International network
for contemporary
performing arts

Réseau international
pour les arts du spectacle

Rete internazionale
per le arti performative


Internationales Netzwerk
für zeitgenössische
darstellende Künste

Международная сеть современного 

Red internacional
para las artes escénicas

Internationaal netwerk
voor hedendaagse

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Rede internacional
para as artes performativas

الشبكة الدولية
لفنون الأداء

í sviðslistum

Xarxa internacional
d'arts escèniques

Rhwydwaith rhyngwladol
ar gyfer celfyddydau
perfformio cyfoes

Rrjeti ndërkombëtar
për artet skenike

Διεθνές δίκτυο
για σύγχρονες
παραστατικές τέχνες

Međunarodna mreža 
za savremene 
scenske umjetnosti

Mezinárodní síť 
pro současné 
divadelní umění

International netværk
for kontemporær

Internasionale netwerk
vir kontemporêre
uitvoerende kunste

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Nemzetközi hálózat
a kortárs


líonra idirnáisiúnta
na taibhealaíona

Starptautiskais tīkls
skatuves mākslai

Netwerk internazzjonali
għall-arti performattivi

Międzynarodowa sieć
na rzecz współczesnych sztuk

Internationellt nätverk
för samtida

Međunarodna mreža
savremenih izvođačkih

Международна мрежа
за съвременни
сценични изкуства

Rrjet ndërkombëtar
për arte skenike

Міжнародная сетка
перфарматыўных мастацтваў

Međunarodna mreža
za suvremene
izvedbene umjetnosti


kaasaegsete etenduskunstide

현대 공연 예술을 위한 국제 네트워크

Tarptautinis tinklas
scenos menai

Интернационална мрежа
за современа
изведувачка уметност

شبکۀ بین المللی
برای هنرهای نمایشی معاصر

Rețeaua internațională
pentru artele spectacolului

Medzinárodná sieť
pre súčasné
scénické umenie

gösteri sanatları için
uluslararası iletişim ağı

Wed 30.10

Accreditation and information desk

Location: Verkadefabriek

Location: Verkadefabriek

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility

An opportunity to ask any questions you may have.


Oyoun - Wednesday Keynote

Location: Verkadefabriek

Location: Verkadefabriek

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility 

Cultivating and nurturing resilient transnational networks dedicated to advancing equity, justice and transformation is an ever-evolving journey. 

Initiated amidst the pandemic to actively combat ongoing silencing and repression, Oyoun has persistently re-envisioned creative practices in response to these challenges, paving the way for radical change and an inclusive cultural paradigm. At the intersection of the body as a reflection of political expression and empowerment, Oyoun crafts anti-disciplinary initiatives to address the urgent need for safe(r) spaces for marginalised diaspora communities and illuminate their futures. Despite facing precarious conditions and the repression of democratic values, it is through the transformative power of community-building and the arts that resilience is fostered, guiding us toward collective healing and intersectional justice. 

We invite you to join us in exploring how grounding our work in lived experiences and artistic research as tools for social movement can weave together shared histories across diverse geographies, foster new connections, and a shared vision of solidarity and conviviality.


Louna Sbou, Oyoun, Germany
Mandhumita Nandi, Oyoun, Germany

This session will be captioned and broadcasted online on 


Workshop introduction

Location: Verkadefabriek

Location: Verkadefabriek

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility 

Over the course of two days, a series of facilitated workshops based on discussion and practical exercises will ask us to tackle together some key questions currently facing the international performing arts sector.

This session will introduce the key theme of the Focus second day.


Simón Adinia Hanukai, Kaimera Productions, France



Location: Verkadefabriek

Location: Verkadefabriek

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility 



Location: Verkadefabriek

Location: Verkadefabriek

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility 

This first session of the day will introduce Rework the System, where we ask ourselves what we should and can do, as a global performing arts community, to transform the current economic and political systems.


Tundé Adefioye, City Dramaturg, Belgium
Simón Adinia Hanukai, Kamerai Productions, France
Müge Altay, Kamerai Productions, France
Fanny Martin, Arts of Festivals, Croatia
Máté Tenke, Project Manager, Hungary



Location: Verkadefabriek

Location: Verkadefabriek

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility 

A light lunch box will be available for IETM Focus participants to buy at a reduced rate.



Location: Verkadefabriek

Location: Verkadefabriek

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility 

This afternoon session will continue our exploration of Rework the System, where we ask ourselves what we should and can do, as a global performing arts community, to transform the current economic and political systems.


Tundé Adefioye, City Dramaturg, Belgium
Simón Adinia Hanukai, Kamerai Productions, France
Müge Altay, Kamerai Productions, France
Fanny Martin, Arts of Festivals, Croatia
Máté Tenke, Project Manager, Hungary



Location: Verkadefabriek

Location: Verkadefabriek

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility 


Focus conclusion

Location: Verkadefabriek

Location: Verkadefabriek

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility 

This final session will bring all of us together to share the final thoughts and actions we will be taking home with us. 

We will also take a moment to say goodbye and share the latest details about IETM’s future activities.


Farewell drinks

Location: Verkadefabriek

Location: Verkadefabriek

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility 

If you are leaving this evening, a final opportunity to spend an informal moment with colleagues and friends.



Location: OMNII

Location: OMNII

Address: Veemarktweg 2F, 5223 AA 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility 

In this meditation you will be guided on a journey to fully sink from your head back into your body. We use different sounds and tones to reach deeper layers of relaxation and awareness. The vibrations of the sounds allow you to let go of what you are holding on to and fully reconnect with your body, so that you experience more peace and balance. It is a moment to completely renew yourself and return to your natural state of being.

