International network
for contemporary
performing arts

Réseau international
pour les arts du spectacle

Rete internazionale
per le arti performative


Internationales Netzwerk
für zeitgenössische
darstellende Künste

Международная сеть современного 

Red internacional
para las artes escénicas

Internationaal netwerk
voor hedendaagse

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Rede internacional
para as artes performativas

الشبكة الدولية
لفنون الأداء

í sviðslistum

Xarxa internacional
d'arts escèniques

Rhwydwaith rhyngwladol
ar gyfer celfyddydau
perfformio cyfoes

Rrjeti ndërkombëtar
për artet skenike

Διεθνές δίκτυο
για σύγχρονες
παραστατικές τέχνες

Međunarodna mreža 
za savremene 
scenske umjetnosti

Mezinárodní síť 
pro současné 
divadelní umění

International netværk
for kontemporær

Internasionale netwerk
vir kontemporêre
uitvoerende kunste

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Nemzetközi hálózat
a kortárs


líonra idirnáisiúnta
na taibhealaíona

Starptautiskais tīkls
skatuves mākslai

Netwerk internazzjonali
għall-arti performattivi

Międzynarodowa sieć
na rzecz współczesnych sztuk

Internationellt nätverk
för samtida

Međunarodna mreža
savremenih izvođačkih

Международна мрежа
за съвременни
сценични изкуства

Rrjet ndërkombëtar
për arte skenike

Міжнародная сетка
перфарматыўных мастацтваў

Međunarodna mreža
za suvremene
izvedbene umjetnosti


kaasaegsete etenduskunstide

현대 공연 예술을 위한 국제 네트워크

Tarptautinis tinklas
scenos menai

Интернационална мрежа
за современа
изведувачка уметност

شبکۀ بین المللی
برای هنرهای نمایشی معاصر

Rețeaua internațională
pentru artele spectacolului

Medzinárodná sieť
pre súčasné
scénické umenie

gösteri sanatları için
uluslararası iletişim ağı

01 - 02.10.2020
Thu 01.10

[Avignon] Networking, dissemination and production in pandemic times

[Avignon] Networking, dissemination and production in pandemic times

Discussion with Anne-Mathilde Di Tomaso (Avignon Festival), Maia Sert (On The Move), Sergio Chianca (Burokultur), Karen Nielsen (Deputy Director of Culture - Région Sud), Geoliane Arab (ONDA) and other speakers to be confirmed.

This session will be live-streamed on Théatre de la Massue's Facebook page.

This physical session in Château de Saint Chamand will be held in French and live-streamed on Facebook as part of IETM Multi-location in Avignon. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Frédéric Poty at

Discussion with Anne-Mathilde Di Tomaso (Avignon Festival), Maia Sert (On The Move), Sergio Chianca (Burokultur), Karen Nielsen (Deputy Director of Culture - Région Sud), Geoliane Arab (ONDA) and other speakers to be confirmed.

This session will be live-streamed on Théatre de la Massue's Facebook page.

This physical session in Château de Saint Chamand will be held in French and live-streamed on Facebook as part of IETM Multi-location in Avignon. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Frédéric Poty at


[Avignon] Networking, dissemination and production in pandemic times

[Avignon] Networking, dissemination and production in pandemic times

Discussion with Anne-Mathilde Di Tomaso (Avignon Festival), Maia Sert (On The Move), Sergio Chianca (Burokultur), Karen Nielsen (Deputy Director of Culture - Région Sud), Geoliane Arab (ONDA) and other speakers to be confirmed.

This session will be live-streamed on Théatre de la Massue's Facebook page.

This physical session in Château de Saint Chamand will be held in French and live-streamed on Facebook as part of IETM Multi-location in Avignon. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Frédéric Poty at

Discussion with Anne-Mathilde Di Tomaso (Avignon Festival), Maia Sert (On The Move), Sergio Chianca (Burokultur), Karen Nielsen (Deputy Director of Culture - Région Sud), Geoliane Arab (ONDA) and other speakers to be confirmed.

This session will be live-streamed on Théatre de la Massue's Facebook page.

This physical session in Château de Saint Chamand will be held in French and live-streamed on Facebook as part of IETM Multi-location in Avignon. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Frédéric Poty at


[Hong Kong] Informal pre-gathering & Introduction to IETM

[Hong Kong] Informal pre-gathering & Introduction to IETM

A simple get together to kick off the meeting’s activities.

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at

A simple get together to kick off the meeting’s activities.

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at


[Hong Kong] Informal pre-gathering & Introduction to IETM

[Hong Kong] Informal pre-gathering & Introduction to IETM

A simple get together to kick off the meeting’s activities.

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at

A simple get together to kick off the meeting’s activities.

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at


[Ljubljana] Culture in the public space during and after the crisis***

[Ljubljana] Culture in the public space during and after the crisis***

PLAN B cycle is a Slovenian initiative dedicated to the cultural policies of European cities in the context of the on-going crisis. This session will focus on the relation between culture and space. In order to bring culture back to people, what's the future of public spaces?

We look at public spaces vs cultural infrastructure, physical vs virtual spaces, outdoor vs indoor spaces. How to manage meaningful, exciting and economically viable spaces in safe manner? The debate organised by MOTOVILA Institute in cooperation with the City of Ljubljana will host representatives of municipalities and cultural practitioners from different European cities, and will be moderated by a renowned international expert on cultural policies and the development of creative cities, Ragnar Siil.

Note that this online session requires an additional external registration, which you can access by clicking the button below.

Register now

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Barbara Poček at

PLAN B cycle is a Slovenian initiative dedicated to the cultural policies of European cities in the context of the on-going crisis. This session will focus on the relation between culture and space. In order to bring culture back to people, what's the future of public spaces?

We look at public spaces vs cultural infrastructure, physical vs virtual spaces, outdoor vs indoor spaces. How to manage meaningful, exciting and economically viable spaces in safe manner? The debate organised by MOTOVILA Institute in cooperation with the City of Ljubljana will host representatives of municipalities and cultural practitioners from different European cities, and will be moderated by a renowned international expert on cultural policies and the development of creative cities, Ragnar Siil.

Note that this online session requires an additional external registration, which you can access by clicking the button below.

Register now

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Barbara Poček at


[Ljubljana] Culture in the public space during and after the crisis***

[Ljubljana] Culture in the public space during and after the crisis***

PLAN B cycle is a Slovenian initiative dedicated to the cultural policies of European cities in the context of the on-going crisis. This session will focus on the relation between culture and space. In order to bring culture back to people, what's the future of public spaces?

We look at public spaces vs cultural infrastructure, physical vs virtual spaces, outdoor vs indoor spaces. How to manage meaningful, exciting and economically viable spaces in safe manner? The debate organised by MOTOVILA Institute in cooperation with the City of Ljubljana will host representatives of municipalities and cultural practitioners from different European cities, and will be moderated by a renowned international expert on cultural policies and the development of creative cities, Ragnar Siil.

Note that this online session requires an additional external registration, which you can access by clicking the button below.

Register now

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Barbara Poček at

PLAN B cycle is a Slovenian initiative dedicated to the cultural policies of European cities in the context of the on-going crisis. This session will focus on the relation between culture and space. In order to bring culture back to people, what's the future of public spaces?

We look at public spaces vs cultural infrastructure, physical vs virtual spaces, outdoor vs indoor spaces. How to manage meaningful, exciting and economically viable spaces in safe manner? The debate organised by MOTOVILA Institute in cooperation with the City of Ljubljana will host representatives of municipalities and cultural practitioners from different European cities, and will be moderated by a renowned international expert on cultural policies and the development of creative cities, Ragnar Siil.

Note that this online session requires an additional external registration, which you can access by clicking the button below.

Register now

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Barbara Poček at


[Hong Kong] A new deal in Asia-Pacific: emergency, recovery & adaptation

[Hong Kong] A new deal in Asia-Pacific: emergency, recovery & adaptation

A regional conversation in two parts:

  1. How did we deal with Covid in terms of emergency response?
  2. How will it impact our industry, particularly in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region? How will we get back on our feet? What will have to change? How will we adapt on the longer run?

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at

A regional conversation in two parts:

  1. How did we deal with Covid in terms of emergency response?
  2. How will it impact our industry, particularly in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region? How will we get back on our feet? What will have to change? How will we adapt on the longer run?

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at


[Hong Kong] A new deal in Asia-Pacific: emergency, recovery & adaptation

[Hong Kong] A new deal in Asia-Pacific: emergency, recovery & adaptation

A regional conversation in two parts:

  1. How did we deal with Covid in terms of emergency response?
  2. How will it impact our industry, particularly in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region? How will we get back on our feet? What will have to change? How will we adapt on the longer run?

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at

A regional conversation in two parts:

  1. How did we deal with Covid in terms of emergency response?
  2. How will it impact our industry, particularly in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region? How will we get back on our feet? What will have to change? How will we adapt on the longer run?

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at


[IETM] Plenary discussion: What matters now?

[IETM] Plenary discussion: What matters now?

This session will begin with a welcome word by Cathie Boyd (IETM President) and Ása Richardsdóttir (IETM Secretary General), as well as a greeting from the different locations of the Multi-location Plenary. 

We have been plunged into a decade embroidered with fascinating contradictions: time seems to have stopped yet to have fast-forwarded at once; our gazes fixed on the whole world while contemplating our inner selves; we longed for physical encounters alongside venturing into the digital realm… 

Amidst these seemingly timely paradoxes, one crucial question emerges: What matters now?

What matters now, in the new ‘roaring twenties’ where the pandemic possibly crushed our hopes while giving us the opportunity to redefine them? 

What matters now that global lockdown measures accelerated the threat that nationalist populism poses towards fundamental human rights while having temporarily alleviated global warming?

What matters now that the pandemic has widened the inequalities in our sector while stronger narratives on diversity, inclusion and fairness have re-emerged in some parts of the world?

What matters now that so many people - be it audiences, colleagues or loved ones - are not in our room while we found new ways to connect with those whom we were not always or never in touch with before?

What matters now that we, as professionals, saw our core activities jeopardised while having now a chance to change our behaviours, slow down, live differently and create a new way for our art forms to thrive?

These and certainly many other questions will be discussed during this exceptional IETM Multi-location Plenary.

We’ll start the session by inviting four speakers with versatile backgrounds to trigger live and online, local and international conversations on What matters now?. This session will also include a Q&A with the speakers, as well as small group conversations on the theme of the Plenary in the form of breakout rooms.

Connect to the session

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at


Addresses from the speakers

What matters now is China and ensuring we find constructive, nuanced and meaningful ways to engage with and understand China’s rapid development and complex culture. The arts play a key role in this and I will talk about why!
- Alison Friedman

There will be no return to 'normality' (at least in the short/medium term), but there are opportunities for a 'cultural new deal'. 
- Dr. Franco Bianchini

I will speak about the stories we tell and the narratives that define our cultures and the people we keep in and the people we keep out. 
- Ravi Jain

What matters is how do we come together and share space / time as artists and citizens, but also as vulnerable and scared human beings? How we are in the place, also created and inhabited, by non-human elements, like animals, plants, weather and viruses? 
- Gundega Laivina

This session will begin with a welcome word by Cathie Boyd (IETM President) and Ása Richardsdóttir (IETM Secretary General), as well as a greeting from the different locations of the Multi-location Plenary. 

We have been plunged into a decade embroidered with fascinating contradictions: time seems to have stopped yet to have fast-forwarded at once; our gazes fixed on the whole world while contemplating our inner selves; we longed for physical encounters alongside venturing into the digital realm… 

Amidst these seemingly timely paradoxes, one crucial question emerges: What matters now?

What matters now, in the new ‘roaring twenties’ where the pandemic possibly crushed our hopes while giving us the opportunity to redefine them? 

What matters now that global lockdown measures accelerated the threat that nationalist populism poses towards fundamental human rights while having temporarily alleviated global warming?

What matters now that the pandemic has widened the inequalities in our sector while stronger narratives on diversity, inclusion and fairness have re-emerged in some parts of the world?

What matters now that so many people - be it audiences, colleagues or loved ones - are not in our room while we found new ways to connect with those whom we were not always or never in touch with before?

What matters now that we, as professionals, saw our core activities jeopardised while having now a chance to change our behaviours, slow down, live differently and create a new way for our art forms to thrive?

These and certainly many other questions will be discussed during this exceptional IETM Multi-location Plenary.

We’ll start the session by inviting four speakers with versatile backgrounds to trigger live and online, local and international conversations on What matters now?. This session will also include a Q&A with the speakers, as well as small group conversations on the theme of the Plenary in the form of breakout rooms.

