The first IETM Caravan of 2024 took us to the Slovenian cities of Ljubljana and Maribor, where participants experienced the fifth edition of the TRIGGER platform showcase. Alongside a rich selection of performance work, panels and dialogues, we attempted to place local contemporary performing arts practices within the socio-political legacy of the former Yugoslavia. The way in which the performing arts scene in Slovenia exists - both in terms of production conditions as well as conceptually - is to some extent influenced by the sediments of past struggles; political and social visions and utopias; and unrealised ideas. In line with IETM´s aim to bridge local and global issues, we reflected on this legacy of models and values which have been manifested in a way in which the Slovenian arts community wishes to collaborate and think, both in and of art. They were mirrored against international models and values which international colleagues brought to the Caravan’s discursive programme.
- Which common cultural specificities in ex-Yugoslavian region did we find?
- Reflecting on our shared experience of transitioning from socialism to capitalism, how did we rethink the models from the past through contemporary lenses?
- Which collective practices from a shared past helped us move towards a more solidarian future?
The Caravan focused on the independent scene in Ljubljana and Maribor and was mostly be hosted by independent venues.
Applications for this event have now closed.