LJC News - StrangeSpaces Festival Launch Event
Party for the launch of a newborn festival - Friday 26 and Saturday 27 August 2022 in Stockholm.
TeaterPi, Teater Theatron and Humans and Soils present:
StrangeSpaces Festival 2023 Launch event!
A place for a transcultural performing arts and artistic encounter.
Programme for the 2 days:
- FRIDAY 26 August 2022
10:00 - 16:00 - Partners planning day: StrangeSpaces future.
18:00 - Transcultural afterwork
- SATURDAY 27 August 2022
10:00 - 12:00 CEST - IETM meeting: presentation and workshop: Dream on! - HYBRID - Zoom
13:30 - 16:30 - Transcultural performing and Acting workshops : LIVE in Stockholm
Open event to public, institution and other transcultural realities. There will be music, exhibitions and mingle with refreshments.
Come in, you the stranger.
Come in, you the speaker of one language, of several languages, or of a language the nobody seems to understand.
Come in, you the different.
And you, striving for a change.
In StrangeSpaces we are all different and all strangers, because we speak through art and creativity, and we come from anywhere.
Here are we going to build a new place local and international at the same time, for encounter and change.
And then we are going to fly – not to stay close to the ground.
Come in, if you want to be part of a fantastic adventure in the space of performing arts, play, communication, and expression.
When the adventure will start, it won’t be interrupted (is there time in the space?).
If you want to know more about what will happen in StrangeSpaces launch days you can have a look here:
StrangeSpaces Festival
But Saturday 27 August is just to celebrate you finding your way up to here:
This project is part of the IETM Local Journeys for Change activity, which is supported by the European Union as part of the IETM Network Grant 2022-2024 NIPA: the New International in the Performing Arts.