International network
for contemporary
performing arts

Réseau international
pour les arts du spectacle

Rete internazionale
per le arti performative


Internationales Netzwerk
für zeitgenössische
darstellende Künste

Международная сеть современного 

Red internacional
para las artes escénicas

Internationaal netwerk
voor hedendaagse

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Rede internacional
para as artes performativas

الشبكة الدولية
لفنون الأداء

í sviðslistum

Xarxa internacional
d'arts escèniques

Rhwydwaith rhyngwladol
ar gyfer celfyddydau
perfformio cyfoes

Rrjeti ndërkombëtar
për artet skenike

Διεθνές δίκτυο
για σύγχρονες
παραστατικές τέχνες

Međunarodna mreža 
za savremene 
scenske umjetnosti

Mezinárodní síť 
pro současné 
divadelní umění

International netværk
for kontemporær

Internasionale netwerk
vir kontemporêre
uitvoerende kunste

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Nemzetközi hálózat
a kortárs


líonra idirnáisiúnta
na taibhealaíona

Starptautiskais tīkls
skatuves mākslai

Netwerk internazzjonali
għall-arti performattivi

Międzynarodowa sieć
na rzecz współczesnych sztuk

Internationellt nätverk
för samtida

Međunarodna mreža
savremenih izvođačkih

Международна мрежа
за съвременни
сценични изкуства

Rrjet ndërkombëtar
për arte skenike

Міжнародная сетка
перфарматыўных мастацтваў

Međunarodna mreža
za suvremene
izvedbene umjetnosti


kaasaegsete etenduskunstide

현대 공연 예술을 위한 국제 네트워크

Tarptautinis tinklas
scenos menai

Интернационална мрежа
за современа
изведувачка уметност

شبکۀ بین المللی
برای هنرهای نمایشی معاصر

Rețeaua internațională
pentru artele spectacolului

Medzinárodná sieť
pre súčasné
scénické umenie

gösteri sanatları için
uluslararası iletişim ağı

Mon 12.06

Artistic programme unveiled

Location: Kedlen, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Location: Kedlen, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Address: Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, Indgang 3A, Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

Join this presentation and Q&A to learn more about the performances featured in the artistic programme at the IETM Aarhus Plenary Meeting. You will also be able to hear more about the artistic vision and the challenges behind the curation of the showcase.


Lotte Kofod Ludvigsen, Bora Bora, Denmark


Tina Tarpgaard, Recoil Performance Group, Denmark

Hanne Trap Friis, Teater freezeProductions, Denmark

Makka Kleist, Teater FreezeProductions, Denmark

Búi Dam, Det Ferösche Compagnie, Faroe Islands

Simone Wierød, Wired Studio, Denmark

My Grønholt, MYKA, Denmark


FIX&FOXY - We the 1%

Location: Store Sal, Musikhuset    Interested participants

Location: Store Sal, Musikhuset    Interested participants

Address: Store Sal. Thomas Jensens Allé 2 | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

Language: Danish with English subtitles

FIX&FOXY is diving into social classes and communities. The company writes:

“They live in ghettos. Predominantly spending time with those who already share their cultural values. Their children are enrolled into special schools and they don’t wish to contribute to the greater community. 

FIX&FOXY invite the rich on stage and away from our often fictionalised image of who they are and how they live. We get to know them intimately and experience what it is like to be able to pick from the top shelf and enjoy first-class life. And it feels great. 

Then, there is a knock at the door - it’s the lower class.”

Duration: 1 hour 30 min
Genre: Theatre
Price: 170 DKK (23€)


Participants: Homeless, indebted people, the upper class, people on social benefits and those who attend theatre performances to gaze at the others
Performer: Maria Rich
Director: Tue Biering
Set and costume designer: Karin Gille and Marie Rosendahl Chemnitz
Light designer: Karl Sørensen
Sound designer: Janus Jensen
Dramaturge: Aljoscha Begrich

Get in touch

Production contact: Annette Max Hansen
Status: Available for local versions and ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Musikhuset Aarhus with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.

Book your ticket


Recoil Performance Group — Høst, a performance about the working body in agriculture and dance

Location: Store Sal, Bora Bora    Interested participants

Location: Store Sal, Bora Bora    Interested participants

Address: Valdemarsgade 1, 8000 Aarhus C | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

HØST (HARVEST) is a dance performance articulated around the meeting of two trades: farming and dancing. It is an exploration of the working body as a living archive of a specific tradition. How is a body shaped by a profession? What does it mean to cultivate a body? How does it relate to cultivating a land and its soil?

In HØST, all senses are activated. The smell of grass will hang in the air, and the stage will send music into the feet of the dancers and out to the audience as one giant speaker.

Duration: 50 min
Genre: Dance
Price: 110 DKK (15€)


Choreographer: Tina Tarpgaard
Co-creating dance artists: Hilde I. Sandvold and Jossette Reilly
Composer, sound design and production: Lars Greve
Sound production: Jakob Høyer
Light designer: Andreas Buhl
Sound design: Mikkel Larsen
Costume designer: Inbal Lieblich
Operating technician: Thorbjørn Bach Larsen
Art photographer: Fryd Frydendahl
Production Manager: Karl Sørensen
Producer (international): Carlos Calvo
Producer (national): Gry Raaby
Icon Photographer: Søren Meisner
Produced by: recoil performance group
Sound design: Resonerende Rum
Supported by: the Danish Arts Foundation, Bikubenfonden, William Demant Foundation, Wilhelm Hansen Foundation, Augustinus Foundation and the Municipality of Copenhagen

Get in touch

Production contacts: 

Carlos Calvo (International touring)
Gry Raaby (National touring)

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.

Book your ticket


Between Music - AquaSonic

Location: Åbne Scene, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Location: Åbne Scene, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Address: Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, Indgang 3A, Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility 

Five performers submerge themselves in glass water tanks to play custom-made instruments and sing entirely underwater. Transformed inside these darkly glittering, aquatic chambers, they produce compositions that are both eerily melodic and powerfully resonant.

AquaSonic is the culmination of years of research into the exciting possibilities of submerged musical performance, breaking barriers and challenging existing paradigms.