No special clothing or equipment is required.

Maximum number of participants: 20


Brenda Pattipeilohy


Conny Janssen Danst - Danslokaal 12

Location: Verkadefabriek - Kleine Zaal

Location: Verkadefabriek - Kleine Zaal

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event map | Venue Accessibility

Language: No spoken language

DANSLOKAAL is the annual talent development project of Conny Janssen Danst, where talented makers are invited to develop new work with the dancers of the Rotterdam company. 

Artistic director Conny Janssen, one of the leading choreographers in the Netherlands, selects a special variety of talent for each edition in collaboration with Dansateliers and Korzo. The young makers are given the opportunity to work on developing their own signature within the professional context of the company. The result is a surprising performance with three new works, made for and with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst. 

The choreographers who will be working under the auspices of the company this season are Bas van der Kruk (Dansateliers), Sarada Sarita (Korzo) and Charlie Skuy (Conny Janssen Danst). 

Find out more information about the performance here

Duration: 90 minutes

Genre: Dance

Price: €10


Dancers: Timo Andenmatten, Mia Bourhis, Manon Delanoë, Mathis Deure, Sofia Filippi, Pedro Ricardo Henry, Miguel Lopes,  Sara Mistrorigo, Enorah Schwaar, Mattia Trematerra
Coaching: Conny Janssen, Lisa Reinheimer
Répétiteur: Erik Spruijt

Get in touch

Jeroen van Breugel
[email protected] or [email protected]  / +31 10 452 99 12 (Mon-Fri 10.00-16.00)

Status: Get in contact about international touring

How to book?


Please note:

  • The discount code below can only be used to purchase one ticket for each performance per participant.
  • The discount code is only applicable to the performances listed in the IETM Focus programme.

Please note that the tickets appear to be sold out online but can still be purchased when the discount code below is applied.

Instructions for booking:

  1. Click 'Gebruik promotiecode' (Use discount code)
  2. Enter discount code: IETM24VF
  3. Choose the ticket called IETM Focus. Click 'Volgende' (Next)
  4. Click ‘Verder winkelen’ (Continue shopping) if you would like to book for another performance, or click 'Volgende' (Next)
  5. Choose the payment method and fill in the email address where you want to receive the tickets (mandatory). Click 'Volgende' (Next)
  6. On the next page the only mandatory fields are your first name (‘Voornam’) and last name (‘Achternaam’) and you tick a box to say whether you want to receive ‘Weekmail’ (weekly email) or ‘Maandelijkse nieuwsbrief’ (monthly newsletter). Click 'Volgende' (Next)
  7. The next page is the donation page (‘STEUN DE VERKADEFABRIEK’), which is not mandatory so you can click 'Volgende' (Next)
  8. Review your purchase and click ‘Bevestig’ (Confirm)
  9. Enter your payment details. Click ‘Betaal’ (Pay).

Het Zuidelijk Toneel - Shut Up and Play with Me

Location: Verkadefabriek - Studio

Location: Verkadefabriek - Studio

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event map | Venue Accessibility

Language: This performance doesn't contain any spoken language - just gibberish! 

Playing, everyone can do it, but few do. Do we still see the possibilities for play? Is it a sign of maturity to suppress our enjoyment of the game or because there is no money to be made from it? What if we let go of the brakes and plunged into a selfless game?

Two players gather on the gaming floor: Joep van der Geest and Louis van der Waal, loaded with everyday objects. They go from one game to the next against and with each other and they are blood fanatics. There is laughter, death and crying. The logic of the game is only intuitive - can you solve the riddle?

“We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.”  - George Bernard Shaw.

Shut Up and Play with Me is an ode to the playing person, for everyone who has ever played, now or a long time ago. Inspired by Homo Ludens by cultural historian Johan Huizinga.

Click here for more information.

Duration: 75 minutes
Genre: Physical theatre
Price: €10



Direction: Sarah Moeremans
Dramaturgy: Joachim Robbrecht
Games: Joep van der Geest, Louis van der Waal
Artistic advice: Piet Menu
Costume: Daphne de Winkel
Technical: Jurre Smulders
Production photography: Sofie Knijff

Get in touch

Het Zuidelijke Toneel
[email protected] / +31 13 334 4 500

Status: Get in contact about international touring

How to book?


Click here to book

Please note:

  • The discount code below can only be used to purchase one ticket for each performance per participant.
  • The discount code is only applicable to the performances listed in the IETM Focus programme.

Instructions for booking:

  1. Click 'Gebruik promotiecode' (Use discount code)
  2. Enter discount code: IETM24VF
  3. Choose the ticket called IETM Focus. Click 'Volgende' (Next)
  4. Click ‘Verder winkelen’ (Continue shopping) if you would like to book for another performance, or click 'Volgende' (Next)
  5. Choose payment method and fill in the email address where you want to receive the tickets (mandatory). Click 'Volgende' (Next)
  6. On the next page the only mandatory fields are your first name (‘Voornam’) and last name (‘Achternaam’) and you tick a box to say whether you want to receive ‘Weekmail’ (weekly email) or ‘Maandelijkse nieuwsbrief’ (monthly newsletter). Click 'Volgende' (Next)
  7. The next page is the donation page (‘STEUN DE VERKADEFABRIEK’), which is not mandatory so you can click 'Volgende' (Next)
  8. Review your purchase and click ‘Bevestig’ (Confirm)
  9. Enter your payment details. Click ‘Betaal’ (Pay).

Late Night meeting point

Location: Verkadefabriek

Location: Verkadefabriek

Address: Verkadefabriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch | Event mapVenue Accessibility 

An opportunity to come back together informally, network, relax with colleagues and friends, and meet new faces.