News Browse through our news engine to find out about the latest news from the network, our members’ current and upcoming activities, recent international cultural policy updates and other developments in the global performing arts sector.

Are we on the right track? Perform Europe is entering its final phase of digesting our learning points and developing final policy recommendations. We are reaching out to our members and the wider performing arts sector in the hope that they will support us one last time by offering their advice and unique insights on our policy recommendations. We ...

The cultural association Music Theatre International - associated with The International Theatre, launches a call for sustainable travelers in in the world inviting them to be protagonists of the creative and interactive project "#In Transito. The 3rd edition of the project will take place at Tiburtina Station (Rome, Italy), from 5 to 11 December ...

VIMERCATE DEI RAGAZZI 2022 New Generations National Theater Festival (Italy) 10 - 12 June 2022 Vimercate | Milan | Italy VIMERCATE DEI RAGAZZI invades the city with theater, workshops, games, performances, artistic installations. The Vimercate's historical center, streets, squares, villas and parks become opportunities for artists and the audience ...

CADO is a festival of theatre creation, by and for young people, based in Clermont Ferrand (France). Five days of original performances, in a professional environment, with meetings, workshops, readings and screenings to discuss creative artistic practices, in order to listen to what young people have to say. At the time of this new edition, three ...

FINAL CALL FOR ARTISTS - 1 year Masters in Performing Public Space Fontys Master Performing Public Space invites artists from a variety of backgrounds to apply with individual artistic research projects focusing on public space. Where: Hybrid format – Online & On-Campus, The Netherlands Duration: 12 months Starting Date: September 1, 2022 Deadline ...

OpenScape is a digital platform for the promotion of artistic and curatorial exchanges that will meet every two months. Curated and presented by partners across five continents, this online meeting point aims to help practitioners reconnect globally by offering regular moments to gather and exchange, fostering old friendships and prompting new ...

Independent Theater Hungary is organising a workshop for theatrical and cultural journalists and theatre professionals. The Company has been a member of IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts since 2021 - with their support they have the possibility to organise this workshop starting at 5:30 pm on April 28 at the Goethe ...

Since the beginning of the year, IETM has been growing its member network at a rapid, fast developing pace. We are very proud to announce that over the past four months we have welcomed into our network 40 new members from across 18 countries! Feel free to check their IETM profiles and get in touch with them to give them a warm welcome. Belgium ...

Every summer, TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA brings together internationally renowned choreographers, teachers and dancers from all over the world in Munich with its wide-ranging program of dance workshops. As a laboratory for new ideas, it provides important impulses for contemporary dance offering a high-quality summer dance workshop program for all people ...

THEATER FORUM: The Circle in Expansion The THEATER FORUM by Beyond Borders Project aims to create online discussion meetings with international guests - performers, thinkers, critics, university professors and professionals - to share and explore some of the issues concerning our new post-pandemic era. It’s a moment of reflection and intercultural ...