The result is a concert experience completely out of the ordinary; a deep dive into a magical new universe of images and sounds.

After the performance, Between Music will host a 30 mins artist talk.

Duration: 55 min + 30 min artist talk (optional)
Genre: Underwater concert performance
Price: 150 DKK (20€)


Company: Between Music
Artistic director, composer, vocals, hydraulophone: Laila Skovmand
Innovative director, violin, crystallophone: Robert Karlsson
Vocals, rotacorda: Nanna Bech
Percussion: Moran Le Bars
Drums: Ludvig Bøjle Kastberg
Sound designer and sound engineer: Roman Komar
Light engineer: Andrew Tristram
Technical director and stage manager: John Nyby
First sound design: Anders Boll
Light design: Adalsteinn Stefansson & Rune Halken Tønnes

Originally co-produced by: FuturePerfect Productions and Aarhus 2017 European Capital of Culture

Supported by: Danish Arts Foundation / Statens Kunstfond, Aarhus Kommune, Aarhus 2017 European Capital of Culture and DJBFA

Get in touch

Production contact: Robert Karlsson

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.

Book your ticket


Linh Le - So the city is as citizen, so the city is as species

Location: Rådhuspladsen (Town hall square)    Interested participants

Location: Rådhuspladsen (Town hall square)    Interested participants

Address: Rådhuspladsen, 8000 Aarhus C | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

“So the city is as citizen, so the city is as species” is a one-day durational performative ritual which takes place from sunset to sunset, paying tribute to the diversity of life.

Rebelling against the dominance of the human species, performance artist and climate activist Linh Le creates a nature zone in the middle of the city, transporting a 10-ton pile of soil by bike with the help of the community. In the soil, Linh Le connects with and brings to life the very rare plant species pentanema squarrosum, investigating habitability, interspecies meetings and communities.

Pentanema squarrosum is Aarhus’ responsible species. At least 20% of the species’ total population lives in Denmark and therefore Denmark and Aarhus as the ambassador of the species has a special national responsibility to protect the species as it is globally considered rare.

IETM participants and citizens of Aarhus are invited to help this project succeed by transporting the soil from Godsbanen to the city centre by bikes - and by joining one of the performance rituals conducted over the course of the day. 

See full schedule below. 

Duration: 24 hours, 1 min 
Genre: Site-specific and durational performance
Price:  Free


Performance Artist and Climate activist: Linh Le

Get in touch

Production contact: Linh Le

Status: Ready for touring

All running times:

Overview of the durational performance from sunset to sunset:

  • Monday 12 June, 22:06 - 00:00: Biking ritual
  • Tuesday 13 June, 00:00 - 12:00: Biking ritual
    IETM participants are encouraged to join between 07:00-09:00.
  • Tuesday 13 June at 12:00 - 16:00: Performance Ritual by Linh Le
  • Tuesday 13 June at 16:00 - 16:15: Speech by Linh Le
  • Tuesday 13 June at 16:00 - 19:00: The soil rests
  • Tuesday 13 June at 19:00 - 22:07: Common Ritual
Tue 13.06

(Continued) Linh Le - So the city is as citizen, so the city is as species

Location: Rådhuspladsen (Town hall square)    Interested participants

Location: Rådhuspladsen (Town hall square)    Interested participants

Address: Rådhuspladsen, 8000 Aarhus C | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

“So the city is as citizen, so the city is as species” is a one-day durational performative ritual which takes place from sunset to sunset, paying tribute to the diversity of life.

Rebelling against the dominance of the human species, performance artist and climate activist Linh Le creates a nature zone in the middle of the city, transporting a 10-ton pile of soil by bike with the help of the community. In the soil, Linh Le connects with and brings to life the very rare plant species pentanema squarrosum, investigating habitability, interspecies meetings and communities.

Pentanema squarrosum is Aarhus’ responsible species. At least 20% of the species’ total population lives in Denmark and therefore Denmark and Aarhus as the ambassador of the species has a special national responsibility to protect the species as it is globally considered rare.

IETM participants and citizens of Aarhus are invited to help this project succeed by transporting the soil from Godsbanen to the city centre by bikes - and by joining one of the performance rituals conducted over the course of the day. 

See full schedule below. 

Duration: 24 hours, 1 min 
Genre: Site-specific and durational performance
Price:  Free


Performance Artist and Climate activist: Linh Le

Get in touch

Production contact: Linh Le

Status: Ready for touring

All running times:

Overview of the durational performance from sunset to sunset:

  • Monday 12 June, 22:06 - 00:00: Biking ritual
  • Tuesday 13 June, 00:00 - 12:00: Biking ritual
    IETM participants are encouraged to join between 07:00-09:00.
  • Tuesday 13 June at 12:00 - 16:00: Performance Ritual by Linh Le
  • Tuesday 13 June at 16:00 - 16:15: Speech by Linh Le
  • Tuesday 13 June at 16:00 - 19:00: The soil rests
  • Tuesday 13 June at 19:00 - 22:07: Common Ritual

Secret Hotel — Banquet for Bees

Location: Outdoors (meeting point: Bora Bora)    Interested participants

Location: Outdoors (meeting point: Bora Bora)    Interested participants

Address: Valdemarsgade 1, 8000 Aarhus C | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

The audience gathers around a specially prepared banquet table. The performers invite you to enter the secret world of bees: and whilst you are their guest, you learn a bee dance, hear wondrous and compelling facts about bees and much more.

The performers investigate humanity’s fascination with the magical substance of honey and hive life, and the vital role that bees play as pollinators.

Banquet for Bees is about honeybees and the lesser known wild bees, and their different approaches to communal life. These two tribes from the bee world are still considered opponents. 

Duration: 1 hour 30 min 
Genre: Walking Performance
Price: 75 DKK (10€)


Director, concept and performer: Christine Fentz
Co-creator and performer: Charlotta Grimfjord Cederblad
Co-creators: Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy, Gergö Lukacs, Viktória Makra, Bodil Buonaventzen
Voice of researcher: Horticulturist Lise Hansted
Composer: Birgit Løkke
Dramaturg and technician: John Tinning
Scenography consultant: Sigrid C. Moses-Jacobsen
Costumes: Bodil Buonaventzen, Marianne Henez, Helene Jensen/Textilkokken
Coordinator: Maja Ravn Christiansen

Get in touch

Production contact: Christine Fentz

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.

