International network
for contemporary
performing arts

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pour les arts du spectacle

Rete internazionale
per le arti performative


Internationales Netzwerk
für zeitgenössische
darstellende Künste

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para las artes escénicas

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voor hedendaagse

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Rede internacional
para as artes performativas

الشبكة الدولية
لفنون الأداء

í sviðslistum

Xarxa internacional
d'arts escèniques

Rhwydwaith rhyngwladol
ar gyfer celfyddydau
perfformio cyfoes

Rrjeti ndërkombëtar
për artet skenike

Διεθνές δίκτυο
για σύγχρονες
παραστατικές τέχνες

Međunarodna mreža 
za savremene 
scenske umjetnosti

Mezinárodní síť 
pro současné 
divadelní umění

International netværk
for kontemporær

Internasionale netwerk
vir kontemporêre
uitvoerende kunste

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Nemzetközi hálózat
a kortárs


líonra idirnáisiúnta
na taibhealaíona

Starptautiskais tīkls
skatuves mākslai

Netwerk internazzjonali
għall-arti performattivi

Międzynarodowa sieć
na rzecz współczesnych sztuk

Internationellt nätverk
för samtida

Međunarodna mreža
savremenih izvođačkih

Международна мрежа
за съвременни
сценични изкуства

Rrjet ndërkombëtar
për arte skenike

Міжнародная сетка
перфарматыўных мастацтваў

Međunarodna mreža
za suvremene
izvedbene umjetnosti


kaasaegsete etenduskunstide

현대 공연 예술을 위한 국제 네트워크

Tarptautinis tinklas
scenos menai

Интернационална мрежа
за современа
изведувачка уметност

شبکۀ بین المللی
برای هنرهای نمایشی معاصر

Rețeaua internațională
pentru artele spectacolului

Medzinárodná sieť
pre súčasné
scénické umenie

gösteri sanatları için
uluslararası iletişim ağı

Mon 02.10

Faces - Data Tavadze

Royal District Theatre

Faces - Data Tavadze

Royal District Theatre

Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968, the Japanese novelist Yasunari Kawabata felt the essence of his art was to be found not in his longer works but in a series of short stories―which he called "Palm-of-the-Hand Stories"―written over the span of his career. The stories on love, death, faith and the passage of time, demonstrate the range and complexity of a true master of short fiction.

The young actors from Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film University of Georgia under the direction of Georgia’s one of the most interesting young directors Data Tavadze (Royal District Theatre, Tbilisi) present philosophical meditation, insightful, delicate, performance with full sense of tragedy. One act performance creates an uninterrupted, minimalistic flow of narration on love, death and hope, where voice, movement and feelings are entangled.

Duration: 90 minutes, without interruption.

Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968, the Japanese novelist Yasunari Kawabata felt the essence of his art was to be found not in his longer works but in a series of short stories―which he called "Palm-of-the-Hand Stories"―written over the span of his career. The stories on love, death, faith and the passage of time, demonstrate the range and complexity of a true master of short fiction.

The young actors from Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film University of Georgia under the direction of Georgia’s one of the most interesting young directors Data Tavadze (Royal District Theatre, Tbilisi) present philosophical meditation, insightful, delicate, performance with full sense of tragedy. One act performance creates an uninterrupted, minimalistic flow of narration on love, death and hope, where voice, movement and feelings are entangled.

Duration: 90 minutes, without interruption.


Faces - Data Tavadze

Royal District Theatre

Faces - Data Tavadze

Royal District Theatre

Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968, the Japanese novelist Yasunari Kawabata felt the essence of his art was to be found not in his longer works but in a series of short stories―which he called "Palm-of-the-Hand Stories"―written over the span of his career. The stories on love, death, faith and the passage of time, demonstrate the range and complexity of a true master of short fiction.

The young actors from Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film University of Georgia under the direction of Georgia’s one of the most interesting young directors Data Tavadze (Royal District Theatre, Tbilisi) present philosophical meditation, insightful, delicate, performance with full sense of tragedy. One act performance creates an uninterrupted, minimalistic flow of narration on love, death and hope, where voice, movement and feelings are entangled.

Duration: 90 minutes, without interruption.

Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968, the Japanese novelist Yasunari Kawabata felt the essence of his art was to be found not in his longer works but in a series of short stories―which he called "Palm-of-the-Hand Stories"―written over the span of his career. The stories on love, death, faith and the passage of time, demonstrate the range and complexity of a true master of short fiction.