Connect to the session

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at


Addresses from the speakers

What matters now is China and ensuring we find constructive, nuanced and meaningful ways to engage with and understand China’s rapid development and complex culture. The arts play a key role in this and I will talk about why!
- Alison Friedman

There will be no return to 'normality' (at least in the short/medium term), but there are opportunities for a 'cultural new deal'. 
- Dr. Franco Bianchini

I will speak about the stories we tell and the narratives that define our cultures and the people we keep in and the people we keep out. 
- Ravi Jain

What matters is how do we come together and share space / time as artists and citizens, but also as vulnerable and scared human beings? How we are in the place, also created and inhabited, by non-human elements, like animals, plants, weather and viruses? 
- Gundega Laivina


[IETM] Plenary discussion: What matters now?

[IETM] Plenary discussion: What matters now?

This session will begin with a welcome word by Cathie Boyd (IETM President) and Ása Richardsdóttir (IETM Secretary General), as well as a greeting from the different locations of the Multi-location Plenary. 

We have been plunged into a decade embroidered with fascinating contradictions: time seems to have stopped yet to have fast-forwarded at once; our gazes fixed on the whole world while contemplating our inner selves; we longed for physical encounters alongside venturing into the digital realm… 

Amidst these seemingly timely paradoxes, one crucial question emerges: What matters now?

What matters now, in the new ‘roaring twenties’ where the pandemic possibly crushed our hopes while giving us the opportunity to redefine them? 

What matters now that global lockdown measures accelerated the threat that nationalist populism poses towards fundamental human rights while having temporarily alleviated global warming?

What matters now that the pandemic has widened the inequalities in our sector while stronger narratives on diversity, inclusion and fairness have re-emerged in some parts of the world?

What matters now that so many people - be it audiences, colleagues or loved ones - are not in our room while we found new ways to connect with those whom we were not always or never in touch with before?

What matters now that we, as professionals, saw our core activities jeopardised while having now a chance to change our behaviours, slow down, live differently and create a new way for our art forms to thrive?

These and certainly many other questions will be discussed during this exceptional IETM Multi-location Plenary.

We’ll start the session by inviting four speakers with versatile backgrounds to trigger live and online, local and international conversations on What matters now?. This session will also include a Q&A with the speakers, as well as small group conversations on the theme of the Plenary in the form of breakout rooms.

Connect to the session

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at


Addresses from the speakers

What matters now is China and ensuring we find constructive, nuanced and meaningful ways to engage with and understand China’s rapid development and complex culture. The arts play a key role in this and I will talk about why!
- Alison Friedman

There will be no return to 'normality' (at least in the short/medium term), but there are opportunities for a 'cultural new deal'. 
- Dr. Franco Bianchini

I will speak about the stories we tell and the narratives that define our cultures and the people we keep in and the people we keep out. 
- Ravi Jain

What matters is how do we come together and share space / time as artists and citizens, but also as vulnerable and scared human beings? How we are in the place, also created and inhabited, by non-human elements, like animals, plants, weather and viruses? 
- Gundega Laivina

This session will begin with a welcome word by Cathie Boyd (IETM President) and Ása Richardsdóttir (IETM Secretary General), as well as a greeting from the different locations of the Multi-location Plenary. 

We have been plunged into a decade embroidered with fascinating contradictions: time seems to have stopped yet to have fast-forwarded at once; our gazes fixed on the whole world while contemplating our inner selves; we longed for physical encounters alongside venturing into the digital realm… 

Amidst these seemingly timely paradoxes, one crucial question emerges: What matters now?

What matters now, in the new ‘roaring twenties’ where the pandemic possibly crushed our hopes while giving us the opportunity to redefine them? 

What matters now that global lockdown measures accelerated the threat that nationalist populism poses towards fundamental human rights while having temporarily alleviated global warming?

What matters now that the pandemic has widened the inequalities in our sector while stronger narratives on diversity, inclusion and fairness have re-emerged in some parts of the world?

What matters now that so many people - be it audiences, colleagues or loved ones - are not in our room while we found new ways to connect with those whom we were not always or never in touch with before?

What matters now that we, as professionals, saw our core activities jeopardised while having now a chance to change our behaviours, slow down, live differently and create a new way for our art forms to thrive?

These and certainly many other questions will be discussed during this exceptional IETM Multi-location Plenary.

We’ll start the session by inviting four speakers with versatile backgrounds to trigger live and online, local and international conversations on What matters now?. This session will also include a Q&A with the speakers, as well as small group conversations on the theme of the Plenary in the form of breakout rooms.

Connect to the session

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at


Addresses from the speakers

What matters now is China and ensuring we find constructive, nuanced and meaningful ways to engage with and understand China’s rapid development and complex culture. The arts play a key role in this and I will talk about why!
- Alison Friedman

There will be no return to 'normality' (at least in the short/medium term), but there are opportunities for a 'cultural new deal'. 
- Dr. Franco Bianchini

I will speak about the stories we tell and the narratives that define our cultures and the people we keep in and the people we keep out. 
- Ravi Jain

What matters is how do we come together and share space / time as artists and citizens, but also as vulnerable and scared human beings? How we are in the place, also created and inhabited, by non-human elements, like animals, plants, weather and viruses? 
- Gundega Laivina


[Buzău] Creative Europe project presentations: Tele-Encounters and Festival of Love

[Buzău] Creative Europe project presentations: Tele-Encounters and Festival of Love

This online session is dedicated to the launch of two Creative Europe projects:

Tele-Encounters: Beyond the Human 

Tele-encouters: Beyond the Human (Teatrul "George Ciprian" Buzău - RO, UCAM - ES, and Industria Scenica - IT) will explore the impact of the Internet, robots, and AI on human relationships, as well as the meaningful integration of these technologies in the arts. 

Thematically, we will look at the emergence of social robots as companions for the elderly in relation to migration and loneliness. Our project seeks to extend the notion of what it means to be human and to understand how theatre practice can change as a result. The project will be framed by researcher Constantin Vică's presentation, "Roboethics for Posthumans".

Festival of Love

Festival of Love (RO partner: Centrul Replika) is an interdisciplinary project involving activities within the fields of music, theatre and dance, linked by the theme of “love”. The music-centred activities will explore a selection of  songs and musical pieces about love in Polish traditions (e.g. Midsummer Night). The theatre activities will focus on Romanian amorous legends, dramas and folk stories. The choreographic performance will explore the Spanish understanding of love – solidarity and unity symbolized in the Sardana dance.

As part of the session, Bianca Floarea from the Romanian Creative Europe Desk will give a presentation on the future of the programme.

Connect to the session

Note that this session will be live-streamed on Facebook (speaker view only), so if you do not want to be seen, please switch off your camera before entering the session.

Participants: Teatrul “George Ciprian” (RO), the Creative Europe Desk (RO), Centrul Replika (RO).

This session will be held online in English on Zoom and live-streamed on Facebook as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Buzău, Romania. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Marina Hanganu at

This online session is dedicated to the launch of two Creative Europe projects:

Tele-Encounters: Beyond the Human 

Tele-encouters: Beyond the Human (Teatrul "George Ciprian" Buzău - RO, UCAM - ES, and Industria Scenica - IT) will explore the impact of the Internet, robots, and AI on human relationships, as well as the meaningful integration of these technologies in the arts. 

Thematically, we will look at the emergence of social robots as companions for the elderly in relation to migration and loneliness. Our project seeks to extend the notion of what it means to be human and to understand how theatre practice can change as a result. The project will be framed by researcher Constantin Vică's presentation, "Roboethics for Posthumans".

Festival of Love

Festival of Love (RO partner: Centrul Replika) is an interdisciplinary project involving activities within the fields of music, theatre and dance, linked by the theme of “love”. The music-centred activities will explore a selection of  songs and musical pieces about love in Polish traditions (e.g. Midsummer Night). The theatre activities will focus on Romanian amorous legends, dramas and folk stories. The choreographic performance will explore the Spanish understanding of love – solidarity and unity symbolized in the Sardana dance.

As part of the session, Bianca Floarea from the Romanian Creative Europe Desk will give a presentation on the future of the programme.

Connect to the session

Note that this session will be live-streamed on Facebook (speaker view only), so if you do not want to be seen, please switch off your camera before entering the session.

Participants: Teatrul “George Ciprian” (RO), the Creative Europe Desk (RO), Centrul Replika (RO).

This session will be held online in English on Zoom and live-streamed on Facebook as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Buzău, Romania. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Marina Hanganu at


[Buzău] Creative Europe project presentations: Tele-Encounters and Festival of Love

[Buzău] Creative Europe project presentations: Tele-Encounters and Festival of Love

This online session is dedicated to the launch of two Creative Europe projects:

Tele-Encounters: Beyond the Human 

Tele-encouters: Beyond the Human (Teatrul "George Ciprian" Buzău - RO, UCAM - ES, and Industria Scenica - IT) will explore the impact of the Internet, robots, and AI on human relationships, as well as the meaningful integration of these technologies in the arts. 

Thematically, we will look at the emergence of social robots as companions for the elderly in relation to migration and loneliness. Our project seeks to extend the notion of what it means to be human and to understand how theatre practice can change as a result. The project will be framed by researcher Constantin Vică's presentation, "Roboethics for Posthumans".

Festival of Love

Festival of Love (RO partner: Centrul Replika) is an interdisciplinary project involving activities within the fields of music, theatre and dance, linked by the theme of “love”. The music-centred activities will explore a selection of  songs and musical pieces about love in Polish traditions (e.g. Midsummer Night). The theatre activities will focus on Romanian amorous legends, dramas and folk stories. The choreographic performance will explore the Spanish understanding of love – solidarity and unity symbolized in the Sardana dance.

As part of the session, Bianca Floarea from the Romanian Creative Europe Desk will give a presentation on the future of the programme.

Connect to the session

Note that this session will be live-streamed on Facebook (speaker view only), so if you do not want to be seen, please switch off your camera before entering the session.

Participants: Teatrul “George Ciprian” (RO), the Creative Europe Desk (RO), Centrul Replika (RO).

This session will be held online in English on Zoom and live-streamed on Facebook as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Buzău, Romania. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Marina Hanganu at

This online session is dedicated to the launch of two Creative Europe projects:

Tele-Encounters: Beyond the Human 

Tele-encouters: Beyond the Human (Teatrul "George Ciprian" Buzău - RO, UCAM - ES, and Industria Scenica - IT) will explore the impact of the Internet, robots, and AI on human relationships, as well as the meaningful integration of these technologies in the arts. 

Thematically, we will look at the emergence of social robots as companions for the elderly in relation to migration and loneliness. Our project seeks to extend the notion of what it means to be human and to understand how theatre practice can change as a result. The project will be framed by researcher Constantin Vică's presentation, "Roboethics for Posthumans".

Festival of Love

Festival of Love (RO partner: Centrul Replika) is an interdisciplinary project involving activities within the fields of music, theatre and dance, linked by the theme of “love”. The music-centred activities will explore a selection of  songs and musical pieces about love in Polish traditions (e.g. Midsummer Night). The theatre activities will focus on Romanian amorous legends, dramas and folk stories. The choreographic performance will explore the Spanish understanding of love – solidarity and unity symbolized in the Sardana dance.

As part of the session, Bianca Floarea from the Romanian Creative Europe Desk will give a presentation on the future of the programme.

Connect to the session

Note that this session will be live-streamed on Facebook (speaker view only), so if you do not want to be seen, please switch off your camera before entering the session.

Participants: Teatrul “George Ciprian” (RO), the Creative Europe Desk (RO), Centrul Replika (RO).

This session will be held online in English on Zoom and live-streamed on Facebook as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Buzău, Romania. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Marina Hanganu at


[Aarhus] CAMP roundtable 3: In Denmark***

The local host will provide you the link after you register for the session

[Aarhus] CAMP roundtable 3: In Denmark***

The local host will provide you the link after you register for the session

The CAMP roundtable is a set format, created to secure an open, honest and timely conversation based on six specific questions. 

Here, we use a 360-degree perspective, and we investigate the role of the agent, manager and producer as a vital facilitator for development and stability. CAMP allows colleagues to express, share and listen to the challenges and opportunities at hand. 

At previous CAMPS, we have even managed to motivate new sharings, which includes an up-to-date understanding of what the active producers bring to the industry and society. 

At this Danish edition of CAMP, we even reach across generations in a new initiative, meeting arts students from the Department of Dramaturgy, Aarhus University. We do this to motivate critical thinking within possible future Danish producers.

Register now for this online session

Maximum capacity of the session: 30 participants

This session will be held online as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lene Bang Henningsen at

The CAMP roundtable is a set format, created to secure an open, honest and timely conversation based on six specific questions. 

