New edition of IETM's Fund-finder: guide to funding opportunities for arts and culture
IETM, International network for contemporary performing arts, released the updated edition of its Fund-finder: Guide to funding opportunities for arts and culture (2019 edition), a guide to online information platforms and funding opportunities to support arts and cultural projects and initiatives with European or international dimensions. This guide is commissioned by IETM and produced by On the Move, the cultural mobility information network active in Europe and worldwide.
Having started in 2014, Creative Europe is the main funding programme of the European Commission to support cultural projects, networks and platforms in Europe. However, other funding programmes of the European Commission can also fund projects with a cultural or artistic component.
On another hand, while we often focus on shrinking budgets for the arts in Europe, we should not forget that a major problem for our sector today is access to relevant information about existing opportunities. In spite of decreased funding at national and local levels, there are still many public and private funding opportunities which can be alternatives to European funding or match the co-funding required for EU-funded projects.
Therefore, IETM produced this guide in 2015 as a useful resource for its members and the larger artistic community. Due to its high success, we decided to update it every two years. For this 2019 edition, the author has refreshed web-links and information, and added most recent examples.
Marie Le Sourd, Secretary General of On the Move, is the coordinator of this guide in partnership (for the 2019 edition) with Maïa Sert.
The text built on the expertise of On the Move and on the knowledge of other reliable European experts and organisations: PEARLE* - Live Performance Europe, European Citizen Action Service (ECAS), Mary Helen Young, Charlotte Bohl-Mustafa, Manon Martin and Chiara Baudino.
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