The young actors from Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film University of Georgia under the direction of Georgia’s one of the most interesting young directors Data Tavadze (Royal District Theatre, Tbilisi) present philosophical meditation, insightful, delicate, performance with full sense of tragedy. One act performance creates an uninterrupted, minimalistic flow of narration on love, death and hope, where voice, movement and feelings are entangled.

Duration: 90 minutes, without interruption.


The Government Inspector - Giorgi Sikharulidze

Shota Rustaveli Professional State Drama Theatre

The Government Inspector - Giorgi Sikharulidze

Shota Rustaveli Professional State Drama Theatre

From the five-act play Giorgi Sikarulidze, artistic director of Theatre, created the one-act original conceptual performance. The director has originally decided the form and genre of the performance - instead of the comedy it is a fable, loaded with theatrical metaphors and symbols. The director creates four different action spaces on stage, united by ecclesiastical hymns of different countries. Surrealistic scenography is the most important part of the concept. Russian classics interpreted in Georgian, vulnerabilities of the society and official figures, greed and hypocrisy… eternal problems. Director’s goal is to uncover the subconscious and this, at one glance the banal story turns into an unveiling weapon in the process of knowing universe.

One can feel the synthesis of the director’s and author’s independent thoughts in the play.

The actors of different generations create a beautiful ensemble, which clearly demonstrates acting resources and artistic potential of the Meskhishvili Theatre today.

Duration: 90 minutes, without interruption.

From the five-act play Giorgi Sikarulidze, artistic director of Theatre, created the one-act original conceptual performance. The director has originally decided the form and genre of the performance - instead of the comedy it is a fable, loaded with theatrical metaphors and symbols. The director creates four different action spaces on stage, united by ecclesiastical hymns of different countries. Surrealistic scenography is the most important part of the concept. Russian classics interpreted in Georgian, vulnerabilities of the society and official figures, greed and hypocrisy… eternal problems. Director’s goal is to uncover the subconscious and this, at one glance the banal story turns into an unveiling weapon in the process of knowing universe.

One can feel the synthesis of the director’s and author’s independent thoughts in the play.

The actors of different generations create a beautiful ensemble, which clearly demonstrates acting resources and artistic potential of the Meskhishvili Theatre today.

Duration: 90 minutes, without interruption.


The Government Inspector - Giorgi Sikharulidze

Shota Rustaveli Professional State Drama Theatre

The Government Inspector - Giorgi Sikharulidze

Shota Rustaveli Professional State Drama Theatre

From the five-act play Giorgi Sikarulidze, artistic director of Theatre, created the one-act original conceptual performance. The director has originally decided the form and genre of the performance - instead of the comedy it is a fable, loaded with theatrical metaphors and symbols. The director creates four different action spaces on stage, united by ecclesiastical hymns of different countries. Surrealistic scenography is the most important part of the concept. Russian classics interpreted in Georgian, vulnerabilities of the society and official figures, greed and hypocrisy… eternal problems. Director’s goal is to uncover the subconscious and this, at one glance the banal story turns into an unveiling weapon in the process of knowing universe.

One can feel the synthesis of the director’s and author’s independent thoughts in the play.

The actors of different generations create a beautiful ensemble, which clearly demonstrates acting resources and artistic potential of the Meskhishvili Theatre today.

Duration: 90 minutes, without interruption.

From the five-act play Giorgi Sikarulidze, artistic director of Theatre, created the one-act original conceptual performance. The director has originally decided the form and genre of the performance - instead of the comedy it is a fable, loaded with theatrical metaphors and symbols. The director creates four different action spaces on stage, united by ecclesiastical hymns of different countries. Surrealistic scenography is the most important part of the concept. Russian classics interpreted in Georgian, vulnerabilities of the society and official figures, greed and hypocrisy… eternal problems. Director’s goal is to uncover the subconscious and this, at one glance the banal story turns into an unveiling weapon in the process of knowing universe.

One can feel the synthesis of the director’s and author’s independent thoughts in the play.

The actors of different generations create a beautiful ensemble, which clearly demonstrates acting resources and artistic potential of the Meskhishvili Theatre today.

Duration: 90 minutes, without interruption.