Here, we use a 360-degree perspective, and we investigate the role of the agent, manager and producer as a vital facilitator for development and stability. CAMP allows colleagues to express, share and listen to the challenges and opportunities at hand. 

At previous CAMPS, we have even managed to motivate new sharings, which includes an up-to-date understanding of what the active producers bring to the industry and society. 

At this Danish edition of CAMP, we even reach across generations in a new initiative, meeting arts students from the Department of Dramaturgy, Aarhus University. We do this to motivate critical thinking within possible future Danish producers.

Register now for this online session

Maximum capacity of the session: 30 participants

This session will be held online as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lene Bang Henningsen at


[Aarhus] CAMP roundtable 3: In Denmark***

The local host will provide you the link after you register for the session

[Aarhus] CAMP roundtable 3: In Denmark***

The local host will provide you the link after you register for the session

The CAMP roundtable is a set format, created to secure an open, honest and timely conversation based on six specific questions. 

Here, we use a 360-degree perspective, and we investigate the role of the agent, manager and producer as a vital facilitator for development and stability. CAMP allows colleagues to express, share and listen to the challenges and opportunities at hand. 

At previous CAMPS, we have even managed to motivate new sharings, which includes an up-to-date understanding of what the active producers bring to the industry and society. 

At this Danish edition of CAMP, we even reach across generations in a new initiative, meeting arts students from the Department of Dramaturgy, Aarhus University. We do this to motivate critical thinking within possible future Danish producers.

Register now for this online session

Maximum capacity of the session: 30 participants

This session will be held online as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lene Bang Henningsen at

The CAMP roundtable is a set format, created to secure an open, honest and timely conversation based on six specific questions. 

Here, we use a 360-degree perspective, and we investigate the role of the agent, manager and producer as a vital facilitator for development and stability. CAMP allows colleagues to express, share and listen to the challenges and opportunities at hand. 

At previous CAMPS, we have even managed to motivate new sharings, which includes an up-to-date understanding of what the active producers bring to the industry and society. 

At this Danish edition of CAMP, we even reach across generations in a new initiative, meeting arts students from the Department of Dramaturgy, Aarhus University. We do this to motivate critical thinking within possible future Danish producers.

Register now for this online session

Maximum capacity of the session: 30 participants

This session will be held online as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lene Bang Henningsen at


[Budapest] Exploring Degrowth: Participatory discussion with Vincent Liegey

[Budapest] Exploring Degrowth: Participatory discussion with Vincent Liegey

The idea of de-growth has emerged over the last 15 years dealing with the question whether infinite growth in a finite world is desirable or even possible. It tries to understand the convergence of today’s crises, argues that energetic, environmental, political and existential, economic and social crises are interconnected. It aims at exploring alternative and coherent solutions on different levels.

In the workshop led by Vincent Liegey, a Budapest-based French researcher, we first learn about the basic idea of degrowth, then think together about its implications and opportunities in our arts world.

Connect to the session

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at

The idea of de-growth has emerged over the last 15 years dealing with the question whether infinite growth in a finite world is desirable or even possible. It tries to understand the convergence of today’s crises, argues that energetic, environmental, political and existential, economic and social crises are interconnected. It aims at exploring alternative and coherent solutions on different levels.

In the workshop led by Vincent Liegey, a Budapest-based French researcher, we first learn about the basic idea of degrowth, then think together about its implications and opportunities in our arts world.

Connect to the session

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at


[Budapest] Exploring Degrowth: Participatory discussion with Vincent Liegey

[Budapest] Exploring Degrowth: Participatory discussion with Vincent Liegey

The idea of de-growth has emerged over the last 15 years dealing with the question whether infinite growth in a finite world is desirable or even possible. It tries to understand the convergence of today’s crises, argues that energetic, environmental, political and existential, economic and social crises are interconnected. It aims at exploring alternative and coherent solutions on different levels.

In the workshop led by Vincent Liegey, a Budapest-based French researcher, we first learn about the basic idea of degrowth, then think together about its implications and opportunities in our arts world.

Connect to the session

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at

The idea of de-growth has emerged over the last 15 years dealing with the question whether infinite growth in a finite world is desirable or even possible. It tries to understand the convergence of today’s crises, argues that energetic, environmental, political and existential, economic and social crises are interconnected. It aims at exploring alternative and coherent solutions on different levels.

In the workshop led by Vincent Liegey, a Budapest-based French researcher, we first learn about the basic idea of degrowth, then think together about its implications and opportunities in our arts world.

Connect to the session

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at


[Ireland] Adaptation conversation: Programmers and producers

[Ireland] Adaptation conversation: Programmers and producers

The first half of the hour will be a conversation between Irish performing arts programmers and producers on their view of adaptability.

The second half of the hour will be breakout groups for you to discuss some of the issues raised, your own thoughts, and get to meet up with your IETM counterparts. We will leave the Zoom open for informal chat after the end of the session. Bring a cup of tea.

Connect to the session

Password: 877084

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at

The first half of the hour will be a conversation between Irish performing arts programmers and producers on their view of adaptability.

The second half of the hour will be breakout groups for you to discuss some of the issues raised, your own thoughts, and get to meet up with your IETM counterparts. We will leave the Zoom open for informal chat after the end of the session. Bring a cup of tea.

Connect to the session

Password: 877084

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at


[Ireland] Adaptation conversation: Programmers and producers

[Ireland] Adaptation conversation: Programmers and producers

The first half of the hour will be a conversation between Irish performing arts programmers and producers on their view of adaptability.

The second half of the hour will be breakout groups for you to discuss some of the issues raised, your own thoughts, and get to meet up with your IETM counterparts. We will leave the Zoom open for informal chat after the end of the session. Bring a cup of tea.

Connect to the session

Password: 877084

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at

The first half of the hour will be a conversation between Irish performing arts programmers and producers on their view of adaptability.

The second half of the hour will be breakout groups for you to discuss some of the issues raised, your own thoughts, and get to meet up with your IETM counterparts. We will leave the Zoom open for informal chat after the end of the session. Bring a cup of tea.

Connect to the session

Password: 877084

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at


[Scotland] Zoom social

[Scotland] Zoom social

Bring your glass of wine/beer/fizzy juice and canape and we will attempt to recreate the reception online as a place to meet your fellow Scottish IETM members, catch up with old pals and meet some folk you might not have met before.

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Scotland, UK. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Anita Clark at

Bring your glass of wine/beer/fizzy juice and canape and we will attempt to recreate the reception online as a place to meet your fellow Scottish IETM members, catch up with old pals and meet some folk you might not have met before.

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Scotland, UK. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Anita Clark at


[Scotland] Zoom social

[Scotland] Zoom social

Bring your glass of wine/beer/fizzy juice and canape and we will attempt to recreate the reception online as a place to meet your fellow Scottish IETM members, catch up with old pals and meet some folk you might not have met before.

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Scotland, UK. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Anita Clark at

Bring your glass of wine/beer/fizzy juice and canape and we will attempt to recreate the reception online as a place to meet your fellow Scottish IETM members, catch up with old pals and meet some folk you might not have met before.

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Scotland, UK. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Anita Clark at


[Barcelona] Connections with Latin America

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

[Barcelona] Connections with Latin America

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

Covid-19 has been an opportunity to connect even more Europe and Latin America in a virtual way. 

Now it is time to reflect on how to take advantage of this new connection to create links in more sustainable ways (environmentally and economically) and to maintain this contact between continents.


1. Exchanging knowledge between Latin America and Europe

Speakers: Rodrigo Zarricueta (Teatro Puerto), Antonio Altamirano (Cielos del Infinito), Francisca Peró (Teatro del Biobío) and David Marin (Nau Ivanow).

2. Sharing the experience: RIEE (Red Iberoamericana de Espacios Escénicos - Ibero-American Performing Arts Centres Network)

Speakers: Veronia Tapia Courbis, Mariano Stolkiner, Miguel A.Lozano, Samuel Sosa and Jacobo Pallarés.

3. Presentation of Iberescena

Speaker: Carlos La Rosa (Iberescena).

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 865 6187 6564

This session will be held in Spanish but a simultaneous live translation service into English will be offered.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Barcelona, Spain. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Aina Juanet at

Covid-19 has been an opportunity to connect even more Europe and Latin America in a virtual way. 

Now it is time to reflect on how to take advantage of this new connection to create links in more sustainable ways (environmentally and economically) and to maintain this contact between continents.


1. Exchanging knowledge between Latin America and Europe

Speakers: Rodrigo Zarricueta (Teatro Puerto), Antonio Altamirano (Cielos del Infinito), Francisca Peró (Teatro del Biobío) and David Marin (Nau Ivanow).

2. Sharing the experience: RIEE (Red Iberoamericana de Espacios Escénicos - Ibero-American Performing Arts Centres Network)

Speakers: Veronia Tapia Courbis, Mariano Stolkiner, Miguel A.Lozano, Samuel Sosa and Jacobo Pallarés.

3. Presentation of Iberescena

Speaker: Carlos La Rosa (Iberescena).

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 865 6187 6564

This session will be held in Spanish but a simultaneous live translation service into English will be offered.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Barcelona, Spain. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Aina Juanet at


[Berlin] Meet Berlin***

[Berlin] Meet Berlin***

Following the digital Multi-location Plenary Meeting of IETM, interested parties have the opportunity to inform themselves about Berlin’s structures within the independent performing arts. Representatives of LAFT Berlin and its two projects, the Performing Arts Festival and the Performing Arts Program, will provide insight into their work and the Berlin community over the course of brief presentations.

In the second part of the event, the participants have the opportunity to get to know each other in breakout rooms and discuss.

To receive the link of this session, please contact directly Nora Wagner at

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at

Following the digital Multi-location Plenary Meeting of IETM, interested parties have the opportunity to inform themselves about Berlin’s structures within the independent performing arts. Representatives of LAFT Berlin and its two projects, the Performing Arts Festival and the Performing Arts Program, will provide insight into their work and the Berlin community over the course of brief presentations.

In the second part of the event, the participants have the opportunity to get to know each other in breakout rooms and discuss.

To receive the link of this session, please contact directly Nora Wagner at

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at


[Barcelona] Connections with Latin America

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

[Barcelona] Connections with Latin America

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

Covid-19 has been an opportunity to connect even more Europe and Latin America in a virtual way. 

Now it is time to reflect on how to take advantage of this new connection to create links in more sustainable ways (environmentally and economically) and to maintain this contact between continents.


1. Exchanging knowledge between Latin America and Europe

Speakers: Rodrigo Zarricueta (Teatro Puerto), Antonio Altamirano (Cielos del Infinito), Francisca Peró (Teatro del Biobío) and David Marin (Nau Ivanow).

2. Sharing the experience: RIEE (Red Iberoamericana de Espacios Escénicos - Ibero-American Performing Arts Centres Network)

Speakers: Veronia Tapia Courbis, Mariano Stolkiner, Miguel A.Lozano, Samuel Sosa and Jacobo Pallarés.

3. Presentation of Iberescena

Speaker: Carlos La Rosa (Iberescena).

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 865 6187 6564

This session will be held in Spanish but a simultaneous live translation service into English will be offered.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Barcelona, Spain. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Aina Juanet at

Covid-19 has been an opportunity to connect even more Europe and Latin America in a virtual way. 

Now it is time to reflect on how to take advantage of this new connection to create links in more sustainable ways (environmentally and economically) and to maintain this contact between continents.


1. Exchanging knowledge between Latin America and Europe

Speakers: Rodrigo Zarricueta (Teatro Puerto), Antonio Altamirano (Cielos del Infinito), Francisca Peró (Teatro del Biobío) and David Marin (Nau Ivanow).

2. Sharing the experience: RIEE (Red Iberoamericana de Espacios Escénicos - Ibero-American Performing Arts Centres Network)

Speakers: Veronia Tapia Courbis, Mariano Stolkiner, Miguel A.Lozano, Samuel Sosa and Jacobo Pallarés.

3. Presentation of Iberescena

Speaker: Carlos La Rosa (Iberescena).

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 865 6187 6564

This session will be held in Spanish but a simultaneous live translation service into English will be offered.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Barcelona, Spain. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Aina Juanet at


[Berlin] Meet Berlin***

[Berlin] Meet Berlin***

Following the digital Multi-location Plenary Meeting of IETM, interested parties have the opportunity to inform themselves about Berlin’s structures within the independent performing arts. Representatives of LAFT Berlin and its two projects, the Performing Arts Festival and the Performing Arts Program, will provide insight into their work and the Berlin community over the course of brief presentations.

In the second part of the event, the participants have the opportunity to get to know each other in breakout rooms and discuss.

