Publication cover

Climate Justice: Through the Creative Lens of the Performing Arts

Throughout our exploration, IETM has in different ways examined the change in behaviour and practise the performing arts sector can and should work towards, in order to take collective responsibility for the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions. This exploration has lead us more and more towards the concept of Climate Justice - a concept which resonates well with the intersectional approach IETM has adopted in its work: namely - in this case - that green and fair transition cannot be achieved without addressing the inequalities and disparities in society and across our performing arts sector.

This research reflects and explores various aspects of climate justice, offers an overview of current literature and shares examples and practices from different contexts through a worldwide peer to peer consultation. The research drew from the key takeaways and discussions of three regional focus groups which took place across the course of 2023 in Southern Africa, Latin America and Asia. 

More to come...:

  • Save the date for the IETM Innovate Cultural Policy Event taking place on 25 January 2024, 14:00-15:30 CET. The event will draw knowledge from the publication with Jordi Baltà Portolés as the main speaker.


We are also excited to introduce three part podcast series surrounding the main themes and discussions drawn from Focus groups which served as the main skeleton of research for the publication. You can find all episodes available on or via SoundCloud below.

Podcast Episode One: Southern Africa - December, 2023

Podcast Episode Two: Latin America - January 2024

Podcast Episode Three: Asia - January 2024

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