Culture Moves Europe

Culture Moves Europe: new Creative Europe mobility scheme for artists and cultural professionals

The European Commission has signed an agreement with Goethe-Institut to implement a new €21 million mobility scheme for artists and cultural professionals called ‘Culture Moves Europe’.

The scheme will become a permanent action under the Creative Europe programme that will offer grants to:

  • artists
  • cultural operators
  • host organisations

from all the sectors covered by the culture strand, and from the countries participating in the Creative Europe programme.

Culture Moves Europe has a budget of €21 million over the next three years. This will allow around 7,000 artists, creators and cultural professionals to:

  • go abroad for professional development or international collaborations
  • co-produce
  • co-create
  • present their works to new audiences

The first calls are expected in autumn 2022.

Read more about Culture Moves Europe