To receive the link of this session, please contact directly Nora Wagner at

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at

Following the digital Multi-location Plenary Meeting of IETM, interested parties have the opportunity to inform themselves about Berlin’s structures within the independent performing arts. Representatives of LAFT Berlin and its two projects, the Performing Arts Festival and the Performing Arts Program, will provide insight into their work and the Berlin community over the course of brief presentations.

In the second part of the event, the participants have the opportunity to get to know each other in breakout rooms and discuss.

To receive the link of this session, please contact directly Nora Wagner at

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at


[Montreal] Performance by Nina Segalowitz

[Montreal] Performance de Nina Segalowitz

This performance will be live-streamed on the Facebook event of the local meeting in Montreal.

In the purest tradition of Inuit culture, Nina Segalowitz, (Inuit/Chipewyan from Fort Smith, NWT) a mother of three, has been giving regal performances of throat singing for more than twenty years. The Inuit have practised throat singing for thousands of years, and their interpretations of nature in their environment are Inuit women’s prized moments of leisure and entertainment. She has performed in many countries (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, USA and across Canada) with many groups and singers including the likes of Ariane Moffat and for esteemed audiences like HRH Queen Mathilde of Belgium.

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Montreal, Canada. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Geoffroy Faribault at

Cette performance sera diffusée en direct sur l'événement Facebook de la réunion locale à Montréal.

Dans la plus pure tradition de la culture inuit, Nina Segalowitz (Inuit/Chipewyan de Fort Smith, T.N.-O.), mère de trois enfants, donne des représentations royales de chant guttural depuis plus de vingt ans. Les Inuits pratiquent le chant guttural depuis des milliers d'années et leurs interprétations de la nature dans leur environnement sont les moments de loisir et de divertissement les plus prisés des femmes inuites. Elle s'est produite dans de nombreux pays (France, Belgique, Luxembourg, États-Unis et à travers le Canada) avec de nombreux groupes et chanteurs, dont Ariane Moffat, et devant des publics estimés comme S.A.R. la Reine Mathilde de Belgique.

Cette session se tiendra en ligne dans le cadre de l'IETM Multi-sites à Montréal, Canada. Pour toute question concernant la session ou en cas de problème technique, veuillez prendre contact directement avec Geoffroy Faribault à


[Berlin] We’ll see when we see!? – Opening Gala

[Berlin] We’ll see when we see!? – Opening Gala

On this evening, with the Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community, the decentralised IETM network meeting as well as the PRALIN cultural exchange, we are opening three of the largest networking events within the independent performing arts on multiple stages simultaneously - the cinema of Centre Français de Berlin as well as via a live radio stream to listeners at home as well as those out and about. 

All of this is enough reason to celebrate glamorously and put on wild (but of course in line with the regulations) media performance – at least, that’s what Gob Squad and Tina Pfurr think, and they have made an artistically inspiring framework for us for this hybrid gala. Together, they will create a live event at the end of which everyone will wish they had stayed at home but will still have managed a three part opening!

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

Dr. Klaus Lederer (Senator for Culture and Europe, Berlin)
Ása Richardsdóttir (IETM Secretary General)
Florian Fangmann (Centre Français de Berlin)
Simone Willeit (Uferstudios Berlin)
Janina Benduski (Berlin Performing Arts Program)
Chang Nai Wen (LAFT Berlin)
Lucia Kasiarova (Studio ALTA)

Tina Pfurr (Ballhaus Ost, LAFT Berlin)
Sebastian Bark (Gob Squad)
Sean Patten (Gob Squad)
Simon Will (Gob Squad)

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at

On this evening, with the Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community, the decentralised IETM network meeting as well as the PRALIN cultural exchange, we are opening three of the largest networking events within the independent performing arts on multiple stages simultaneously - the cinema of Centre Français de Berlin as well as via a live radio stream to listeners at home as well as those out and about. 

All of this is enough reason to celebrate glamorously and put on wild (but of course in line with the regulations) media performance – at least, that’s what Gob Squad and Tina Pfurr think, and they have made an artistically inspiring framework for us for this hybrid gala. Together, they will create a live event at the end of which everyone will wish they had stayed at home but will still have managed a three part opening!

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

Dr. Klaus Lederer (Senator for Culture and Europe, Berlin)
Ása Richardsdóttir (IETM Secretary General)
Florian Fangmann (Centre Français de Berlin)
Simone Willeit (Uferstudios Berlin)
Janina Benduski (Berlin Performing Arts Program)
Chang Nai Wen (LAFT Berlin)
Lucia Kasiarova (Studio ALTA)

Tina Pfurr (Ballhaus Ost, LAFT Berlin)
Sebastian Bark (Gob Squad)
Sean Patten (Gob Squad)
Simon Will (Gob Squad)

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at


[Montreal] Performance by Nina Segalowitz

[Montreal] Performance de Nina Segalowitz

This performance will be live-streamed on the Facebook event of the local meeting in Montreal.

In the purest tradition of Inuit culture, Nina Segalowitz, (Inuit/Chipewyan from Fort Smith, NWT) a mother of three, has been giving regal performances of throat singing for more than twenty years. The Inuit have practised throat singing for thousands of years, and their interpretations of nature in their environment are Inuit women’s prized moments of leisure and entertainment. She has performed in many countries (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, USA and across Canada) with many groups and singers including the likes of Ariane Moffat and for esteemed audiences like HRH Queen Mathilde of Belgium.

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Montreal, Canada. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Geoffroy Faribault at

Cette performance sera diffusée en direct sur l'événement Facebook de la réunion locale à Montréal.

Dans la plus pure tradition de la culture inuit, Nina Segalowitz (Inuit/Chipewyan de Fort Smith, T.N.-O.), mère de trois enfants, donne des représentations royales de chant guttural depuis plus de vingt ans. Les Inuits pratiquent le chant guttural depuis des milliers d'années et leurs interprétations de la nature dans leur environnement sont les moments de loisir et de divertissement les plus prisés des femmes inuites. Elle s'est produite dans de nombreux pays (France, Belgique, Luxembourg, États-Unis et à travers le Canada) avec de nombreux groupes et chanteurs, dont Ariane Moffat, et devant des publics estimés comme S.A.R. la Reine Mathilde de Belgique.

Cette session se tiendra en ligne dans le cadre de l'IETM Multi-sites à Montréal, Canada. Pour toute question concernant la session ou en cas de problème technique, veuillez prendre contact directement avec Geoffroy Faribault à


[Berlin] We’ll see when we see!? – Opening Gala

[Berlin] We’ll see when we see!? – Opening Gala

On this evening, with the Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community, the decentralised IETM network meeting as well as the PRALIN cultural exchange, we are opening three of the largest networking events within the independent performing arts on multiple stages simultaneously - the cinema of Centre Français de Berlin as well as via a live radio stream to listeners at home as well as those out and about. 

All of this is enough reason to celebrate glamorously and put on wild (but of course in line with the regulations) media performance – at least, that’s what Gob Squad and Tina Pfurr think, and they have made an artistically inspiring framework for us for this hybrid gala. Together, they will create a live event at the end of which everyone will wish they had stayed at home but will still have managed a three part opening!

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

Dr. Klaus Lederer (Senator for Culture and Europe, Berlin)
Ása Richardsdóttir (IETM Secretary General)
Florian Fangmann (Centre Français de Berlin)
Simone Willeit (Uferstudios Berlin)
Janina Benduski (Berlin Performing Arts Program)
Chang Nai Wen (LAFT Berlin)
Lucia Kasiarova (Studio ALTA)

Tina Pfurr (Ballhaus Ost, LAFT Berlin)
Sebastian Bark (Gob Squad)
Sean Patten (Gob Squad)
Simon Will (Gob Squad)

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at

On this evening, with the Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community, the decentralised IETM network meeting as well as the PRALIN cultural exchange, we are opening three of the largest networking events within the independent performing arts on multiple stages simultaneously - the cinema of Centre Français de Berlin as well as via a live radio stream to listeners at home as well as those out and about. 

All of this is enough reason to celebrate glamorously and put on wild (but of course in line with the regulations) media performance – at least, that’s what Gob Squad and Tina Pfurr think, and they have made an artistically inspiring framework for us for this hybrid gala. Together, they will create a live event at the end of which everyone will wish they had stayed at home but will still have managed a three part opening!

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

Dr. Klaus Lederer (Senator for Culture and Europe, Berlin)
Ása Richardsdóttir (IETM Secretary General)
Florian Fangmann (Centre Français de Berlin)
Simone Willeit (Uferstudios Berlin)
Janina Benduski (Berlin Performing Arts Program)
Chang Nai Wen (LAFT Berlin)
Lucia Kasiarova (Studio ALTA)

Tina Pfurr (Ballhaus Ost, LAFT Berlin)
Sebastian Bark (Gob Squad)
Sean Patten (Gob Squad)
Simon Will (Gob Squad)

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at


[Aarhus] Performance: Tourist - Don Gnu***

[Aarhus] Performance: Tourist - Don Gnu***

Do you also dream of paradise? Of packing your sandals, bandana and sun cream and heading off towards distant shorelines and new worlds? Of coming home renewed and empowered, with a pocketful of life-affirming and unforgettable memories?

So come along, citizen of the world, back-packer, charter-tourist, on the journey of your life to the land of holiday wishes, dreams… and nightmarish scenarios! Because something is wrong, and three loveable individuals are forced to realise that in reality it's not a question of the destination but of the road that leads to it… for fate has it that their unique dream voyage turns into a chaotic battle ground over their claim to beautiful, uninhabited landscapes, swimming pools and roasted suckling pigs or croissants and cortados at a sidewalk café in Nice.

An action-packed, physical comedy about life as a tourist and about how encountering others can bring both the best and the worst out of us. Welcome to Don Gnu's fantastic island of dance.

Tourist is the second performance in the trilogy about the extraordinary experiences of ordinary life.

To receive the link to the live-stream of the performance, please contact the venue by clicking the button below and filling out the email template with your full name. You'll receive the link shortly after. If you have not received it within a few minutes, please search your Spam folder. 

Request the link to the performance

This performance will be live-streamed from Bora Bora as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly

Do you also dream of paradise? Of packing your sandals, bandana and sun cream and heading off towards distant shorelines and new worlds? Of coming home renewed and empowered, with a pocketful of life-affirming and unforgettable memories?

So come along, citizen of the world, back-packer, charter-tourist, on the journey of your life to the land of holiday wishes, dreams… and nightmarish scenarios! Because something is wrong, and three loveable individuals are forced to realise that in reality it's not a question of the destination but of the road that leads to it… for fate has it that their unique dream voyage turns into a chaotic battle ground over their claim to beautiful, uninhabited landscapes, swimming pools and roasted suckling pigs or croissants and cortados at a sidewalk café in Nice.

An action-packed, physical comedy about life as a tourist and about how encountering others can bring both the best and the worst out of us. Welcome to Don Gnu's fantastic island of dance.

Tourist is the second performance in the trilogy about the extraordinary experiences of ordinary life.

To receive the link to the live-stream of the performance, please contact the venue by clicking the button below and filling out the email template with your full name. You'll receive the link shortly after. If you have not received it within a few minutes, please search your Spam folder. 

Request the link to the performance

This performance will be live-streamed from Bora Bora as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly


[Aarhus] Performance: Tourist - Don Gnu***

[Aarhus] Performance: Tourist - Don Gnu***

Do you also dream of paradise? Of packing your sandals, bandana and sun cream and heading off towards distant shorelines and new worlds? Of coming home renewed and empowered, with a pocketful of life-affirming and unforgettable memories?

So come along, citizen of the world, back-packer, charter-tourist, on the journey of your life to the land of holiday wishes, dreams… and nightmarish scenarios! Because something is wrong, and three loveable individuals are forced to realise that in reality it's not a question of the destination but of the road that leads to it… for fate has it that their unique dream voyage turns into a chaotic battle ground over their claim to beautiful, uninhabited landscapes, swimming pools and roasted suckling pigs or croissants and cortados at a sidewalk café in Nice.

An action-packed, physical comedy about life as a tourist and about how encountering others can bring both the best and the worst out of us. Welcome to Don Gnu's fantastic island of dance.

Tourist is the second performance in the trilogy about the extraordinary experiences of ordinary life.

To receive the link to the live-stream of the performance, please contact the venue by clicking the button below and filling out the email template with your full name. You'll receive the link shortly after. If you have not received it within a few minutes, please search your Spam folder. 

Request the link to the performance

This performance will be live-streamed from Bora Bora as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly

Do you also dream of paradise? Of packing your sandals, bandana and sun cream and heading off towards distant shorelines and new worlds? Of coming home renewed and empowered, with a pocketful of life-affirming and unforgettable memories?

