On Thursday 4 May 2023 at 15:00 - 17:15 CEST, the second online training session of the IETM Green School dived into the topic of sustainable creation, production and consumption in our sector. The aim of the workshop was to demonstrate that one size does not fit all and that turning sustainability criteria into practice requires proper contextualisation and consideration of each organisation’s differences and singularities.
The role of culture in fostering positive change in ecological transition has been widely recognised. The discourse has been focussed on the potential of creativity. More attention needs to be directed towards integrating sustainable paradigms in the culture sector. Parallel but complementary perspectives are both needed in order to advance in the path towards a more sustainable future.
In this session, examples of sustainable practices from around Europe and beyond were presented and articulated according to their different scales and perspectives (e.g. the viewpoints of the creators, the producers and the audiences). The workshop also included a practical exercise where participants were asked to reflect on how to prioritise sustainable practices according to their impact; their relevance for and alignment to the organisation ambitions; the organisational capacity to act (agency) and which resources are available.
IETM Green School activities are reserved for IETM members only.
Facilitator: Giada Calvano
Giada is co-founder of Chloe Sustainability, a member of STAGE – Spanish collective of sustainable events’ professionals, and a certified Senior Environmental Assessor for events at A Greener Festival (UK). Giada is also a researcher, lecturer, academic coordinator and PhD candidate at the Cultural Management Programme of the University of Barcelona. She is currently working as a researcher in the European project MESOC – Measuring the Social Dimension of Culture (Horizon2020). She teaches university courses on sustainable event management, festival management and international cultural cooperation at several institutions (UB, Ostelea, Inland University, CETT, Esmuc, etc.). She coordinates the blended version of the Postgraduate degree in Production and Management of Performing Arts and Festivals (IL3-University of Barcelona). Her PhD thesis focuses on the sustainability praxis of European music festivals from the organisers’ perspective. She was previously Head of Research at the Observatory for Performing Arts of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy).
The Green School is a new IETM-led membership-wide initiative to empower our members to take concrete steps towards bringing environmentally sustainable changes to their local professional contexts. Throughout March to November 2023, the programme will develop in several steps and offer different approaches to capacity building, including an open call for training towards the end.
Check out the IETM Green School timeline
Read all about and register for the other online training sessions of the Green School:
20.04.2023 | Carbon Footprint calculators: what, why and how
11.05.2023 | How to approach climate justice