Book your ticket

All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 11:00-12:30
  • Tuesday 13 June, 14:00-15:30

Secret Hotel — Banquet for Bees

Location: Outdoors (meeting point: Bora Bora)    Interested participants

Location: Outdoors (meeting point: Bora Bora)    Interested participants

Address: Valdemarsgade 1, 8000 Aarhus C | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

The audience gathers around a specially prepared banquet table. The performers invite you to enter the secret world of bees: and whilst you are their guest, you learn a bee dance, hear wondrous and compelling facts about bees and much more.

The performers investigate humanity’s fascination with the magical substance of honey and hive life, and the vital role that bees play as pollinators.

Banquet for Bees is about honeybees and the lesser known wild bees, and their different approaches to communal life. These two tribes from the bee world are still considered opponents. 

Duration: 1 hour 30 min 
Genre: Walking Performance
Price: 75 DKK (10€)


Director, concept and performer: Christine Fentz
Co-creator and performer: Charlotta Grimfjord Cederblad
Co-creators: Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy, Gergö Lukacs, Viktória Makra, Bodil Buonaventzen
Voice of researcher: Horticulturist Lise Hansted
Composer: Birgit Løkke
Dramaturg and technician: John Tinning
Scenography consultant: Sigrid C. Moses-Jacobsen
Costumes: Bodil Buonaventzen, Marianne Henez, Helene Jensen/Textilkokken
Coordinator: Maja Ravn Christiansen

Get in touch

Production contact: Christine Fentz

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.

Book your ticket

All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 11:00-12:30
  • Tuesday 13 June, 14:00-15:30

The National Theatre of Greenland - The Traveller

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

Address: Frederiksgade 72, 8000 Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility 

Language: English

The Traveller is not a theatre performance as we know it. It is an experience room for the audience. The inspiration comes from the theatre of the senses. The audience gets to use their senses and imagination in a journey through life.

Testimonials from the performances:

“This is the atmosphere of Greenland.”

"Thank you for making me realise how important it is to be with yourself before passing that love on."

”A very intimate and sensorial experience with room for reflection and to be present in the moment.”

Duration: 30 min
Genre: Theatre/Performance
Price: 75 DKK (€10)


Concept, dramaturge and artistic consultant: Susanne Andreasen
Set design consultant: Camilla Nielsen
Actors / singers (residents): Pilutaq Lundblad, Hans-Henrik S. Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Aviana Steinbacher
Text (poem): Salik Lennert
Choreography: Hans-Henrik Poulsen
Set design: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann, Camilla Nielsen and Susanne Andreasen
Props: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen.
Costumes: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen
Light: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Seamstress: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen.


1. ‘Lonesome’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

2. ‘The wind’, feat Helle Chirholm
Artist: Ganga

3. ’Angalasoq’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

Production manager: Susanne Andreasen
Photos: Gerth Lyberth
Technician: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Stage design, build: Nuunu Martinsen and Pilutaq Lundblad
Administration: Edvard Lyberth and Susanne Andreasen
Production: Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia

Thanks to: Karina Møller, Salik G. Lennert, Milla M. Petersen and our test audience who helped shaping this performance

This performance has potential accessibility obstacles. For more information about the accessibility and potential trigger warnings for this performance, please see Practical Info > Accessibility > Artistic programme venues > Teater Refleksion.

Get in touch

Production contact: Pilutaq Lundblad

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:35
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:10
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:45
  • Wednesday 14 June, 18:25
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:35
  • Wednesday 14 June, 20:10

Wired Studio - Boxed

Location: Outdoors (Meeting point in front of Åbne Scene)    Interested participants

Location: Outdoors (Meeting point in front of Åbne Scene)    Interested participants

AddressGodsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, Indgang 3A, Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

LanguageEnglish, no captions available 

A living sculpture in an urban space. 

A sculpture that is created by you, the participating audience. With instructions given through headphones, you will be a part of a larger choreographic system, moving objects, creating formations,and shaping the space between you.

Together you will perform choreographic actions and create a mobile physical structure while exploring group dynamics, creativity and individuality.

BOXED reflects upon what kind of systems we take part in, in society – practically, socially, politically, and personally – and what kind of rules and dynamics that requires. 

Duration: 45 min
Genre: Choreography / outdoor participatory performance
Price: 75 DKK (10€)


Artist: Wired Studio
Choreographer: Simone Wierød
Dramaturge: Betina Rex
Music: M€RCY
Scenographic consultation: Stumper og Stykker
Manufacturer: Munchs Snedkeri
Video: Tim Panduro
Photos: Karsten Piper
Supported by: The Danish Art Foundation, Center of Art and Technology, Helsinore Theatre
Recommended age: From 15 years

No performance experience is needed to participate in BOXED. Good shoes are recommended. Please note that you will be required to move with others while carrying wooden boxes.

Get in touch

Status: Ready for touring

Production contactsSimone Wierød

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.

Book your ticket

All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 17:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00

The National Theatre of Greenland - The Traveller

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

AddressFrederiksgade 72, 8000 Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility 


The Traveller is not a theatre performance as we know it. It is an experience room for the audience. The inspiration comes from the theatre of the senses. The audience gets to use their senses and imagination in a journey through life.

Testimonials from the performances:

“This is the atmosphere of Greenland.”

"Thank you for making me realise how important it is to be with yourself before passing that love on."

”A very intimate and sensorial experience with room for reflection and to be present in the moment.”

Duration: 30 min
Genre: Theatre/Performance
Price: 75 DKK (€10)


Concept, dramaturge and artistic consultant: Susanne Andreasen
Set design consultant: Camilla Nielsen
Actors / singers (residents): Pilutaq Lundblad, Hans-Henrik S. Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Aviana Steinbacher
Text (poem): Salik Lennert
Choreography: Hans-Henrik Poulsen
Set design: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann, Camilla Nielsen and Susanne Andreasen
Props: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen.
Costumes: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen
Light: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Seamstress: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen.