So come along, citizen of the world, back-packer, charter-tourist, on the journey of your life to the land of holiday wishes, dreams… and nightmarish scenarios! Because something is wrong, and three loveable individuals are forced to realise that in reality it's not a question of the destination but of the road that leads to it… for fate has it that their unique dream voyage turns into a chaotic battle ground over their claim to beautiful, uninhabited landscapes, swimming pools and roasted suckling pigs or croissants and cortados at a sidewalk café in Nice.

An action-packed, physical comedy about life as a tourist and about how encountering others can bring both the best and the worst out of us. Welcome to Don Gnu's fantastic island of dance.

Tourist is the second performance in the trilogy about the extraordinary experiences of ordinary life.

To receive the link to the live-stream of the performance, please contact the venue by clicking the button below and filling out the email template with your full name. You'll receive the link shortly after. If you have not received it within a few minutes, please search your Spam folder. 

Request the link to the performance

This performance will be live-streamed from Bora Bora as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly


[Yerevan] High Fest performance: #18 Corona Sessions - Jo Stromgren

[Yerevan] High Fest performance: #18 Corona Sessions - Jo Stromgren

The link to connect to the session will be made available on the Facebook page of the festival on the day of the meeting.

This session will be held online in English as part of IETM Multi-location in Yerevan, Armenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Artur Ghukasyan at

The link to connect to the session will be made available on the Facebook page of the festival on the day of the meeting.

This session will be held online in English as part of IETM Multi-location in Yerevan, Armenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Artur Ghukasyan at


[Yerevan] High Fest performance: #18 Corona Sessions - Jo Stromgren

[Yerevan] High Fest performance: #18 Corona Sessions - Jo Stromgren

The link to connect to the session will be made available on the Facebook page of the festival on the day of the meeting.

This session will be held online in English as part of IETM Multi-location in Yerevan, Armenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Artur Ghukasyan at

The link to connect to the session will be made available on the Facebook page of the festival on the day of the meeting.

This session will be held online in English as part of IETM Multi-location in Yerevan, Armenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Artur Ghukasyan at


[Montreal] Speech by Martin Faucher at Place des Arts

[Montréal] Prise de parole de Martin Faucher à la Place des Arts

This speech will be live-streamed on the Facebook event of the local meeting in Montreal.

Martin Faucher was the director of the company Daniel Léveillé Danse from 1994 to 2014. President of the Conseil québécois du théâtre from 2005 to 2009, he worked on the Seconds États généraux du théâtre professionnel québécois, which took place in 2007. He has also contributed his time and skills to the Fondation Gratien-Gélinas, the Centre des auteurs dramatiques and Théâtre Bouches Décousues. Since 2017 he has been a regular guest commentator on the radio show Médium Large, broadcast by Radio-Canada’s ICI Première. An active promoter of theatre and dance, he campaigns for recognition of the work of artists, and ensures that the FTA offers them the best ethical and artistic conditions for the presentation of their works.

Martin Faucher arrived at the FTA in 2006 as an artistic consultant. He worked for eight years with Marie-Hélène Falcon before being named artistic director and co-executive director in 2014. Like his predecessor, his artistic programming reflects an insatiable curiosity for theatre and dance from all over the world, and he is constantly scouting for exciting new works. With a passion for history and driven by a desire to pass on know-how, Martin Faucher is a communicator and a pedagogue much appreciated by many generations of artists. He teaches on a regular basis at the National Theatre School of Canada, which gave him its Gascon Thomas Award in 2018.

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Montreal, Canada. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Geoffroy Faribault at

Cette prise de parole sera diffusée en direct sur l'événement Facebook de la réunion locale à Montréal.

Conseiller artistique au Festival TransAmériques depuis 2006 et directeur artistique et codirecteur général depuis juin 2014, Martin Faucher contribue activement à la vie culturelle québécoise depuis une trentaine d’années à titre de comédien, de metteur en scène, de professeur et d’administrateur dans le milieu des arts de la scène.

Président de Daniel Léveillé Danse (1994-2014), il veille au développement et à la reconnaissance de la compagnie qui accompagne aujourd’hui la carrière de plusieurs chorégraphes. À titre de président du Conseil québécois du théâtre (2005 – 2009), il a œuvré aux Seconds États généraux du théâtre professionnel québécois tenus en 2007. Reconnu pour ses mises en scène sensibles et inventives de textes contemporains, il compte près d’une trentaine de réalisations à son actif, saluées de nombreux prix.

Cette session se tiendra en ligne dans le cadre de l'IETM Multi-sites à Montréal, Canada. Pour toute question concernant la session ou en cas de problème technique, veuillez prendre contact directement avec Geoffroy Faribault à


[Montreal] Speech by Martin Faucher at Place des Arts

[Montréal] Prise de parole de Martin Faucher à la Place des Arts

This speech will be live-streamed on the Facebook event of the local meeting in Montreal.

Martin Faucher was the director of the company Daniel Léveillé Danse from 1994 to 2014. President of the Conseil québécois du théâtre from 2005 to 2009, he worked on the Seconds États généraux du théâtre professionnel québécois, which took place in 2007. He has also contributed his time and skills to the Fondation Gratien-Gélinas, the Centre des auteurs dramatiques and Théâtre Bouches Décousues. Since 2017 he has been a regular guest commentator on the radio show Médium Large, broadcast by Radio-Canada’s ICI Première. An active promoter of theatre and dance, he campaigns for recognition of the work of artists, and ensures that the FTA offers them the best ethical and artistic conditions for the presentation of their works.

Martin Faucher arrived at the FTA in 2006 as an artistic consultant. He worked for eight years with Marie-Hélène Falcon before being named artistic director and co-executive director in 2014. Like his predecessor, his artistic programming reflects an insatiable curiosity for theatre and dance from all over the world, and he is constantly scouting for exciting new works. With a passion for history and driven by a desire to pass on know-how, Martin Faucher is a communicator and a pedagogue much appreciated by many generations of artists. He teaches on a regular basis at the National Theatre School of Canada, which gave him its Gascon Thomas Award in 2018.

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Montreal, Canada. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Geoffroy Faribault at

Cette prise de parole sera diffusée en direct sur l'événement Facebook de la réunion locale à Montréal.

Conseiller artistique au Festival TransAmériques depuis 2006 et directeur artistique et codirecteur général depuis juin 2014, Martin Faucher contribue activement à la vie culturelle québécoise depuis une trentaine d’années à titre de comédien, de metteur en scène, de professeur et d’administrateur dans le milieu des arts de la scène.

Président de Daniel Léveillé Danse (1994-2014), il veille au développement et à la reconnaissance de la compagnie qui accompagne aujourd’hui la carrière de plusieurs chorégraphes. À titre de président du Conseil québécois du théâtre (2005 – 2009), il a œuvré aux Seconds États généraux du théâtre professionnel québécois tenus en 2007. Reconnu pour ses mises en scène sensibles et inventives de textes contemporains, il compte près d’une trentaine de réalisations à son actif, saluées de nombreux prix.

Cette session se tiendra en ligne dans le cadre de l'IETM Multi-sites à Montréal, Canada. Pour toute question concernant la session ou en cas de problème technique, veuillez prendre contact directement avec Geoffroy Faribault à

Fri 02.10

[Montreal] Performance by Elena Stoodley and Sovann Prom-Tep

[Montréal] Performance d’Elena Stoodley et Sovann Prom-Tep

This performance will be live-streamed on the Facebook event of the local meeting in Montreal.

Through the exploration of tenderness and transcendance, Elena (music) and Sovann (dance) come into contact with each other through an improvised performance.

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Montreal, Canada. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Geoffroy Faribault at

Cette performance sera diffusée en direct sur l'événement Facebook de la réunion locale à Montréal.

Explorant la douceur et la transe, Elena (musique) et Sovann (danse) entrent en contact avec l'autre à travers une performance improvisée.

Cette session se tiendra en ligne dans le cadre de l'IETM Multi-sites à Montréal, Canada. Pour toute question concernant la session ou en cas de problème technique, veuillez prendre contact directement avec Geoffroy Faribault à


[Montreal] Performance by Elena Stoodley and Sovann Prom-Tep

[Montréal] Performance d’Elena Stoodley et Sovann Prom-Tep

This performance will be live-streamed on the Facebook event of the local meeting in Montreal.

Through the exploration of tenderness and transcendance, Elena (music) and Sovann (dance) come into contact with each other through an improvised performance.

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Montreal, Canada. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Geoffroy Faribault at

Cette performance sera diffusée en direct sur l'événement Facebook de la réunion locale à Montréal.

Explorant la douceur et la transe, Elena (musique) et Sovann (danse) entrent en contact avec l'autre à travers une performance improvisée.

Cette session se tiendra en ligne dans le cadre de l'IETM Multi-sites à Montréal, Canada. Pour toute question concernant la session ou en cas de problème technique, veuillez prendre contact directement avec Geoffroy Faribault à


[IETM] Pitchorama

[IETM] Pitchorama

This brand new session will showcase a series of 6 projects pitched by IETM members in 5-minute videos before leaving room for questions and feedback from participants in dedicated Zoom meetings hosted by each presenter.

Connect to the session

Pitches and chat rooms

If you wish to ask your questions and provide feedback, please click the links below to join the personal chat room of each presenter.

1. Hodworks

György Ujvári-Pintér, Hodworks, Hungary

Join Gyorgy’s chat room

Passcode: Q5ty73

2. Seasoning

Pauline Roelants, United Cowboys, The Netherlands

Join Pauline’s chat room

Passcode: TxkF9J

3. KAP - Keeping Artists Performing

Tsolak Mlke-Galstyan, Mihr Theatre, Armenia

Tsolak could not join the session today but you can contact him at or visit Mihr Theatre's website.

4. Alter Ego (x)

Théo Majcher, Alter Ego (x), France

Join Théo’s chat room

Passcode: EP247N

5. HIBA Art Project

Beata Stankevič, ​​​​​​HIBA Art Project, United Arab Emirates

Join Beata’s chat room

Passcode: fXTg7g

6. Rider Spoke

Matt Adams, Blast Theory, United Kingdom

Join Matt’s chat room

Passcode: 53hmrB

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at

This brand new session will showcase a series of 6 projects pitched by IETM members in 5-minute videos before leaving room for questions and feedback from participants in dedicated Zoom meetings hosted by each presenter.

Connect to the session

Pitches and chat rooms

If you wish to ask your questions and provide feedback, please click the links below to join the personal chat room of each presenter.

1. Hodworks

György Ujvári-Pintér, Hodworks, Hungary

Join Gyorgy’s chat room

Passcode: Q5ty73

2. Seasoning

Pauline Roelants, United Cowboys, The Netherlands

Join Pauline’s chat room

Passcode: TxkF9J

3. KAP - Keeping Artists Performing

Tsolak Mlke-Galstyan, Mihr Theatre, Armenia

Tsolak could not join the session today but you can contact him at or visit Mihr Theatre's website.

4. Alter Ego (x)

Théo Majcher, Alter Ego (x), France

Join Théo’s chat room

Passcode: EP247N

5. HIBA Art Project

Beata Stankevič, ​​​​​​HIBA Art Project, United Arab Emirates

Join Beata’s chat room

Passcode: fXTg7g

6. Rider Spoke

Matt Adams, Blast Theory, United Kingdom

Join Matt’s chat room

Passcode: 53hmrB

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at


[IETM] Pitchorama

[IETM] Pitchorama

This brand new session will showcase a series of 6 projects pitched by IETM members in 5-minute videos before leaving room for questions and feedback from participants in dedicated Zoom meetings hosted by each presenter.

Connect to the session

Pitches and chat rooms

If you wish to ask your questions and provide feedback, please click the links below to join the personal chat room of each presenter.

1. Hodworks

György Ujvári-Pintér, Hodworks, Hungary

Join Gyorgy’s chat room

Passcode: Q5ty73

2. Seasoning

Pauline Roelants, United Cowboys, The Netherlands

Join Pauline’s chat room

Passcode: TxkF9J

3. KAP - Keeping Artists Performing

Tsolak Mlke-Galstyan, Mihr Theatre, Armenia

Tsolak could not join the session today but you can contact him at or visit Mihr Theatre's website.

4. Alter Ego (x)

Théo Majcher, Alter Ego (x), France

Join Théo’s chat room

Passcode: EP247N

5. HIBA Art Project

Beata Stankevič, ​​​​​​HIBA Art Project, United Arab Emirates

Join Beata’s chat room

Passcode: fXTg7g

6. Rider Spoke

Matt Adams, Blast Theory, United Kingdom

Join Matt’s chat room

Passcode: 53hmrB

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at

This brand new session will showcase a series of 6 projects pitched by IETM members in 5-minute videos before leaving room for questions and feedback from participants in dedicated Zoom meetings hosted by each presenter.

