In 2025, IETM - the International network for contemporary performing arts - will celebrate its 44th anniversary. Since its inception, IETM has been exploring and championing the concept of ‘internationality’ in the performing arts. The network’s efforts to reinvent international practices in the field have been deepened through initiatives such as Rewiring the Network and Perform Europe.
On Monday 3 March 2025 at 13:00-14:30 CET (calculate your timezone), IETM presented its latest research The New International: Against All Odds. The vision is written by consolidating the knowledge generated via IETM’s activities in the past 3 years under the umbrella of its key project The New International in the Performing Arts (NIPA) 2022-2024.
In 2021, at the onset of NIPA, IETM posed an exciting and important question: How can we rethink international practices in fairer and more ecological terms? Today, a revised version of this question arises: How can our international work continue in times of growing scarcity of resources and freedoms? How can we build sustainable and fair international cultural practices in 2025 - against all odds?
In order to prepare for the event, we asked participants to read or listen to our new publication The New International - Against All Odds
What was on offer?
IETM presented its research which examines the current trends and new models emerging in the art sector and proposed how change in policy and a daring progressive art sector, working across borders, can indeed:
- strengthen the art biosphere
- resiliate through engagement
- foster redistribution of power and politics of trust and partnership
- reframe the relationship between art and funding
- rethink the global artistic impact
Through a six axes vision, IETM introduced its proposal for a new international policy vision for the performing arts.
Several IETM members from across the globe commented on the vision and highlighted concrete actions performing arts practitioners, networks, stakeholders or policy makers can take, regarding the six axes of this new vision.
Elena Polivtseva, author of the publication, Independent researcher
Short statement from:
Isa Kohler, Bureau Ritter, Germany
Members’ contributions:
Silvia Ribero, Biloura Intercultural Arts Collective, Italy
Vikram Iyengar, Pickle Factory Dance Foundation - Global Connector 2024 India
Filip Pawlak, freelancer artist and producer - Global Connector 2022, Poland
Stephanie Garcia, Artist, Manager and Arts Administrator - Global Connector 2024, Mexico
Ása Richardsdóttir, IETM, Belgium / Iceland