1. ‘Lonesome’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

2. ‘The wind’, feat Helle Chirholm
Artist: Ganga

3. ’Angalasoq’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

Production manager: Susanne Andreasen
Photos: Gerth Lyberth
Technician: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Stage design, build: Nuunu Martinsen and Pilutaq Lundblad
Administration: Edvard Lyberth and Susanne Andreasen
Production: Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia

Thanks to: Karina Møller, Salik G. Lennert, Milla M. Petersen and our test audience who helped shaping this performance

This performance has potential accessibility obstacles. For more information about the accessibility and potential trigger warnings for this performance, please see Practical Info > Accessibility > Artistic programme venues > Teater Refleksion.

Get in touch

Production contactPilutaq Lundblad

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:35
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:10
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:45
  • Wednesday 14 June, 18:25
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:35
  • Wednesday 14 June, 20:10

The National Theatre of Greenland - The Traveller

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

AddressFrederiksgade 72, 8000 Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility 


The Traveller is not a theatre performance as we know it. It is an experience room for the audience. The inspiration comes from the theatre of the senses. The audience gets to use their senses and imagination in a journey through life.

Testimonials from the performances:

“This is the atmosphere of Greenland.”

"Thank you for making me realise how important it is to be with yourself before passing that love on."

”A very intimate and sensorial experience with room for reflection and to be present in the moment.”

Duration: 30 min
Genre: Theatre/Performance
Price: 75 DKK (€10)


Concept, dramaturge and artistic consultant: Susanne Andreasen
Set design consultant: Camilla Nielsen
Actors / singers (residents): Pilutaq Lundblad, Hans-Henrik S. Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Aviana Steinbacher
Text (poem): Salik Lennert
Choreography: Hans-Henrik Poulsen
Set design: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann, Camilla Nielsen and Susanne Andreasen
Props: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen.
Costumes: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen
Light: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Seamstress: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen.


1. ‘Lonesome’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

2. ‘The wind’, feat Helle Chirholm
Artist: Ganga

3. ’Angalasoq’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

Production manager: Susanne Andreasen
Photos: Gerth Lyberth
Technician: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Stage design, build: Nuunu Martinsen and Pilutaq Lundblad
Administration: Edvard Lyberth and Susanne Andreasen
Production: Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia

Thanks to: Karina Møller, Salik G. Lennert, Milla M. Petersen and our test audience who helped shaping this performance

This performance has potential accessibility obstacles. For more information about the accessibility and potential trigger warnings for this performance, please see Practical Info > Accessibility > Artistic programme venues > Teater Refleksion.

Get in touch

Production contactPilutaq Lundblad

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:35
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:10
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:45
  • Wednesday 14 June, 18:25
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:35
  • Wednesday 14 June, 20:10

The National Theatre of Greenland - The Traveller

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

AddressFrederiksgade 72, 8000 Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility 


The Traveller is not a theatre performance as we know it. It is an experience room for the audience. The inspiration comes from the theatre of the senses. The audience gets to use their senses and imagination in a journey through life.

Testimonials from the performances:

“This is the atmosphere of Greenland.”

"Thank you for making me realise how important it is to be with yourself before passing that love on."

”A very intimate and sensorial experience with room for reflection and to be present in the moment.”

Duration: 30 min
Genre: Theatre/Performance
Price: 75 DKK (€10)


Concept, dramaturge and artistic consultant: Susanne Andreasen
Set design consultant: Camilla Nielsen
Actors / singers (residents):Pilutaq Lundblad, Hans-Henrik S. Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Aviana Steinbacher
Text (poem): Salik Lennert
Choreography: Hans-Henrik Poulsen
Set design: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann, Camilla Nielsen and Susanne Andreasen
Props: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen.
Costumes: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen
Light: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Seamstress: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen.


1. ‘Lonesome’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

2. ‘The wind’, feat Helle Chirholm
Artist: Ganga

3. ’Angalasoq’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

Production manager: Susanne Andreasen
Photos: Gerth Lyberth
Technician: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Stage design, build: Nuunu Martinsen and Pilutaq Lundblad
Administration: Edvard Lyberth and Susanne Andreasen
Production: Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia

Thanks to: Karina Møller, Salik G. Lennert, Milla M. Petersen and our test audience who helped shaping this performance

This performance has potential accessibility obstacles. For more information about the accessibility and potential trigger warnings for this performance, please see Practical Info > Accessibility > Artistic programme venues > Teater Refleksion.

Get in touch

Production contactPilutaq Lundblad

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:35
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:10
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:45
  • Wednesday 14 June, 18:25
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:35
  • Wednesday 14 June, 20:10

Wired Studio - Boxed

Location: Outdoors (Meeting point in front of Åbne Scene)    Interested participants

Location: Outdoors (Meeting point in front of Åbne Scene)    Interested participants

AddressGodsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, Indgang 3A, Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

LanguageEnglish, no captions available 

A living sculpture in an urban space. 

A sculpture that is created by you, the participating audience. With instructions given through headphones, you will be a part of a larger choreographic system, moving objects, creating formations,and shaping the space between you.

Together you will perform choreographic actions and create a mobile physical structure while exploring group dynamics, creativity and individuality.

BOXED reflects upon what kind of systems we take part in, in society – practically, socially, politically, and personally – and what kind of rules and dynamics that requires. 

Duration: 45 min
Genre: Choreography / outdoor participatory performance
Price: 75 DKK (10€)


Artist: Wired Studio
Choreographer: Simone Wierød
Dramaturge: Betina Rex
Music: M€RCY
Scenographic consultation: Stumper og Stykker
Manufacturer: Munchs Snedkeri
Video: Tim Panduro
Photos: Karsten Piper
Supported by: The Danish Art Foundation, Center of Art and Technology, Helsinore Theatre
Recommended age: From 15 years

No performance experience is needed to participate in BOXED. Good shoes are recommended. Please note that you will be required to move with others while carrying wooden boxes.

Get in touch

Production contactsSimone Wierød

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.

