Rewiring the Network: join us in resetting the IETM agenda for the twenties
The performing arts have been going through some rough weather in recent years.
Changing environmental, social and political conditions have increasingly put our work under pressure. All of us are trying to come up with answers and solutions, but how can these be more than just survival strategies? The answer is clear. In order to have a real systemic impact, we need to work together.
For almost 40 years, IETM has been a place for performing arts people to develop new ideas and solutions together. The purpose: strengthening our practice through knowledge exchange. But, as society is changing, the network can only achieve this purpose if it stays fresh and relevant. With the start of the new decade, the time is right to reflect on the development of a more sustainable future for the performing arts, and the role IETM can take in it. We invite you to take the front seat in our collective reflection and help us shape the network’s agenda for the twenties. The results of this exercise will also feed our next Creative Europe grant application. Learn how you can influence the process at this point:
Share your views online
To get the reflection started, we have prepared a short survey with 4 questions which will help us better understand the challenges you face with your daily work and get your views on what sustainable practices consist of. Please fill in the survey before 11 March - if you won’t be able to join our brainstorming session during IETM Tromsø (see below), this is your chance to make your voice heard! Submissions are anonymous.
Join the brainstorming session in Tromsø
Following the survey, we will host a collective exchange during IETM Tromsø where participants will be invited to share and exchange about their most pressing issues, on the challenges they encounter and brainstorm on how existing experiments and new ways of thinking and doing could be the building blocks for a more sustainable future.