Collage of the Global Connectors profile picture above the Global Connect logo

Meet our 18 IETM Global Connectors 2021-22

IETM Global Connect is a new programme we are leading with the support of our Associate Members with a view to making our network more inclusive, diverse and accessible. After receiving 198 strong applications back in May 2021, we are happy and proud to introduce the 18 Global Connectors who were selected by our Selection Committee!

The IETM Global Connectors are experienced contemporary performing arts professionals from across the globe who have demonstrated a commitment to increase global awareness, inclusion, accessibility and connectivity for the benefit of their communities. 

Through Global Connect, they receive the IETM membership for two years, attend all IETM events free of charge, take part in the yearly Global Connectors gathering and benefit from a travel bursary to attend a Plenary Meeting. 

Most importantly, they have the opportunity to expand their international network, to find new inspirations in their professional lives which they can share with their communities, and to actively contribute to IETM’s activities and development by bringing fresh perspectives to its members and the global performing arts sector. 

Meet the IETM Global Connectors 2021-22


Associate Members supporting Global Connect

IETM Associate Members are organisations providing support to the performing arts field, in their own country as well as internationally. IETM Associate Members are official bodies, ministries, arts councils, public funding organisations and foundations. 

The following IETM Associate Members support the IETM Global Connect programme:

Australia Council for the Arts, Australia

Canada Council for the Arts / Conseil des Arts du Canada, Canada

Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark

ONDA (Office National de Diffusion Artistique), France

The Arts Council | An Chomhairle Ealaíon, Ireland

Arts Council Malta, Malta

Dutch Performing Arts / Stichting Fonds Podiumkunsten, Netherlands

Statens kulturråd / Swedish Arts Council, Sweden

Pro Helvetia, Switzerland

Arts Council England, UK

Arts Council of Wales / Wales Arts International / Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru/Celfyddydau Rhyngwladol Cymru, UK

Belfast City Council, Northern Ireland, UK

British Council, UK

Creative Scotland, UK