IETM Autumn Plenary Meeting
5 – 8 November 2015
Budapest, Hungary
Akvárium Klub
Erzsébet tér 12.
Arts & Democracy
On 5 – 8 November IETM gathers more than 500 performing arts professionals from all over the world in the city of Budapest, Hungary. IETM meeting is organised in collaboration with Gobi Dance Theatre, PanoDrama, Pro Progressione, Sín Culture Centre and Placcc Festival.
The meeting will offer a range of working sessions dealing with the current challenges in the contemporary performing arts.
With the main theme Art & Democracy, the second half of the meeting will serve as an Open Space for mutual learning and networking. Participants will discuss how to promote the tools of democracy through the arts and the artists’ role in shaping the values and vision of today’s societies.
The artistic programme will be a snapshot of the brightest highlights of the Hungarian independent arts scene: Krétakör, Viktor Bodó, Hodworks, the Symptoms, Béla Pintér and more.
The second half of the meeting will be a self-organising platform held in the format of an Open Space. The purpose of this new format is to allow participants to propose the topics they find most relevant and define their own approaches to be taken in the discussions.
Besides the Open Space, the programme will offer a range of working sessions on such topics as participatory theater, education for artists, Fortress Europe, arts & public space, sustainable models in the arts sector, regional funds, arts & digital shift and more.
Artistic programme
The meeting will be an opportunity for the international performing arts community to discover the power of the Hungarian independent arts sector. The artistic programme will offer two to three theatre and one or two dance shows every night including Krétakör, Viktor Bodó, Hodworks, the Symptoms, Béla Pintér.
Soon online on www.ietm.org
Socially engaged arts in the Hungarian countryside
One day prior to the meeting, on the 4th of November, participants will visit the Hungarian countryside to explore some specific community-based projects, tackling the theme of democracy. The programme of the pre-meeting trips will deal with the most urgent questions of today’s Hungary: refugees, non-formal education for unprivileged Roma youth, and working in a prison.
Budapest hosts the second IETM plenary meeting of the year. In April 2015, the network gathered in Bergamo, Italy, to discuss regeneration – developing a sustainable future through reviving resources and reconnecting disintegrated communities.
For the first time IETM organise their plenary meeting at the same time and place as the Camp Meeting of Trans Europe Halles (European based network of cultural centres). It was decided to do so as a joint effort to draw attention to the values of civil society, human rights and the importance of independent cultural creation and participation.
More information about the IETM Budapest meeting: https://www.ietm.org/en/budapest_2015
IETM Secretariat
+32 2 201 09 15
19 Square Sainctelette
1000 Brussels - Belgium
IETM is a network of over 500 performing arts organisations and individual members (contemporary theatre, dance, circus, interdisciplinary forms, new media). It holds two plenary meetings a year in different European cities, and smaller meetings all over the world. Besides, IETM commissions publications and research projects, facilitates communication and distribution of information, and advocates for the value of performing arts.
IETM Plenary Meetings
A plenary meeting is the main IETM network meeting organized twice a year (spring and autumn) in different cities, bringing together +/500 professionals to exchange ideas in an informal way and build closer relations with various partners/members. The IETM Plenary Meeting includes around 25 working sessions and a full performance platform of work from the host country or city.
Gobi Dance Theatre is a constantly changing experimenting "structure"; the young artists' aim is to popularize contemporary dance as a body-moving form; using instinctive, expressive choreographic language and visual world, the performances are dealing with philosophical issues; their goal is also to point out that contemporary dance is a communication form that also connects different art forms, sciences and IT-world.
PanoDrama is an organisation founded by the dramaturg and producer Anna Lengyel to promote contemporary international drama and theatre in Hungary and contemporary Hungarian drama and theatre abroad and to run international collaborations with free groups and artists. While keeping its main focus on new drama, due to social and political changes in Hungary like growing racism and discrimination, most notably against Roma PanoDrama launched a three-year socio-political project-series The Beauty and the Beast in 2010 that the trailers focus on.
Pro Progressione Ltd. – Culture in progress is an Agency for cultural management. Founded in 2010 in Budapest, the agency has been active in three main fields, all related to performing arts: organizing national and international performances, participating in production processes and representing the works of the cultural community in Hungary and beyond.
Sín Culture Centre
In Hungarian only: http://sinarts.org/
Placcc Festival
In Hungarian only: http://placcc.hu/index.php/category/english/