppetry and visual theatre. 

The programme is open, through application, for both Norwegian and international project creators. Figurteatret co-productions range from traditional puppet theatre to cross-over productions merging elements from the visual arts, theatre, mime, dance and multimedia. This is done in collaboration with puppeteers, actors, directors, stage designers, composers, artists and project creators from the whole world.


Yngvild Aspeli
Geir-Ove Andersen


Stroll and chat: Discover Stamsund and share reflections on the Caravan programme

As participants are in Stamsund, the team would like to take you for a walk in the surroundings - if the weather permits, you might enjoy some extraordinary views. While out in the fresh air, participants will propose some questions and topics to discuss. They will split into different groups and tailor the walk to the individuals’ levels and wishes. As movement and nature help stimulate thoughts, we hope for some engaging conversations and moments of quiet awe while taking in the scenery.