As part of our longer trajectory imagining a more sustainable future for the performing arts - and defining the role IETM can take in it - we invited our members for a first online brainstorm session on 19 May from 12:00 to 15:30 CET.
The questions on the agenda were: What’s on our mind? What’s challenging and inspiring our work? Where do we want to go and what would we need a network for? And what can all of us bring to the table to have a real sustainable impact?
After an introduction about systemic approaches to change and transition, participants broke out into virtual groups to share and exchange about their most pressing issues, on the challenges they encounter, and brainstorm on how existing experiments and new ways of thinking and doing could be the building blocks for a more sustainable future on the artistic, human, social, economical and ecological level.
The online brainstorm was moderated by Joris Janssens (IDEA Consult), Martina Fraioli (IDEA Consult) and Delphine Hesters (Independent researcher, advisor and facilitator), and each working group was facilitated by an IETM member.
Image in banner: ©️ Allie Smith