Tue 03.10

Official opening of Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre

Rooms hotel

Ouverture officielle du Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre

Rooms hotel

Official opening of Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre

Rooms hotel

Ouverture officielle du Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre

Rooms hotel

The Pillowman - David Doiashvili

Tbilisi Vaso Abashidze Musical Comedy and Drama Professional State Theatre

The Pillowman - David Doiashvili

Tbilisi Vaso Abashidze Musical Comedy and Drama Professional State Theatre

The Pillowman was staged according to the play having the same title by modern Irish playwriter Martin McDonagh -the winner of two ‘Tony Awards”, "Olivier" and "Oscar". His dramaturgy is very similar to the cinema narrative, which offers a rapid change of situation, detective development and tangled intrigue. The play The Pillowman starts with the scene of the interrogation. The main character - talented writer Katurien, was arrested by detectives Tupolsky and Ariel because the brutal violence described in his stories were very similar to the realistically committed murders of children that had recently taken place. With the establishment of the truth, the feeling of sinking in the viscous nightmare is getting stronger ... it turns out that the writer's brother - Michelle - is disabled, their late parents - fanatics, maniacs and sadists, detectives - are the hostages of their past…

It may seem to many that McDonagh 's play is far from our reality, but this is a play in which everyone sees his/her own personality, own biography and life and it will surely make you think about where do so many childhood traumas come from?! You will discover, that the beloved parents only raised you as a victim, or worse - some of you - even as oppressors?! You will think over, that a murderer of six people can be innocent?! You will notice how it is difficult to adapt to novelties and how people distinctive and different from others are irritating to you?! You will realize, that the only thing you should love God is that he has a favorite and one day you can be that favorite?!

And generally, you will find out, that “Happy End” is a big lie! There is no happy ending in life!

Duration: 190 minutes, with one intermission.

The Pillowman was staged according to the play having the same title by modern Irish playwriter Martin McDonagh -the winner of two ‘Tony Awards”, "Olivier" and "Oscar". His dramaturgy is very similar to the cinema narrative, which offers a rapid change of situation, detective development and tangled intrigue. The play The Pillowman starts with the scene of the interrogation. The main character - talented writer Katurien, was arrested by detectives Tupolsky and Ariel because the brutal violence described in his stories were very similar to the realistically committed murders of children that had recently taken place. With the establishment of the truth, the feeling of sinking in the viscous nightmare is getting stronger ... it turns out that the writer's brother - Michelle - is disabled, their late parents - fanatics, maniacs and sadists, detectives - are the hostages of their past…

It may seem to many that McDonagh 's play is far from our reality, but this is a play in which everyone sees his/her own personality, own biography and life and it will surely make you think about where do so many childhood traumas come from?! You will discover, that the beloved parents only raised you as a victim, or worse - some of you - even as oppressors?! You will think over, that a murderer of six people can be innocent?! You will notice how it is difficult to adapt to novelties and how people distinctive and different from others are irritating to you?! You will realize, that the only thing you should love God is that he has a favorite and one day you can be that favorite?!

And generally, you will find out, that “Happy End” is a big lie! There is no happy ending in life!

Duration: 190 minutes, with one intermission.


The Pillowman - David Doiashvili

Tbilisi Vaso Abashidze Musical Comedy and Drama Professional State Theatre

The Pillowman - David Doiashvili

Tbilisi Vaso Abashidze Musical Comedy and Drama Professional State Theatre

The Pillowman was staged according to the play having the same title by modern Irish playwriter Martin McDonagh -the winner of two ‘Tony Awards”, "Olivier" and "Oscar". His dramaturgy is very similar to the cinema narrative, which offers a rapid change of situation, detective development and tangled intrigue. The play The Pillowman starts with the scene of the interrogation. The main character - talented writer Katurien, was arrested by detectives Tupolsky and Ariel because the brutal violence described in his stories were very similar to the realistically committed murders of children that had recently taken place. With the establishment of the truth, the feeling of sinking in the viscous nightmare is getting stronger ... it turns out that the writer's brother - Michelle - is disabled, their late parents - fanatics, maniacs and sadists, detectives - are the hostages of their past…

It may seem to many that McDonagh 's play is far from our reality, but this is a play in which everyone sees his/her own personality, own biography and life and it will surely make you think about where do so many childhood traumas come from?! You will discover, that the beloved parents only raised you as a victim, or worse - some of you - even as oppressors?! You will think over, that a murderer of six people can be innocent?! You will notice how it is difficult to adapt to novelties and how people distinctive and different from others are irritating to you?! You will realize, that the only thing you should love God is that he has a favorite and one day you can be that favorite?!

And generally, you will find out, that “Happy End” is a big lie! There is no happy ending in life!