Connect to the session

Pitches and chat rooms

If you wish to ask your questions and provide feedback, please click the links below to join the personal chat room of each presenter.

1. Hodworks

György Ujvári-Pintér, Hodworks, Hungary

Join Gyorgy’s chat room

Passcode: Q5ty73

2. Seasoning

Pauline Roelants, United Cowboys, The Netherlands

Join Pauline’s chat room

Passcode: TxkF9J

3. KAP - Keeping Artists Performing

Tsolak Mlke-Galstyan, Mihr Theatre, Armenia

Tsolak could not join the session today but you can contact him at or visit Mihr Theatre's website.

4. Alter Ego (x)

Théo Majcher, Alter Ego (x), France

Join Théo’s chat room

Passcode: EP247N

5. HIBA Art Project

Beata Stankevič, ​​​​​​HIBA Art Project, United Arab Emirates

Join Beata’s chat room

Passcode: fXTg7g

6. Rider Spoke

Matt Adams, Blast Theory, United Kingdom

Join Matt’s chat room

Passcode: 53hmrB

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at


[Melbourne] Common Ingredients: A digital dinner party with the world

[Melbourne] Common Ingredients: A digital dinner party with the world

In our corner of Australia we are in lockdown. We’re missing each other, and we’re missing you. So we’re inviting you to Common Ingredients - A digital dinner party with the world!

We’re talking about Zoom-time in the kitchen and the dining room on Friday 2 October from 19:00 to 21:00 AEST, sharing food and creativity with peers and colleagues far and wide, and having conversations about where we are, how we’re traveling and where we might like to go next. 

All participants are requested to organise some common ingredients from which you can prepare your own meal during the meeting (see the list below).

Across the evening we will facilitate small-group interaction to stimulate connections between members, during which we will situate, cook our meals, and eat together. Interspersed (of course!) with some short creative interventions from local members. 

This is a gathering not just for a local South-Eastern corner of Australia, but for us and beyond, well beyond. Maintaining and deepening our links.

Yes this is dinner time in Melbourne. But also an early dinner in Hong Kong, Taipei or Tokyo? Late lunch in Ekaterinburg? Lunch or brunch across Europe? A very early breakfast in São Paulo or a midnight sack in LA? Wherever you are in the world, if you’re awake and hungry, please join us!

Connect to the session

Max capacity:  100 participants

Things to prepare

The culinary connector for Common Ingredients is PESTO. 

What’s your thing when it comes to pesto? Pasta or salad? Toast or Eggs? Pecorino or Reggiano? Rocket?

Each of us will be preparing our own own pesto-driven meal. Simple evening pesto pasta? Pesto scrambled eggs for breakfast? Lunchtime vegetable-pesto panini or pesto chicken salad? And of course we all have our own variants on what makes for the perfect pesto. Go your own way and be prepared to share your secrets over the digital dinner table.

Shopping list

  • Jar of pesto (make your own? what’s your variant? regional take?)
  • Serve of pasta (or equivalent)
  • Parmesan cheese (or equivalent)
  • Olive oil (or equivalent)
  • Salt, pepper etc
  • Bottle of wine (or equivalent) *recommended, really!
  • Other items as your heart and tastebuds desire

Common Ingredients starts at 11:00 CEST/19:00 AEST and we will be eating by 12:20 CEST/20:20 AEST, so plenty of time for everyone to cook/prepare their version of the pesto festa in their own kitchen over conversations with your international friends.

Yes we’ll all be cooking while we meet, so clear the bench and check the kitchen WiFi!

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Melbourne, Australia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Xan Colman at

In our corner of Australia we are in lockdown. We’re missing each other, and we’re missing you. So we’re inviting you to Common Ingredients - A digital dinner party with the world!

We’re talking about Zoom-time in the kitchen and the dining room on Friday 2 October from 19:00 to 21:00 AEST, sharing food and creativity with peers and colleagues far and wide, and having conversations about where we are, how we’re traveling and where we might like to go next. 

All participants are requested to organise some common ingredients from which you can prepare your own meal during the meeting (see the list below).

Across the evening we will facilitate small-group interaction to stimulate connections between members, during which we will situate, cook our meals, and eat together. Interspersed (of course!) with some short creative interventions from local members. 

This is a gathering not just for a local South-Eastern corner of Australia, but for us and beyond, well beyond. Maintaining and deepening our links.

Yes this is dinner time in Melbourne. But also an early dinner in Hong Kong, Taipei or Tokyo? Late lunch in Ekaterinburg? Lunch or brunch across Europe? A very early breakfast in São Paulo or a midnight sack in LA? Wherever you are in the world, if you’re awake and hungry, please join us!

Connect to the session

Max capacity:  100 participants

Things to prepare

The culinary connector for Common Ingredients is PESTO. 

What’s your thing when it comes to pesto? Pasta or salad? Toast or Eggs? Pecorino or Reggiano? Rocket?

Each of us will be preparing our own own pesto-driven meal. Simple evening pesto pasta? Pesto scrambled eggs for breakfast? Lunchtime vegetable-pesto panini or pesto chicken salad? And of course we all have our own variants on what makes for the perfect pesto. Go your own way and be prepared to share your secrets over the digital dinner table.

Shopping list

  • Jar of pesto (make your own? what’s your variant? regional take?)
  • Serve of pasta (or equivalent)
  • Parmesan cheese (or equivalent)
  • Olive oil (or equivalent)
  • Salt, pepper etc
  • Bottle of wine (or equivalent) *recommended, really!
  • Other items as your heart and tastebuds desire

Common Ingredients starts at 11:00 CEST/19:00 AEST and we will be eating by 12:20 CEST/20:20 AEST, so plenty of time for everyone to cook/prepare their version of the pesto festa in their own kitchen over conversations with your international friends.

Yes we’ll all be cooking while we meet, so clear the bench and check the kitchen WiFi!

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Melbourne, Australia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Xan Colman at


[Hong Kong] Windows into Europe

[Hong Kong] Windows into Europe

A quick tour of European presenters, each focusing about a particular aspect of their work. The idea is to share different European methodologies to Asian artists and presenters alike.

Faith Tan, Dance House Helsinki, Finland

Connect to the session

This physical session will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at

A quick tour of European presenters, each focusing about a particular aspect of their work. The idea is to share different European methodologies to Asian artists and presenters alike.

Faith Tan, Dance House Helsinki, Finland

Connect to the session

This physical session will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at


[Yokohama] The next step of TPAM Fringe

[Yokohama] The next steps of TPAM Fringe

TPAM Fringe is an open-call program of TPAM (Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama) that introduces over 50 artists/groups to professional participants of TPAM and the local audience.

This panel discussion invites past participants of TPAM Fringe to explore possibilities of this program in the future with TPAM's director, Hiromi Maruoka.

Connect to the session

passcode: 040571

This physical session in BankART Temporary will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Yokohama. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Yukio Nitta (PARC) at

TPAM Fringe is an open-call program of TPAM (Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama) that introduces over 50 artists/groups to professional participants of TPAM and the local audience.

This panel discussion invites past participants of TPAM Fringe to explore possibilities of this program in the future with TPAM's director, Hiromi Maruoka.

Connect to the session

This physical session in BankART Temporary will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Yokohama. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Yukio Nitta (PARC) at


[Hong Kong] Windows into Europe

[Hong Kong] Windows into Europe

A quick tour of European presenters, each focusing about a particular aspect of their work. The idea is to share different European methodologies to Asian artists and presenters alike.

Faith Tan, Dance House Helsinki, Finland

Connect to the session

This physical session will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at

A quick tour of European presenters, each focusing about a particular aspect of their work. The idea is to share different European methodologies to Asian artists and presenters alike.

Faith Tan, Dance House Helsinki, Finland

Connect to the session

This physical session will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at


[Yokohama] The next step of TPAM Fringe

[Yokohama] The next steps of TPAM Fringe

TPAM Fringe is an open-call program of TPAM (Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama) that introduces over 50 artists/groups to professional participants of TPAM and the local audience.

This panel discussion invites past participants of TPAM Fringe to explore possibilities of this program in the future with TPAM's director, Hiromi Maruoka.

Connect to the session

passcode: 040571

This physical session in BankART Temporary will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Yokohama. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Yukio Nitta (PARC) at

TPAM Fringe is an open-call program of TPAM (Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama) that introduces over 50 artists/groups to professional participants of TPAM and the local audience.

This panel discussion invites past participants of TPAM Fringe to explore possibilities of this program in the future with TPAM's director, Hiromi Maruoka.

Connect to the session

This physical session in BankART Temporary will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Yokohama. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Yukio Nitta (PARC) at


[Melbourne] Common Ingredients: A digital dinner party with the world

[Melbourne] Common Ingredients: A digital dinner party with the world

In our corner of Australia we are in lockdown. We’re missing each other, and we’re missing you. So we’re inviting you to Common Ingredients - A digital dinner party with the world!

We’re talking about Zoom-time in the kitchen and the dining room on Friday 2 October from 19:00 to 21:00 AEST, sharing food and creativity with peers and colleagues far and wide, and having conversations about where we are, how we’re traveling and where we might like to go next. 

All participants are requested to organise some common ingredients from which you can prepare your own meal during the meeting (see the list below).

Across the evening we will facilitate small-group interaction to stimulate connections between members, during which we will situate, cook our meals, and eat together. Interspersed (of course!) with some short creative interventions from local members. 

This is a gathering not just for a local South-Eastern corner of Australia, but for us and beyond, well beyond. Maintaining and deepening our links.

Yes this is dinner time in Melbourne. But also an early dinner in Hong Kong, Taipei or Tokyo? Late lunch in Ekaterinburg? Lunch or brunch across Europe? A very early breakfast in São Paulo or a midnight sack in LA? Wherever you are in the world, if you’re awake and hungry, please join us!

Connect to the session

Max capacity:  100 participants

Things to prepare

The culinary connector for Common Ingredients is PESTO. 

What’s your thing when it comes to pesto? Pasta or salad? Toast or Eggs? Pecorino or Reggiano? Rocket?

Each of us will be preparing our own own pesto-driven meal. Simple evening pesto pasta? Pesto scrambled eggs for breakfast? Lunchtime vegetable-pesto panini or pesto chicken salad? And of course we all have our own variants on what makes for the perfect pesto. Go your own way and be prepared to share your secrets over the digital dinner table.

Shopping list

  • Jar of pesto (make your own? what’s your variant? regional take?)
  • Serve of pasta (or equivalent)
  • Parmesan cheese (or equivalent)
  • Olive oil (or equivalent)
  • Salt, pepper etc
  • Bottle of wine (or equivalent) *recommended, really!
  • Other items as your heart and tastebuds desire

Common Ingredients starts at 11:00 CEST/19:00 AEST and we will be eating by 12:20 CEST/20:20 AEST, so plenty of time for everyone to cook/prepare their version of the pesto festa in their own kitchen over conversations with your international friends.

Yes we’ll all be cooking while we meet, so clear the bench and check the kitchen WiFi!

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Melbourne, Australia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Xan Colman at

In our corner of Australia we are in lockdown. We’re missing each other, and we’re missing you. So we’re inviting you to Common Ingredients - A digital dinner party with the world!

We’re talking about Zoom-time in the kitchen and the dining room on Friday 2 October from 19:00 to 21:00 AEST, sharing food and creativity with peers and colleagues far and wide, and having conversations about where we are, how we’re traveling and where we might like to go next. 

All participants are requested to organise some common ingredients from which you can prepare your own meal during the meeting (see the list below).

Across the evening we will facilitate small-group interaction to stimulate connections between members, during which we will situate, cook our meals, and eat together. Interspersed (of course!) with some short creative interventions from local members. 

This is a gathering not just for a local South-Eastern corner of Australia, but for us and beyond, well beyond. Maintaining and deepening our links.

Yes this is dinner time in Melbourne. But also an early dinner in Hong Kong, Taipei or Tokyo? Late lunch in Ekaterinburg? Lunch or brunch across Europe? A very early breakfast in São Paulo or a midnight sack in LA? Wherever you are in the world, if you’re awake and hungry, please join us!

Connect to the session

Max capacity:  100 participants

Things to prepare

The culinary connector for Common Ingredients is PESTO. 

What’s your thing when it comes to pesto? Pasta or salad? Toast or Eggs? Pecorino or Reggiano? Rocket?

Each of us will be preparing our own own pesto-driven meal. Simple evening pesto pasta? Pesto scrambled eggs for breakfast? Lunchtime vegetable-pesto panini or pesto chicken salad? And of course we all have our own variants on what makes for the perfect pesto. Go your own way and be prepared to share your secrets over the digital dinner table.