BOOK Your ticket

All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 17:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00

Between Music - AquaSonic

Location: Åbne Scene, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Location: Åbne Scene, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Address: Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, Indgang 3A, Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility 

Five performers submerge themselves in glass water tanks to play custom-made instruments and sing entirely underwater. Transformed inside these darkly glittering, aquatic chambers, they produce compositions that are both eerily melodic and powerfully resonant.

AquaSonic is the culmination of years of research into the exciting possibilities of submerged musical performance, breaking barriers and challenging existing paradigms.

The result is a concert experience completely out of the ordinary; a deep dive into a magical new universe of images and sounds.

Duration:  55 min
Genre: Underwater concert performance
Price: 150 DKK (20€)


Company: Between Music
Artistic director, composer, vocals, hydraulophone: Laila Skovmand
Innovative director, violin, crystallophone: Robert Karlsson
Vocals, rotacorda: Nanna Bech
Percussion: Moran Le Bars
Drums: Ludvig Bøjle Kastberg
Sound designer and sound engineer: Roman Komar
Light engineer: Andrew Tristram
Technical director and stage manager: John Nyby
First sound design: Anders Boll
Light design: Adalsteinn Stefansson & Rune Halken Tønnes

Originally co-produced by: FuturePerfect Productions and Aarhus 2017 European Capital of Culture

Supported by: Danish Arts Foundation / Statens Kunstfond, Aarhus Kommune, Aarhus 2017 European Capital of Culture and DJBFA

Get in touch

Production contact: Robert Karlsson

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount code. 

Book your ticket

All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Monday 12 June, 21:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 19:30

Teater freezeProductions — The View

Location: Teaterhuset Filuren    Interested participants

Location: Teaterhuset Filuren    Interested participants

Address: Thomas Jensens Allé 2, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark  | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

Please note that there are two entrances to Teaterhuset Filuren. If you come straight from Godsbanen, the nearest entrance is from Skovgårdsgade 2C.

Language: English

How do you fit twelve sled dogs into a three room apartment?

In the 1960s and 70s, the Danish government decided to close down settlements in Greenland and relocate people as part of their efforts to urbanise the native population.

“The View” is a strong and touching performance about a woman and her husband being forced to leave their home. It is a story about love, grief and hope; about the new daily life, the sled dogs they had to put down, the joy of getting running water…

The monologue is written and performed by Makka Kleist, one of Greenland’s leading actresses and dramatists. “The View” premiered in Nuuk, Greenland in one of the buildings used in the urbanisation process.

Duration: 55 min
Genre: Theatre
Price: 75 DKK (10€)


Playwright: Makka Kleist
Director : Hanne Trap Friis
Actress: Makka Kleist
Soundscape: Hans-Ole Amossen
Videographer: Michael Lindskov Jacobsen
Film credits: Ànorâk Film
Produced by: Teater freezeProductions

Get in touch

Production contact: Hanne Trap Friis 

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Enter the promo code: IETM23 to get direct access to the discounted IETM rate. 


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 19:30
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:30

Recoil Performance Group — Høst, a performance about the working body in agriculture and dance

Location: Store Sal, Bora Bora    Interested participants

Location: Store Sal, Bora Bora    Interested participants

Address: Valdemarsgade 1, 8000 Aarhus C | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

HØST (HARVEST) is a dance performance articulated around the meeting of two trades: farming and dancing. It is an exploration of the working body as a living archive of a specific tradition. How is a body shaped by a profession? What does it mean to cultivate a body? How does it relate to cultivating a land and its soil?

In HØST, all senses are activated. The smell of grass will hang in the air, and the stage will send music into the feet of the dancers and out to the audience as one giant speaker.

Duration: 50 min
Genre: Dance
Price: 110 DKK (15€)


Choreographer: Tina Tarpgaard
Co-creating dance artists: Hilde I. Sandvold and Jossette Reilly
Composer, sound design and production: Lars Greve
Sound production: Jakob Høyer
Light designer: Andreas Buhl
Sound design: Mikkel Larsen
Costume designer: Inbal Lieblich
Operating technician: Thorbjørn Bach Larsen
Art photographer: Fryd Frydendahl
Production Manager: Karl Sørensen
Producer (international): Carlos Calvo
Producer (national): Gry Raaby
Icon Photographer: Søren Meisner
Produced by: recoil performance group
Sound design: Resonerende Rum
Supported by: the Danish Arts Foundation, Bikubenfonden, William Demant Foundation, Wilhelm Hansen Foundation, Augustinus Foundation and the Municipality of Copenhagen

Get in touch

Production contacts: 

Carlos Calvo (International touring)
Gry Raaby (National touring)

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.

Book your ticket

All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Monday 12 June, 19:30
  • Tuesday 13 June, 19:30

Det Ferösche Compagnie - Castle of Joy

Location: Teater Katapult    Interested participants

Location: Teater Katapult    Interested participants

Address: Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, 5, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

Performance in English

Castle of Joy is based on the true story about the life and work of outsider artist Pól Jóhannus Poulsen; also called Joy. 

Pól Jóhannus was born in 1925, the youngest of 13 siblings, in a small village in the Faroe Islands. He was different and was treated as a village idiot. However, this did not stop him from pursuing his dream which was to build a world of his own.

Duration: 2 hours (incl 20 min break)
Genre: Theatre
Price: 110 DKK (15€)


Director: Búi Dam 
With: Kristina Sørensen Ougaard
Composer: Dánjal á Neystabø
Light Design: Súni Joensen
Set and Costume Design: Sámal Blak
Assistant Director and Choreographer: Búi Rouch
Staging and Costume: Anna Kristin Bæk
Research Advisor: Bergtóra Patursson
Production: Urd Johannesen
Tour Manager: Durita Sumberg

Get in touch

Production contact: Durita Sumberg

Status: Ready for touring 

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.

Book your ticket

All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 21:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:30

Ferske Scener — Blood Club [Guest performance from Tromsø] [FULL]

Location: Radar, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Location: Radar, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Address: Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, Indgang 3A, Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

In an unpredictable mix of humour and sincerity, Blood Club deals with themes of belonging, community, cultural heritage and cultural future.

Blood Club is a series of performative encounters where the artists and the audience investigate our contradictory relationship with genetics and culture. It’s a search for the ultimate feeling of togetherness and how to create a strong community.