Duration: 190 minutes, with one intermission.

The Pillowman was staged according to the play having the same title by modern Irish playwriter Martin McDonagh -the winner of two ‘Tony Awards”, "Olivier" and "Oscar". His dramaturgy is very similar to the cinema narrative, which offers a rapid change of situation, detective development and tangled intrigue. The play The Pillowman starts with the scene of the interrogation. The main character - talented writer Katurien, was arrested by detectives Tupolsky and Ariel because the brutal violence described in his stories were very similar to the realistically committed murders of children that had recently taken place. With the establishment of the truth, the feeling of sinking in the viscous nightmare is getting stronger ... it turns out that the writer's brother - Michelle - is disabled, their late parents - fanatics, maniacs and sadists, detectives - are the hostages of their past…

It may seem to many that McDonagh 's play is far from our reality, but this is a play in which everyone sees his/her own personality, own biography and life and it will surely make you think about where do so many childhood traumas come from?! You will discover, that the beloved parents only raised you as a victim, or worse - some of you - even as oppressors?! You will think over, that a murderer of six people can be innocent?! You will notice how it is difficult to adapt to novelties and how people distinctive and different from others are irritating to you?! You will realize, that the only thing you should love God is that he has a favorite and one day you can be that favorite?!

And generally, you will find out, that “Happy End” is a big lie! There is no happy ending in life!

Duration: 190 minutes, with one intermission.


Visit of the Center of Contemporary Art

Center of Contemporary Art

Visite du Center of Contemporary Art

Center of Contemporary Art

Visit of the Center of Contemporary Art

Center of Contemporary Art

Visite du Center of Contemporary Art

Center of Contemporary Art

Navigator - Levan Tsuladze & Ana Tsutskiridze

Kote Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre

Navigator - Levan Tsuladze & Ana Tsutskiridze

Kote Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre

Navigator is a story about a man well adjusted to solitude - the story about Rostom, who is torn out of his comfort zone, his house, room, his habits and obsessions. Navigator is a story about a man, who is well adapted and even in love with his inferiority complexes – Rostom, who considers himself as a discent and fair, a man who’s father constantly insists on him to get away from his solitude and create a family, until it is not too late; a man, who thinks, that his coworker Clara will never like him, but encourages himself that he still has some kind of affair with her– in any case, Clara’s signs are meant only for him.

Navigator is a story of compensations - when reality and imagination do not match each other and when dejected by rality “light” and a cute psychopath Rostom wants to escape it. Because reality is new and stern technologies, coworkers without emotions and content, egoistic and passionless director, agressive and badmannered parent, cold and arrogant Clara - and it is closed and unfriendly to him. Navigator is a story about navigator’s voice and Rostom’s love - woman’s voice, that indicates him road signs, becomes his one only and mostly important reality. Since in Rostom’s empirical world anything else except navigator is plastic, artificial and simulative.

Duration: 120 minutes, with one intermission.

Navigator is a story about a man well adjusted to solitude - the story about Rostom, who is torn out of his comfort zone, his house, room, his habits and obsessions. Navigator is a story about a man, who is well adapted and even in love with his inferiority complexes – Rostom, who considers himself as a discent and fair, a man who’s father constantly insists on him to get away from his solitude and create a family, until it is not too late; a man, who thinks, that his coworker Clara will never like him, but encourages himself that he still has some kind of affair with her– in any case, Clara’s signs are meant only for him.

Navigator is a story of compensations - when reality and imagination do not match each other and when dejected by rality “light” and a cute psychopath Rostom wants to escape it. Because reality is new and stern technologies, coworkers without emotions and content, egoistic and passionless director, agressive and badmannered parent, cold and arrogant Clara - and it is closed and unfriendly to him. Navigator is a story about navigator’s voice and Rostom’s love - woman’s voice, that indicates him road signs, becomes his one only and mostly important reality. Since in Rostom’s empirical world anything else except navigator is plastic, artificial and simulative.

Duration: 120 minutes, with one intermission.


Navigator - Levan Tsuladze & Ana Tsutskiridze

Kote Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre

Navigator - Levan Tsuladze & Ana Tsutskiridze

Kote Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre

Navigator is a story about a man well adjusted to solitude - the story about Rostom, who is torn out of his comfort zone, his house, room, his habits and obsessions. Navigator is a story about a man, who is well adapted and even in love with his inferiority complexes – Rostom, who considers himself as a discent and fair, a man who’s father constantly insists on him to get away from his solitude and create a family, until it is not too late; a man, who thinks, that his coworker Clara will never like him, but encourages himself that he still has some kind of affair with her– in any case, Clara’s signs are meant only for him.