Shopping list

  • Jar of pesto (make your own? what’s your variant? regional take?)
  • Serve of pasta (or equivalent)
  • Parmesan cheese (or equivalent)
  • Olive oil (or equivalent)
  • Salt, pepper etc
  • Bottle of wine (or equivalent) *recommended, really!
  • Other items as your heart and tastebuds desire

Common Ingredients starts at 11:00 CEST/19:00 AEST and we will be eating by 12:20 CEST/20:20 AEST, so plenty of time for everyone to cook/prepare their version of the pesto festa in their own kitchen over conversations with your international friends.

Yes we’ll all be cooking while we meet, so clear the bench and check the kitchen WiFi!

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Melbourne, Australia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Xan Colman at


[Istanbul] Building a culture of resilience in performing arts

[Istanbul] Building a culture of resilience in performing arts

In times of uncertainty and change, it is essential to discuss the ways to build a culture of resilience and emphasize the significance of solidarity. Due to the pandemic, the performing arts organizations in Turkey and the rest of the world have come to a standstill. Perhaps, it is the perfect time to ask: “What Matters Now?”

This webinar aims to focus on the best practices in relation to resilience in Asian, Middle Eastern and Eastern European countries, which are in similar situations to Turkey. We will discuss the resilience of performing arts organizations, theatre managers, and the healing effect of performing arts on society during a post-traumatic period.

The programme will be in English but there will be simultaneous interpretation in Turkish.

Connect to the session

Passcode: 588500

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Istanbul, Turkey. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Ayşe Devecioğlu at

In times of uncertainty and change, it is essential to discuss the ways to build a culture of resilience and emphasize the significance of solidarity. Due to the pandemic, the performing arts organizations in Turkey and the rest of the world have come to a standstill. Perhaps, it is the perfect time to ask: “What Matters Now?”

This webinar aims to focus on the best practices in relation to resilience in Asian, Middle Eastern and Eastern European countries, which are in similar situations to Turkey. We will discuss the resilience of performing arts organizations, theatre managers, and the healing effect of performing arts on society during a post-traumatic period.

The programme will be in English but there will be simultaneous interpretation in Turkish.

Connect to the session

Passcode: 588500

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Istanbul, Turkey. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Ayşe Devecioğlu at


[Budapest] Round table discussion: Sustainable touring

[Budapest] Round table discussion: Sustainable touring

When planning a tour, will financial sustainability always win over environmental considerations? Or can we work on making these 2 aspects meet, or at least getting closer to each other?

These questions are becoming even more burning with the exacerbation of the climate crisis and the Covid-19 situation. Bringing (a part of) our work as artists, curators, producers, even theatre technicians to the digital sphere often seems to promise an ultimate solution – what pros and contras can be mentioned for the digitalisation of artistic creation and dissemination?

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 953 0770 6206

This session was conceived and will be hosted by Placcc Festival and Hodworks.

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at

When planning a tour, will financial sustainability always win over environmental considerations? Or can we work on making these 2 aspects meet, or at least getting closer to each other?

These questions are becoming even more burning with the exacerbation of the climate crisis and the Covid-19 situation. Bringing (a part of) our work as artists, curators, producers, even theatre technicians to the digital sphere often seems to promise an ultimate solution – what pros and contras can be mentioned for the digitalisation of artistic creation and dissemination?

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 953 0770 6206

This session was conceived and will be hosted by Placcc Festival and Hodworks.

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at


[Istanbul] Building a culture of resilience in performing arts

[Istanbul] Building a culture of resilience in performing arts

In times of uncertainty and change, it is essential to discuss the ways to build a culture of resilience and emphasize the significance of solidarity. Due to the pandemic, the performing arts organizations in Turkey and the rest of the world have come to a standstill. Perhaps, it is the perfect time to ask: “What Matters Now?”

This webinar aims to focus on the best practices in relation to resilience in Asian, Middle Eastern and Eastern European countries, which are in similar situations to Turkey. We will discuss the resilience of performing arts organizations, theatre managers, and the healing effect of performing arts on society during a post-traumatic period.

The programme will be in English but there will be simultaneous interpretation in Turkish.

Connect to the session

Passcode: 588500

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Istanbul, Turkey. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Ayşe Devecioğlu at

In times of uncertainty and change, it is essential to discuss the ways to build a culture of resilience and emphasize the significance of solidarity. Due to the pandemic, the performing arts organizations in Turkey and the rest of the world have come to a standstill. Perhaps, it is the perfect time to ask: “What Matters Now?”

This webinar aims to focus on the best practices in relation to resilience in Asian, Middle Eastern and Eastern European countries, which are in similar situations to Turkey. We will discuss the resilience of performing arts organizations, theatre managers, and the healing effect of performing arts on society during a post-traumatic period.

The programme will be in English but there will be simultaneous interpretation in Turkish.

Connect to the session

Passcode: 588500

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Istanbul, Turkey. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Ayşe Devecioğlu at


[Budapest] Round table discussion: Sustainable touring

[Budapest] Round table discussion: Sustainable touring

When planning a tour, will financial sustainability always win over environmental considerations? Or can we work on making these 2 aspects meet, or at least getting closer to each other?

These questions are becoming even more burning with the exacerbation of the climate crisis and the Covid-19 situation. Bringing (a part of) our work as artists, curators, producers, even theatre technicians to the digital sphere often seems to promise an ultimate solution – what pros and contras can be mentioned for the digitalisation of artistic creation and dissemination?

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 953 0770 6206

This session was conceived and will be hosted by Placcc Festival and Hodworks.

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at

When planning a tour, will financial sustainability always win over environmental considerations? Or can we work on making these 2 aspects meet, or at least getting closer to each other?

These questions are becoming even more burning with the exacerbation of the climate crisis and the Covid-19 situation. Bringing (a part of) our work as artists, curators, producers, even theatre technicians to the digital sphere often seems to promise an ultimate solution – what pros and contras can be mentioned for the digitalisation of artistic creation and dissemination?

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 953 0770 6206

This session was conceived and will be hosted by Placcc Festival and Hodworks.

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at


[Ireland] International Theatre eXchange (ITX): Dublin Theatre Festival programmed artists***

[Ireland] International Theatre eXchange (ITX): Dublin Theatre Festival programmed artists***

This hour, in unprecedented circumstances, Dublin Theatre Festival artists will talk about the work they made for this year’s festival.

Irish Theatre Institute, in partnership with Culture Ireland and Dublin Theatre Festival, hosts their annual gathering for Irish theatre artists to pitch their productions to international presenters, and we invite IETM members to sit in and listen. 

For the 27th consecutive year, ITX offers a platform for Irish theatre artists and companies to present their work and exchange ideas and models of working particularly around international touring and collaboration.

To register for this session, please write directly to to book your spot.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at

This hour, in unprecedented circumstances, Dublin Theatre Festival artists will talk about the work they made for this year’s festival.

Irish Theatre Institute, in partnership with Culture Ireland and Dublin Theatre Festival, hosts their annual gathering for Irish theatre artists to pitch their productions to international presenters, and we invite IETM members to sit in and listen. 

For the 27th consecutive year, ITX offers a platform for Irish theatre artists and companies to present their work and exchange ideas and models of working particularly around international touring and collaboration.

To register for this session, please write directly to to book your spot.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at


[Ireland] International Theatre eXchange (ITX): Dublin Theatre Festival programmed artists***

[Ireland] International Theatre eXchange (ITX): Dublin Theatre Festival programmed artists***

This hour, in unprecedented circumstances, Dublin Theatre Festival artists will talk about the work they made for this year’s festival.

Irish Theatre Institute, in partnership with Culture Ireland and Dublin Theatre Festival, hosts their annual gathering for Irish theatre artists to pitch their productions to international presenters, and we invite IETM members to sit in and listen. 

For the 27th consecutive year, ITX offers a platform for Irish theatre artists and companies to present their work and exchange ideas and models of working particularly around international touring and collaboration.

To register for this session, please write directly to to book your spot.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at

This hour, in unprecedented circumstances, Dublin Theatre Festival artists will talk about the work they made for this year’s festival.

Irish Theatre Institute, in partnership with Culture Ireland and Dublin Theatre Festival, hosts their annual gathering for Irish theatre artists to pitch their productions to international presenters, and we invite IETM members to sit in and listen. 

For the 27th consecutive year, ITX offers a platform for Irish theatre artists and companies to present their work and exchange ideas and models of working particularly around international touring and collaboration.

To register for this session, please write directly to to book your spot.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at


[Hong Kong] Trans Asia Express

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

[Hong Kong] Trans Asia Express

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

A tour through Asia-Pacific (APAC) contemporary creations following topical threads, possibly with calls to collaboration.

Connect to the session

This physical session will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at

A tour through Asia-Pacific (APAC) contemporary creations following topical threads, possibly with calls to collaboration.

Connect to the session

This physical session will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at


[Hong Kong] Trans Asia Express

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

[Hong Kong] Trans Asia Express

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

A tour through Asia-Pacific (APAC) contemporary creations following topical threads, possibly with calls to collaboration.

Connect to the session

This physical session will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at

A tour through Asia-Pacific (APAC) contemporary creations following topical threads, possibly with calls to collaboration.

Connect to the session

This physical session will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Hong Kong. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Stéphane Noël at


[IETM] IETM Info cell

[IETM] IETM Info cell

An hour of valuable information on IETM: overview of the current and upcoming activities and projects, update on the recent and forthcoming policy and advocacy work, and introduction to the different working groups of IETM.


  • Overview of IETM activities and projects (Ása Richardsdóttir)
  • New IETM website presentation (Jeremy Gobin)
  • Overview of IETM's advocacy actions (Elena Polivtseva)
  • IDEA Group presentation (Jonathan Meth)
  • Producers Group presentation (Victor Leclère)
  • AREA Group presentation (Henk Keizer, Jean Vinet and Karine Décorne)
  • Sound & Music Theatre Group presentation (Josh Armstrong)
  • Participatory and Immersive Creation Group presentation (Simon Hanukai)
  • Advisory Committee presentation (Cristina Carlini)

Connect to the session

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at

An hour of valuable information on IETM: overview of the current and upcoming activities and projects, update on the recent and forthcoming policy and advocacy work, and introduction to the different working groups of IETM.


  • Overview of IETM activities and projects (Ása Richardsdóttir)
  • New IETM website presentation (Jeremy Gobin)
  • Overview of IETM's advocacy actions (Elena Polivtseva)
  • IDEA Group presentation (Jonathan Meth)
  • Producers Group presentation (Victor Leclère)
  • AREA Group presentation (Henk Keizer, Jean Vinet and Karine Décorne)
  • Sound & Music Theatre Group presentation (Josh Armstrong)
  • Participatory and Immersive Creation Group presentation (Simon Hanukai)
  • Advisory Committee presentation (Cristina Carlini)

Connect to the session

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at


[IETM] IETM Info cell

[IETM] IETM Info cell

An hour of valuable information on IETM: overview of the current and upcoming activities and projects, update on the recent and forthcoming policy and advocacy work, and introduction to the different working groups of IETM.


  • Overview of IETM activities and projects (Ása Richardsdóttir)
  • New IETM website presentation (Jeremy Gobin)
  • Overview of IETM's advocacy actions (Elena Polivtseva)
  • IDEA Group presentation (Jonathan Meth)
  • Producers Group presentation (Victor Leclère)
  • AREA Group presentation (Henk Keizer, Jean Vinet and Karine Décorne)
  • Sound & Music Theatre Group presentation (Josh Armstrong)
  • Participatory and Immersive Creation Group presentation (Simon Hanukai)
  • Advisory Committee presentation (Cristina Carlini)

Connect to the session

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at

An hour of valuable information on IETM: overview of the current and upcoming activities and projects, update on the recent and forthcoming policy and advocacy work, and introduction to the different working groups of IETM.


  • Overview of IETM activities and projects (Ása Richardsdóttir)
  • New IETM website presentation (Jeremy Gobin)
  • Overview of IETM's advocacy actions (Elena Polivtseva)
  • IDEA Group presentation (Jonathan Meth)
  • Producers Group presentation (Victor Leclère)
  • AREA Group presentation (Henk Keizer, Jean Vinet and Karine Décorne)
  • Sound & Music Theatre Group presentation (Josh Armstrong)
  • Participatory and Immersive Creation Group presentation (Simon Hanukai)
  • Advisory Committee presentation (Cristina Carlini)

Connect to the session

This online session will be automatically captioned in English and translated into 16 languages by

This online session is part of the main IETM online programme of the IETM Multi-location Plenary. For any questions regarding this session or in case of a technical issue, please contact us at


[Budapest] Roundtable discussion: Environmental organisations and artists

[Budapest] Roundtable discussion: Environmental organisations and artists

We aim at stepping out from our performing art frame and tackle the question: how to establish (mutually beneficiary strategic) partnership between artists, producers and environmental organisations, to explore our relationship with landscapes, the science and the heritage, through the medium of art while taking account of major environmental issues?