The leaders of Blood Club represent archetypes from the north: 'The Sami activist',  'the researcher',  'the victim of Norwegianisation ' and 'the bearer of Norwegian guilt'. They search to expand or develop these  'types' and create new roles for the future while presenting possibilities  - or perhaps utopias - that can replace them. There will be speeches, exercises and live music by the hard-core-band Ondt Blod.

Duration: 2 hours

Genre: Performative encounter

Price: Free


Performers: Kristin Bjørn, Bernt Bjørn, Kristina Junttila, Sigbjørn Skåden and Hilde Kristin Liu

Music: Ondt Blod v/Aslak Heikka Hætta Bjørn, Alexander Våga Mortensen, John Nilsen, Håvard Rushfeldt and Jørgen Store Johansen

Get in touch

Production contact: Marianne Siljuberg

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Reserve your spot 

Attendance by pre-registration only. 

Maximum number of participants: 70

Wed 14.06


Location: Kabinettet, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Location: Kabinettet, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Address: Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, 5, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark | Event MapVenue Accessibility

In an ocean filled with plastic, we dive into an underwater journey in a magical and poetic sea universe. Below the surface we meet waves, sea plants, sea animals…and plastic.

Tons of plastic bags, bottles and micro plastics are floating in Earth’s oceans, damaging the fish, plants and human beings. How can we use less plastic and how can we do it in a more efficient way than we do now?

OCEAN sparks reflections about plastic pollution, embracing a hope for the future. The performance is based on installations in a cross disciplinary field. 

Duration: 40 min
Genre: Dance performance and installation
Price: 75 DKK (10€)


Concept: MYKA
Choreography: My Grönholdt
Scenography and costume design: Baum & Leahy x Emilie Alstrup
Scenography assistant: Fie von Veer
Music and sound design: Erik Christoffersen
Dancers: Julie Rasmussen and Vincent Jonsson
Light design: Sonja Lea
Consultants: Jon R. Skulberg and Dalija Acin Thelander
Photo and video: Morten Arnfred, Rune Svenningsen
Graphic design: Nete Banke/Imperiet
Producer: Sofia Wickman
Administration: Jens Christian Jensen

Supported by: The Danish Arts Foundation, Augustinus Foundation, Beckett Foundation, Island Connect residency program, Copenhagen Municipality and William Demant Foundation. 

Get in touch

Production contact: Sofia Wickman

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.




Location: Kabinettet, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Location: Kabinettet, Godsbanen    Interested participants

Address: Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, 5, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark | Event Map |  Venue Accessibility

In an ocean filled with plastic, we dive into an underwater journey in a magical and poetic sea universe. Below the surface we meet waves, sea plants, sea animals…and plastic.

Tons of plastic bags, bottles and micro plastics are floating in Earth’s oceans, damaging the fish, plants and human beings. How can we use less plastic and how can we do it in a more efficient way than we do now?

OCEAN sparks reflections about plastic pollution, embracing a hope for the future. The performance is based on installations in a cross disciplinary field. 

Duration: 40 min
Genre: Dance performance and installation
Price: 75 DKK (10€)


Concept: MYKA
Choreography: My Grönholdt
Scenography and costume design: Baum & Leahy x Emilie Alstrup
Scenography assistant: Fie von Veer
Music and sound design: Erik Christoffersen
Dancers: Julie Rasmussen and Vincent Jonsson
Light design: Sonja Lea
Consultants: Jon R. Skulberg and Dalija Acin Thelander
Photo and video: Morten Arnfred, Rune Svenningsen
Graphic design: Nete Banke/Imperiet
Producer: Sofia Wickman
Administration: Jens Christian Jensen

Supported by: The Danish Arts Foundation, Augustinus Foundation, Beckett Foundation, Island Connect residency program, Copenhagen Municipality and William Demant Foundation. 

Get in touch

Production contact: Sofia Wickman

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.




Wired Studio - Boxed

Location: Outdoors (Meeting point in front of Åbne Scene)    Interested participants

Location: Outdoors (Meeting point in front of Åbne Scene)    Interested participants

AddressGodsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, Indgang 3A, Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

LanguageEnglish, no captions available 

A living sculpture in an urban space. 

A sculpture that is created by you, the participating audience. With instructions given through headphones, you will be a part of a larger choreographic system, moving objects, creating formations,and shaping the space between you.

Together you will perform choreographic actions and create a mobile physical structure while exploring group dynamics, creativity and individuality.

BOXED reflects upon what kind of systems we take part in, in society – practically, socially, politically, and personally – and what kind of rules and dynamics that requires. 

Duration: 45 min
Genre: Choreography / outdoor participatory performance
Price: 75 DKK (10€)


Artist: Wired Studio
Choreographer: Simone Wierød
Dramaturge: Betina Rex
Music: M€RCY
Scenographic consultation: Stumper og Stykker
Manufacturer: Munchs Snedkeri
Video: Tim Panduro
Photos: Karsten Piper
Supported by: The Danish Art Foundation, Center of Art and Technology, Helsinore Theatre
Recommended age: From 15 years

No performance experience is needed to participate in BOXED. Good shoes are recommended. Please note that you will be required to move with others while carrying wooden boxes.

Get in touch

Production contactsSimone Wierød

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.

book your ticket

All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 17:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00

The National Theatre of Greenland - The Traveller

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

AddressFrederiksgade 72, 8000 Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility 


The Traveller is not a theatre performance as we know it. It is an experience room for the audience. The inspiration comes from the theatre of the senses. The audience gets to use their senses and imagination in a journey through life.

Testimonials from the performances:

“This is the atmosphere of Greenland.”

"Thank you for making me realise how important it is to be with yourself before passing that love on."

”A very intimate and sensorial experience with room for reflection and to be present in the moment.”

Duration: 30 min
Genre: Theatre/Performance
Price: 75 DKK (€10)


Concept, dramaturge and artistic consultant: Susanne Andreasen
Set design consultant: Camilla Nielsen
Actors / singers (residents): Pilutaq Lundblad, Hans-Henrik S. Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Aviana Steinbacher
Text (poem): Salik Lennert
Choreography: Hans-Henrik Poulsen
Set design: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann, Camilla Nielsen and Susanne Andreasen
Props: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen.
Costumes: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen
Light: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Seamstress: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen.