Navigator is a story of compensations - when reality and imagination do not match each other and when dejected by rality “light” and a cute psychopath Rostom wants to escape it. Because reality is new and stern technologies, coworkers without emotions and content, egoistic and passionless director, agressive and badmannered parent, cold and arrogant Clara - and it is closed and unfriendly to him. Navigator is a story about navigator’s voice and Rostom’s love - woman’s voice, that indicates him road signs, becomes his one only and mostly important reality. Since in Rostom’s empirical world anything else except navigator is plastic, artificial and simulative.

Duration: 120 minutes, with one intermission.

Navigator is a story about a man well adjusted to solitude - the story about Rostom, who is torn out of his comfort zone, his house, room, his habits and obsessions. Navigator is a story about a man, who is well adapted and even in love with his inferiority complexes – Rostom, who considers himself as a discent and fair, a man who’s father constantly insists on him to get away from his solitude and create a family, until it is not too late; a man, who thinks, that his coworker Clara will never like him, but encourages himself that he still has some kind of affair with her– in any case, Clara’s signs are meant only for him.

Navigator is a story of compensations - when reality and imagination do not match each other and when dejected by rality “light” and a cute psychopath Rostom wants to escape it. Because reality is new and stern technologies, coworkers without emotions and content, egoistic and passionless director, agressive and badmannered parent, cold and arrogant Clara - and it is closed and unfriendly to him. Navigator is a story about navigator’s voice and Rostom’s love - woman’s voice, that indicates him road signs, becomes his one only and mostly important reality. Since in Rostom’s empirical world anything else except navigator is plastic, artificial and simulative.

Duration: 120 minutes, with one intermission.

Wed 04.10

Parents Meeting - Mikheil Charkviani & Davit Khorbaladze

Beri Gabriel Salosi I Turn, #2, Former Elektrowerk

Parents Meeting - Mikheil Charkviani & Davit Khorbaladze

Beri Gabriel Salosi I Turn, #2, Former Elektrowerk

Parents Meeting is the second play by Open Space. This time creative group members start talking about themselves and share their personal emotional experience to the audience to help them in introspection. What means - being parent?! how can our life be changed with any little detail, what are the demands of the space with full of gender stereotypes and how does this space try to change our natural aspirations. What is the man's role in gender equality and is patriarchal world oppressive for men, such as women? What do we have to refuse to, when we let the world restrict our desires in favor of existing norms.

The text of Parents meeting is based on personal stories of actors; the full text also contains documentary interviews and novel of Georgian classic writer Niko Lortkipanidze Tragedy without a Hero.

Duration: 180 minutes, without intermission.

Parents Meeting is the second play by Open Space. This time creative group members start talking about themselves and share their personal emotional experience to the audience to help them in introspection. What means - being parent?! how can our life be changed with any little detail, what are the demands of the space with full of gender stereotypes and how does this space try to change our natural aspirations. What is the man's role in gender equality and is patriarchal world oppressive for men, such as women? What do we have to refuse to, when we let the world restrict our desires in favor of existing norms.

The text of Parents meeting is based on personal stories of actors; the full text also contains documentary interviews and novel of Georgian classic writer Niko Lortkipanidze Tragedy without a Hero.

Duration: 180 minutes, without intermission.


Parents Meeting - Mikheil Charkviani & Davit Khorbaladze

Beri Gabriel Salosi I Turn, #2, Former Elektrowerk

Parents Meeting - Mikheil Charkviani & Davit Khorbaladze

Beri Gabriel Salosi I Turn, #2, Former Elektrowerk

Parents Meeting is the second play by Open Space. This time creative group members start talking about themselves and share their personal emotional experience to the audience to help them in introspection. What means - being parent?! how can our life be changed with any little detail, what are the demands of the space with full of gender stereotypes and how does this space try to change our natural aspirations. What is the man's role in gender equality and is patriarchal world oppressive for men, such as women? What do we have to refuse to, when we let the world restrict our desires in favor of existing norms.

The text of Parents meeting is based on personal stories of actors; the full text also contains documentary interviews and novel of Georgian classic writer Niko Lortkipanidze Tragedy without a Hero.

Duration: 180 minutes, without intermission.

