IETM Munich: Res Publica Europa
IETM Autumn Plenary Meeting
1-4 November
Munich, Germany
Between 1 and 4 November 2018, more than 500 performing arts professionals from all over the world will gather at IETM Plenary Meeting in Munich, organised in collaboration with Meta Theatre Munich, to engage in a collective reflection on the most relevant matters for the performing arts sector and the society at large. The focus and topic of this year‘s IETM autumn meeting is Res Publica Europa. IETM Munich will take a universal artist‘s look at the idea of Europe, of national borders in general, and at Europe‘s relation to the rest of the world.
Each day will focus on a different aspect of the main theme: this includes post- or neo-colonialism, diversity, participation and inclusion, as well as the discussion on visions for the future. The programme will offer more than 30 sessions: keynote speeches, panel discussions, roundtable debates, interactive working groups, practical trainings, networking and mentoring sessions. The meeting will provide participants with a space to present their future projects and on-going initiatives, thus facilitating networking and the emergence of cross-border partnerships. The artistic part of the meeting, compiled by the local organisers, will illustrate the richness of the German-speaking region's contemporary performing arts scene.
Res Publica Europa
European identity is a contested term. And art professionals urgently need to reflect on their role in defining it, giving it a meaning, content and a force to thrive. The debate stretches to questioning what the European idea and the so-called identity mean beyond national borders, and how we can establish a dialogue with an audience not necessarily sharing our views.
Inspired by the German-speaking region’s performance art scene, we will reflect together on the future of our Res Publica Europa and on the challenges of the various identities existing within and outside the continent. We will discuss the role of art in enhancing civic participation and creating new forms of citizenship, and exchange ideas on advocacy for the arts.
Besides, the meeting programme will shed light on some of the most vital issues affecting the performing arts professionals today: international collaboration in the field of production, relations with audiences, gender equality, art and globalisation, art in rural areas, artists' mobility, among others.
Speakers include
Robert Menasse, Writer, Founder of the European Democracy Lab, Austria
Prof. Ulrike Guérot, Danube University Krems, Founder of the European Democracy Lab, Germany
Reem Fadda, Curator, Palestine
Fabio Tolledi, ITI Vice-President for Europe Executive Council and Executive Board member, University of Salento, Italy
Prof. Bettina Reitz, University of Television and Film Munich, Germany
Liwaa Yazji, Independent film and theatre maker, Syria,
Niccolo Milanese, European Alternatives, Italy
Kathrin Röggla, Dramatic Writer, Austria
Jonas Staal, Artist, the Netherlands
Danae Stratou, DiEM25 Voice, Greece
More information: www.ietm.org/munich
IETM: www.ietm.org
Meta Theatre Munich: www.meta-theater.com