A new Chair for the Culture and Education Committee
IETM is happy to report that the European Parliament´s Culture and Education Committee has elected its new Chair, Nela Riehl by a majority of 18 votes. Nela is a representative of the Greens/EFA Group.
As reported by IETM in April in its analysis of where culture was to be found in the European Parliament's election manifestos, the Greens of Europe prioritise experimentation and artistic freedom while advocating for integrating culture into their Green and Social Deal.
Along with Nela Riehl as its leader, the committee elected the following vice-chairs:
First vice-chair: Bogdan Zdrojewski (EPP ,PL)
Second vice-chair: Emma Rafowicz (S&D, FR).
Third vice-chair: Diana Riba i Giner (Greens/EFA, ES)
Fourth vice-chair: Hristo Petrov (Renew, BG)
IETM congratulates the new Chair and vice-chairs and looks forward to a strong collaboration in the new legislative term!