1. ‘Lonesome’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

2. ‘The wind’, feat Helle Chirholm
Artist: Ganga

3. ’Angalasoq’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

Production manager: Susanne Andreasen
Photos: Gerth Lyberth
Technician: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Stage design, build: Nuunu Martinsen and Pilutaq Lundblad
Administration: Edvard Lyberth and Susanne Andreasen
Production: Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia

Thanks to: Karina Møller, Salik G. Lennert, Milla M. Petersen and our test audience who helped shaping this performance

This performance has potential accessibility obstacles. For more information about the accessibility and potential trigger warnings for this performance, please see Practical Info > Accessibility > Artistic programme venues > Teater Refleksion.

Get in touch

Production contactPilutaq Lundblad

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:35
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:10
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:45
  • Wednesday 14 June, 18:25
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:35
  • Wednesday 14 June, 20:10

Wired Studio - Boxed

Location: Outdoors (Meeting point in front of Åbne Scene)    Interested participants

Location: Outdoors (Meeting point in front of Åbne Scene)    Interested participants

Address: Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, Indgang 3A, Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

Language: English, no captions available 

A living sculpture in an urban space. 

A sculpture that is created by you, the participating audience. With instructions given through headphones, you will be a part of a larger choreographic system, moving objects, creating formations,and shaping the space between you.

Together you will perform choreographic actions and create a mobile physical structure while exploring group dynamics, creativity and individuality.

BOXED reflects upon what kind of systems we take part in, in society – practically, socially, politically, and personally – and what kind of rules and dynamics that requires. 

Duration: 45 min
Genre: Choreography / outdoor participatory performance
Price: 75 DKK (10€)


Artist: Wired Studio
Choreographer: Simone Wierød
Dramaturge: Betina Rex
Music: M€RCY
Scenographic consultation: Stumper og Stykker
Manufacturer: Munchs Snedkeri
Video: Tim Panduro
Photos: Karsten Piper
Supported by: The Danish Art Foundation, Center of Art and Technology, Helsinore Theatre
Recommended age: From 15 years

No performance experience is needed to participate in BOXED. Good shoes are recommended. Please note that you will be required to move with others while carrying wooden boxes.

Get in touch

Production contacts: Simone Wierød

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 17:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00

The National Theatre of Greenland - The Traveller

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

Address: Frederiksgade 72, 8000 Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility 

Language: English

The Traveller is not a theatre performance as we know it. It is an experience room for the audience. The inspiration comes from the theatre of the senses. The audience gets to use their senses and imagination in a journey through life.

Testimonials from the performances:

“This is the atmosphere of Greenland.”

"Thank you for making me realise how important it is to be with yourself before passing that love on."

”A very intimate and sensorial experience with room for reflection and to be present in the moment.”

Duration: 30 min
Genre: Theatre/Performance
Price: 75 DKK (€10)


Concept, dramaturge and artistic consultant: Susanne Andreasen
Set design consultant: Camilla Nielsen
Actors / singers (residents): Pilutaq Lundblad, Hans-Henrik S. Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Aviana Steinbacher
Text (poem): Salik Lennert
Choreography: Hans-Henrik Poulsen
Set design: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann, Camilla Nielsen and Susanne Andreasen
Props: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen.
Costumes: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen
Light: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Seamstress: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen.


1. ‘Lonesome’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

2. ‘The wind’, feat Helle Chirholm
Artist: Ganga

3. ’Angalasoq’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

Production manager: Susanne Andreasen
Photos: Gerth Lyberth
Technician: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Stage design, build: Nuunu Martinsen and Pilutaq Lundblad
Administration: Edvard Lyberth and Susanne Andreasen
Production: Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia

Thanks to: Karina Møller, Salik G. Lennert, Milla M. Petersen and our test audience who helped shaping this performance

This performance has potential accessibility obstacles. For more information about the accessibility and potential trigger warnings for this performance, please see Practical Info > Accessibility > Artistic programme venues > Teater Refleksion.

Get in touch

Production contact: Pilutaq Lundblad

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:35
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:10
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:45
  • Wednesday 14 June, 18.25
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:35
  • Wednesday 14 June, 20:10

Teater freezeProductions — The View

Location: Teaterhuset Filuren    Interested participants

Location: Teaterhuset Filuren    Interested participants

Address: Thomas Jensens Allé 2, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark  | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

Please note that there are two entrances to Teaterhuset Filuren. If you come straight from Godsbanen, the nearest entrance is from Skovgårdsgade 2C.

Language: English

How do you fit twelve sled dogs into a three room apartment?

In the 1960s and 70s, the Danish government decided to close down settlements in Greenland and relocate people as part of their efforts to urbanise the native population.

“The View” is a strong and touching performance about a woman and her husband being forced to leave their home. It is a story about love, grief and hope; about the new daily life, the sled dogs they had to put down, the joy of getting running water…

The monologue is written and performed by Makka Kleist, one of Greenland’s leading actresses and dramatists. “The View” premiered in Nuuk, Greenland in one of the buildings used in the urbanisation process.

Duration: 55 min
Genre: Theatre
Price: 75 DKK (10€)


Playwright: Makka Kleist
Director : Hanne Trap Friis
Actress: Makka Kleist
Soundscape: Hans-Ole Amossen
Videographer: Michael Lindskov Jacobsen
Film credits: Ànorâk Film
Produced by: Teater freezeProductions

Get in touch

Production contact: Hanne Trap Friis 

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Enter the promo code: IETM23 to get direct access to the discounted IETM rate. Further information about the performance can be found here.


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 19:30
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:30

Det Ferösche Compagnie - Castle of Joy

Location: Teater Katapult    Interested participants

Location: Teater Katapult    Interested participants

Address: Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, 5, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark | Event Map | Venue Accessibility

Performance in English

Castle of Joy is based on the true story about the life and work of outsider artist Pól Jóhannus Poulsen; also called Joy. 

