IETM Hull: video recordings

Under the theme Everyone and Anyone, IETM Hull brought together performing arts professionals from all over the world to engage in a collective reflection around the reality of inclusion in today’s societies, in their artistic representations and in the process of creation.

Watch the livestream recording of the opening keynote speech and the two talks of the day below:

Opening keynote speech: What did you have to leave at the door in order to show up today? with Sade Brown from Sour Lemons (UK)

Can diversity actually make a person lose their identity?  

Speaking from her personal experience, award-winning social entrepreneur, creative producer and founder of Sour Lemons, Sade Brown, explores how diversity can strip identity, and be damaging to both the individual and the organisation.  

How can you be your whole self at all times and not have to put on a new hat to walk into the office? How do you create inclusive work spaces that allow diversity to thrive?

Sade has been recognised by Natwest WISE100 as a Leading Woman in Social Business and a Diversity Trailblazer of The Future. In 2015, she received an award from Prince William for ‘Turning Her Life Around’.

Her organisation Sour Lemons addresses the lack of diversity in leadership within the creative, cultural and social sectors.

Talk of the day: Biscuits Beyond Borders - A Call to Action with Jess Thom from Touretteshero (UK)

Jess Thom, co-founder of Touretteshero, may or may not lead a secret double life as a superhero. Artist, writer and expert activist, Jess has had tics since she was a child but was not diagnosed with Tourettes until she was in her 20s.

At a time seemingly defined by division and insularity, Jess Thom will share her personal experiences of inclusive practice. She will set out some of the simple yet powerful changes that can be made in public spaces such as theatres, museums and galleries to make them more accessible to those who are most frequently marginalised.

Reflecting on the opportunities presented by the Relaxed Venue methodology she developed as a Change Maker at Battersea Arts Centre, she will explore how the international context of disability arts and culture can shape expectations in local regions.

Talk of the day: Arts, Ethnicity and Migration with Marco Martiniello from University of Liège (Belgium)

What is the relevance of the arts in the theoretical and political debates when discussing immigrant incorporation and diversity in migration and post-migration cities? Where do ethnicised and racialised social and economic relations come into play?

In answering these questions, five things should be considered that, together, constitute a general framework in which more theoretically grounded empirical research can develop. These include local culture, social relations and interactions, local cultural and incorporation policies, local politics and local economic life.