Parents Meeting is the second play by Open Space. This time creative group members start talking about themselves and share their personal emotional experience to the audience to help them in introspection. What means - being parent?! how can our life be changed with any little detail, what are the demands of the space with full of gender stereotypes and how does this space try to change our natural aspirations. What is the man's role in gender equality and is patriarchal world oppressive for men, such as women? What do we have to refuse to, when we let the world restrict our desires in favor of existing norms.

The text of Parents meeting is based on personal stories of actors; the full text also contains documentary interviews and novel of Georgian classic writer Niko Lortkipanidze Tragedy without a Hero.

Duration: 180 minutes, without intermission.


My Name is Lali - Paata Tsikolia

My Name is Lali - Paata Tsikolia

Cyberpunk in one act.

In far or near future the "rights on loneliness are regulated by law, friendship is guaranteed and protected".

Lali is a "Synthetic", which has been presented by the "City" to the "Consumer" in celebration of his birthday.

Marginal value of probability for suffering and misery in "all-optimal" and "all-managed" existence of the future is approaching zero.

Duration: 60 minutes, without intermission

Cyberpunk in one act.

In far or near future the "rights on loneliness are regulated by law, friendship is guaranteed and protected".

Lali is a "Synthetic", which has been presented by the "City" to the "Consumer" in celebration of his birthday.

Marginal value of probability for suffering and misery in "all-optimal" and "all-managed" existence of the future is approaching zero.

Duration: 60 minutes, without intermission


My Name is Lali - Paata Tsikolia

My Name is Lali - Paata Tsikolia

Cyberpunk in one act.

In far or near future the "rights on loneliness are regulated by law, friendship is guaranteed and protected".

Lali is a "Synthetic", which has been presented by the "City" to the "Consumer" in celebration of his birthday.

Marginal value of probability for suffering and misery in "all-optimal" and "all-managed" existence of the future is approaching zero.

Duration: 60 minutes, without intermission

Cyberpunk in one act.

In far or near future the "rights on loneliness are regulated by law, friendship is guaranteed and protected".

Lali is a "Synthetic", which has been presented by the "City" to the "Consumer" in celebration of his birthday.

Marginal value of probability for suffering and misery in "all-optimal" and "all-managed" existence of the future is approaching zero.

Duration: 60 minutes, without intermission

Fri 06.10

Romeo and Juliet - Chamber Theatre

Chamber Theatre

Roméo et Juliette - Chamber Theatre

Chamber Theatre

Romeo and Juliet - Chamber Theatre

Chamber Theatre

Roméo et Juliette - Chamber Theatre

Chamber Theatre

Talk to me - Puppet Theatre

Puppet Theatre

Talk to me - Puppet Theatre

Puppet Theatre

Talk to me - Puppet Theatre

Puppet Theatre

Talk to me - Puppet Theatre

Puppet Theatre
Sat 07.10

Yerevan Unplugged - MIHR Theatre

Saint Sarkis Church

Yerevan Unplugged - MIHR Theatre

Saint Sarkis Church

Yerevan Unplugged - MIHR Theatre

Saint Sarkis Church

Yerevan Unplugged - MIHR Theatre

Saint Sarkis Church

DanceIN/ACtion - NCA Small theatre

NCA Small theatre

DanceIN/ACtion - NCA Small theatre

NCA Small theatre

DanceIN/ACtion - NCA Small theatre

NCA Small theatre

DanceIN/ACtion - NCA Small theatre

NCA Small theatre

Girl is a girl is a girl is a girl - BA-AR-DI-A Dance Movement Laboratory

Sundukyan State Academic Theatre, Winter Garden

Girl is a girl is a girl is a girl - BA-AR-DI-A Dance Movement Laboratory

Sundukyan State Academic Theatre, Winter Garden

Girl is a girl is a girl is a girl - BA-AR-DI-A Dance Movement Laboratory

Sundukyan State Academic Theatre, Winter Garden

Girl is a girl is a girl is a girl - BA-AR-DI-A Dance Movement Laboratory

Sundukyan State Academic Theatre, Winter Garden
Sun 08.10


Goy Experimental Theatre


Goy Experimental Theatre


Goy Experimental Theatre


Goy Experimental Theatre

Don't leave me - NCA Small theatre

NCA Small theatre

Don't leave me - NCA Small theatre

NCA Small theatre

Don't leave me - NCA Small theatre

NCA Small theatre

Don't leave me - NCA Small theatre

NCA Small theatre