Pól Jóhannus was born in 1925, the youngest of 13 siblings, in a small village in the Faroe Islands. He was different and was treated as a village idiot. However, this did not stop him from pursuing his dream which was to build a world of his own.

Duration: 2 hours (incl 20 min break)
Genre: Theatre
Price: 110 DKK (15€)


Director: Búi Dam 
With: Kristina Sørensen Ougaard
Composer: Dánjal á Neystabø
Light Design: Súni Joensen
Set and Costume Design: Sámal Blak
Assistant Director and Choreographer: Búi Rouch
Staging and Costume: Anna Kristin Bæk
Research Advisor: Bergtóra Patursson
Production: Urd Johannesen
Tour Manager: Durita Sumberg

Get in touch

Production contact: Durita Sumberg

Status: Ready for touring 

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 19:30
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:30

The National Theatre of Greenland - The Traveller

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

AddressFrederiksgade 72, 8000 Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility 


The Traveller is not a theatre performance as we know it. It is an experience room for the audience. The inspiration comes from the theatre of the senses. The audience gets to use their senses and imagination in a journey through life.

Testimonials from the performances:

“This is the atmosphere of Greenland.”

"Thank you for making me realise how important it is to be with yourself before passing that love on."

”A very intimate and sensorial experience with room for reflection and to be present in the moment.”

Duration: 30 min
Genre: Theatre/Performance
Price: 75 DKK (€10)


Concept, dramaturge and artistic consultant: Susanne Andreasen
Set design consultant: Camilla Nielsen
Actors / singers (residents): Pilutaq Lundblad, Hans-Henrik S. Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Aviana Steinbacher
Text (poem): Salik Lennert
Choreography: Hans-Henrik Poulsen
Set design: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann, Camilla Nielsen and Susanne Andreasen
Props: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen.
Costumes: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen
Light: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Seamstress: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen.


1. ‘Lonesome’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

2. ‘The wind’, feat Helle Chirholm
Artist: Ganga

3. ’Angalasoq’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

Production manager: Susanne Andreasen
Photos: Gerth Lyberth
Technician: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Stage design, build: Nuunu Martinsen and Pilutaq Lundblad
Administration: Edvard Lyberth and Susanne Andreasen
Production: Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia

Thanks to: Karina Møller, Salik G. Lennert, Milla M. Petersen and our test audience who helped shaping this performance

This performance has potential accessibility obstacles. For more information about the accessibility and potential trigger warnings for this performance, please see Practical Info > Accessibility > Artistic programme venues > Teater Refleksion.

Get in touch

Production contactPilutaq Lundblad

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:35
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:10
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:45
  • Wednesday 14 June, 18:25
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:35
  • Wednesday 14 June, 20:10

The National Theatre of Greenland - The Traveller

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

Location: Teater Refleksion    Interested participants

AddressFrederiksgade 72, 8000 Aarhus | Event Map | Venue Accessibility 


The Traveller is not a theatre performance as we know it. It is an experience room for the audience. The inspiration comes from the theatre of the senses. The audience gets to use their senses and imagination in a journey through life.

Testimonials from the performances:

“This is the atmosphere of Greenland.”

"Thank you for making me realise how important it is to be with yourself before passing that love on."

”A very intimate and sensorial experience with room for reflection and to be present in the moment.”

Duration: 30 min
Genre: Theatre/Performance
Price: 75 DKK (€10)


Concept, dramaturge and artistic consultant: Susanne Andreasen
Set design consultant: Camilla Nielsen
Actors / singers (residents): Pilutaq Lundblad, Hans-Henrik S. Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Aviana Steinbacher
Text (poem): Salik Lennert
Choreography: Hans-Henrik Poulsen
Set design: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann, Camilla Nielsen and Susanne Andreasen
Props: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen.
Costumes: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen, Hans-Henrik Poulsen, Kristian Mølgaard, Ujarneq Fleischer, Dina Sandgren, Nukakkuluk Kreutzmann and Susanne Andreasen
Light: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Seamstress: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen.


1. ‘Lonesome’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

2. ‘The wind’, feat Helle Chirholm
Artist: Ganga

3. ’Angalasoq’
Composer: Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

Production manager: Susanne Andreasen
Photos: Gerth Lyberth
Technician: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen
Stage design, build: Nuunu Martinsen and Pilutaq Lundblad
Administration: Edvard Lyberth and Susanne Andreasen
Production: Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia

Thanks to: Karina Møller, Salik G. Lennert, Milla M. Petersen and our test audience who helped shaping this performance

This performance has potential accessibility obstacles. For more information about the accessibility and potential trigger warnings for this performance, please see Practical Info > Accessibility > Artistic programme venues > Teater Refleksion.

Get in touch

Production contactPilutaq Lundblad

Status: Ready for touring

How to book?

Tickets are available for purchase through Bora Bora with an IETM discount. The discount is automatically applied through the affiliate link below.


All running times

This performance will be presented on:

  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:00
  • Tuesday 13 June, 17:35
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:10
  • Tuesday 13 June, 18:45
  • Wednesday 14 June, 18:25
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:00
  • Wednesday 14 June, 19:35
  • Wednesday 14 June, 20:10
Thu 15.06

ILT - International Living Theatre Festival

Locations: Multiple venues in Aarhus    Interested participants

Locations: Multiple venues in Aarhus    Interested participants

ILT Festival is held every other year in Aarhus, with a vision to present some of the world's most acclaimed international artists. The festival is organised by Theatre Svalegangen, Theater Group 38 and Aarhus Theatre in close collaboration with the rest of the city's theatres.

ILT Festival 2023 will be the 8th edition of the festival and will present carefully selected performances in a wide range of genres, spanning everything from classical drama to dance, physical theatre, installations, puppetry and animation theatre, music and theatre concerts. The festival also features workshops, artist-talks and other exciting events for both the industry and the people of Aarhus.

Learn more about the ILT Festival here.

ILT Festival is offering free festival passes to IETM participants. The festival pass will allow you to book tickets with a 25% discount.

Get your free festival pass here and book your tickets from Thursday 2 March. Please note that you can select your language in the upper corner of the webpage.

How to book?

Festival pass and tickets are available for purchase here.