SHIFTing towards eco practices: international cultural networks take lead
Today, IETM, together with 15 other international cultural networks, launched the SHIFT eco-certification pilot phase. The aim of this process is to co-develop a bespoke eco-certification for cultural networks, taking into account their specific needs and working methods. Such a certification, established in partnership with Creative Carbon Scotland and Green Leisure Group, environmental sustainability specialists from Scotland and the Netherlands, will provide a scheme to improve, measure, monitor and evaluate efforts towards sustainability.
This pilot project will also encourage active climate action among the wider cultural sector and create a new alliance of like-minded networks and associations. Participating networks aim to get eco-certified by the end of 2023.
Network organisations participating in the SHIFT eco-guidelines: EJN - Europe Jazz Network, Res Artis, REMA, Aerowaves, ECHO, IETM, Culture Action Europe, ENCATC, CIRCOSTRADA, Opera Europa, ELIA, EMC, On the Move, ASSITEJ, IMC, European, Dancehouse Network.