What can be the benefits of such cross-sectorial collaborations for the environmental organisations and for us (artists and producers)?

Thomas Lamers, Collectief Walden, the Netherlands
Diána Berecz, PAD #szabadonbalaton, Hungary
Gergő Halmos, director of Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society, Hungary

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 953 0424 4906

This session was conceived and will be hosted by Placcc Festival and Pro Progressione.

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at

We aim at stepping out from our performing art frame and tackle the question: how to establish (mutually beneficiary strategic) partnership between artists, producers and environmental organisations, to explore our relationship with landscapes, the science and the heritage, through the medium of art while taking account of major environmental issues?

What can be the benefits of such cross-sectorial collaborations for the environmental organisations and for us (artists and producers)?

Thomas Lamers, Collectief Walden, the Netherlands
Diána Berecz, PAD #szabadonbalaton, Hungary
Gergő Halmos, director of Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society, Hungary

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 953 0424 4906

This session was conceived and will be hosted by Placcc Festival and Pro Progressione.

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at


[Budapest] Roundtable discussion: Environmental organisations and artists

[Budapest] Roundtable discussion: Environmental organisations and artists

We aim at stepping out from our performing art frame and tackle the question: how to establish (mutually beneficiary strategic) partnership between artists, producers and environmental organisations, to explore our relationship with landscapes, the science and the heritage, through the medium of art while taking account of major environmental issues?

What can be the benefits of such cross-sectorial collaborations for the environmental organisations and for us (artists and producers)?

Thomas Lamers, Collectief Walden, the Netherlands
Diána Berecz, PAD #szabadonbalaton, Hungary
Gergő Halmos, director of Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society, Hungary

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 953 0424 4906

This session was conceived and will be hosted by Placcc Festival and Pro Progressione.

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at

We aim at stepping out from our performing art frame and tackle the question: how to establish (mutually beneficiary strategic) partnership between artists, producers and environmental organisations, to explore our relationship with landscapes, the science and the heritage, through the medium of art while taking account of major environmental issues?

What can be the benefits of such cross-sectorial collaborations for the environmental organisations and for us (artists and producers)?

Thomas Lamers, Collectief Walden, the Netherlands
Diána Berecz, PAD #szabadonbalaton, Hungary
Gergő Halmos, director of Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society, Hungary

Connect to the session

Meeting ID: 953 0424 4906

This session was conceived and will be hosted by Placcc Festival and Pro Progressione.

This physical session in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Budapest, Hungary. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Luca Kövécs at


[Berlin] And now... Exchange?!

[Berlin] And now... Exchange?!

As a co-host of the programme 2020 RAUMFAHRT – Expeditions into the Performing Arts Community, Ulrike Seybold (NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, North Rhine-Westphalia’s State Office for the Independent Performing Arts) will meet Adriana Světlíková (Prague) who coordinates the Prague end of the exchange project PRALIN as program director in the independent performing arts network Nová Sít‘.

Together, they will discuss current challenges facing exchange programs in the arts.

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at

As a co-host of the programme 2020 RAUMFAHRT – Expeditions into the Performing Arts Community, Ulrike Seybold (NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, North Rhine-Westphalia’s State Office for the Independent Performing Arts) will meet Adriana Světlíková (Prague) who coordinates the Prague end of the exchange project PRALIN as program director in the independent performing arts network Nová Sít‘.

Together, they will discuss current challenges facing exchange programs in the arts.

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at


[Berlin] And now... Exchange?!

[Berlin] And now... Exchange?!

As a co-host of the programme 2020 RAUMFAHRT – Expeditions into the Performing Arts Community, Ulrike Seybold (NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, North Rhine-Westphalia’s State Office for the Independent Performing Arts) will meet Adriana Světlíková (Prague) who coordinates the Prague end of the exchange project PRALIN as program director in the independent performing arts network Nová Sít‘.

Together, they will discuss current challenges facing exchange programs in the arts.

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at

As a co-host of the programme 2020 RAUMFAHRT – Expeditions into the Performing Arts Community, Ulrike Seybold (NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, North Rhine-Westphalia’s State Office for the Independent Performing Arts) will meet Adriana Světlíková (Prague) who coordinates the Prague end of the exchange project PRALIN as program director in the independent performing arts network Nová Sít‘.

Together, they will discuss current challenges facing exchange programs in the arts.

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at


[Berlin] And now... Nature?!

[Berlin] And now... Nature?!

We really have to speak quite urgently about how we work in harmony with nature and how we can and want to continue doing so. The artistic-scientific practice of Gosie Vervloessem from Brussels meets the apocalyptic impulse of Max Gadow (Virtuellestheater).

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at

We really have to speak quite urgently about how we work in harmony with nature and how we can and want to continue doing so. The artistic-scientific practice of Gosie Vervloessem from Brussels meets the apocalyptic impulse of Max Gadow (Virtuellestheater).

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at


[Ljubljana] Challenges of socially engaged theatre

[Ljubljana] Challenges of socially engaged theatre

Our discussion will start from the premise that every public statement already holds a political stand. And so does theatre. We wish to address the horizons of such political notions. 

How does contemporary theatre reflect the reality around us? Is it enough to merely represent political topics on the stage, or has the time come to fundamentally change the conditions of production and challenge power relations within the creative processes? On which grounds do we create relations with our audiences? Should our reflection on conditions of production already include a vision about involving audiences in the process and thus offer them a platform for the emancipation of their own position? How can we go beyond the notion of us and them, of us performing and then passively receiving in order to come closer to a more equal and community based process? Where is the space for democracy in theatre, especially if wish to overcome the economic transitions of some paying to watch and others being paid to perform? 

How can we deepen the perspectives and reflections of our work? How can we change the world with theatre?

Panelists, all longtime theatre workers, will offer their interesting insight into the perspectives and limitations of politics in theatre.

Connect to the session

This session will be held in English and we will arrange simultaneous translation in Slovene.

This physical discussion in Gledalisce Glej will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Barbara Poček at

Our discussion will start from the premise that every public statement already holds a political stand. And so does theatre. We wish to address the horizons of such political notions. 

How does contemporary theatre reflect the reality around us? Is it enough to merely represent political topics on the stage, or has the time come to fundamentally change the conditions of production and challenge power relations within the creative processes? On which grounds do we create relations with our audiences? Should our reflection on conditions of production already include a vision about involving audiences in the process and thus offer them a platform for the emancipation of their own position? How can we go beyond the notion of us and them, of us performing and then passively receiving in order to come closer to a more equal and community based process? Where is the space for democracy in theatre, especially if wish to overcome the economic transitions of some paying to watch and others being paid to perform? 

How can we deepen the perspectives and reflections of our work? How can we change the world with theatre?

Panelists, all longtime theatre workers, will offer their interesting insight into the perspectives and limitations of politics in theatre.

Connect to the session

This session will be held in English and we will arrange simultaneous translation in Slovene.

This physical discussion in Gledalisce Glej will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Barbara Poček at


[Aarhus] CAMP global dialogue call

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

[Aarhus] CAMP global dialogue call

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

The industry-related meeting calls upon an active global performing arts community. We invite you to join this community building online session to meet peer to peer and address specific questions, starting from the point “What matters now?”.

The gathering will take off with a provocation rooted in a case addressing the producers' role in society. After this speech, we will explore the matter further in smaller breakout rooms and a feedback session.

In the last 30 minutes of the call, we will invest in socialising and raise a toast to the future! 

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lene Bang Henningsen at

The industry-related meeting calls upon an active global performing arts community. We invite you to join this community building online session to meet peer to peer and address specific questions, starting from the point “What matters now?”.

The gathering will take off with a provocation rooted in a case addressing the producers' role in society. After this speech, we will explore the matter further in smaller breakout rooms and a feedback session.

In the last 30 minutes of the call, we will invest in socialising and raise a toast to the future! 

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lene Bang Henningsen at


[Aarhus] CAMP global dialogue call

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

[Aarhus] CAMP global dialogue call

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

The industry-related meeting calls upon an active global performing arts community. We invite you to join this community building online session to meet peer to peer and address specific questions, starting from the point “What matters now?”.

The gathering will take off with a provocation rooted in a case addressing the producers' role in society. After this speech, we will explore the matter further in smaller breakout rooms and a feedback session.

In the last 30 minutes of the call, we will invest in socialising and raise a toast to the future! 

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lene Bang Henningsen at

The industry-related meeting calls upon an active global performing arts community. We invite you to join this community building online session to meet peer to peer and address specific questions, starting from the point “What matters now?”.

The gathering will take off with a provocation rooted in a case addressing the producers' role in society. After this speech, we will explore the matter further in smaller breakout rooms and a feedback session.

In the last 30 minutes of the call, we will invest in socialising and raise a toast to the future! 

Connect to the session

This session will be held online as part of both the 4th edition of CAMP and the online IETM Multi-location in Aarhus. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lene Bang Henningsen at


[Ireland] International Theatre eXchange (ITX): Pitching Initiative***

[Ireland] International Theatre eXchange (ITX): Pitching Initiative***

Pitching Initiative is a curated session which is an opportunity to hear from five Irish-based theatre companies and artists with work that has received both audience and critical praise and is ready to tour when restrictions allow.

Irish Theatre Institute, in partnership with Culture Ireland and Dublin Theatre Festival, hosts their annual gathering for Irish theatre artists to pitch their productions to international presenters, and we invite IETM members to sit in and listen. 

For the 27th consecutive year, ITX offers a platform for Irish theatre artists and companies to present their work and exchange ideas and models of working particularly around international touring and collaboration.

To register for this session, please write directly to to book your spot.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at

Pitching Initiative is a curated session which is an opportunity to hear from five Irish-based theatre companies and artists with work that has received both audience and critical praise and is ready to tour when restrictions allow.

Irish Theatre Institute, in partnership with Culture Ireland and Dublin Theatre Festival, hosts their annual gathering for Irish theatre artists to pitch their productions to international presenters, and we invite IETM members to sit in and listen. 

For the 27th consecutive year, ITX offers a platform for Irish theatre artists and companies to present their work and exchange ideas and models of working particularly around international touring and collaboration.

To register for this session, please write directly to to book your spot.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at


[Berlin] And now... Nature?!

[Berlin] And now... Nature?!

We really have to speak quite urgently about how we work in harmony with nature and how we can and want to continue doing so. The artistic-scientific practice of Gosie Vervloessem from Brussels meets the apocalyptic impulse of Max Gadow (Virtuellestheater).

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at

We really have to speak quite urgently about how we work in harmony with nature and how we can and want to continue doing so. The artistic-scientific practice of Gosie Vervloessem from Brussels meets the apocalyptic impulse of Max Gadow (Virtuellestheater).

This session will be live-streamed on Performing Arts Programm Berlin's website:

Connect to the session

This session will be held as part of both the 8th Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Industry and IETM Multi-location in Berlin.

For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly the Berlin Performing Arts Program on +49 30 / 33 84 54 51 or at


[Ljubljana] Challenges of socially engaged theatre

[Ljubljana] Challenges of socially engaged theatre

Our discussion will start from the premise that every public statement already holds a political stand. And so does theatre. We wish to address the horizons of such political notions. 

How does contemporary theatre reflect the reality around us? Is it enough to merely represent political topics on the stage, or has the time come to fundamentally change the conditions of production and challenge power relations within the creative processes? On which grounds do we create relations with our audiences? Should our reflection on conditions of production already include a vision about involving audiences in the process and thus offer them a platform for the emancipation of their own position? How can we go beyond the notion of us and them, of us performing and then passively receiving in order to come closer to a more equal and community based process? Where is the space for democracy in theatre, especially if wish to overcome the economic transitions of some paying to watch and others being paid to perform? 

How can we deepen the perspectives and reflections of our work? How can we change the world with theatre?

Panelists, all longtime theatre workers, will offer their interesting insight into the perspectives and limitations of politics in theatre.

Connect to the session

This session will be held in English and we will arrange simultaneous translation in Slovene.

This physical discussion in Gledalisce Glej will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Barbara Poček at

Our discussion will start from the premise that every public statement already holds a political stand. And so does theatre. We wish to address the horizons of such political notions. 

How does contemporary theatre reflect the reality around us? Is it enough to merely represent political topics on the stage, or has the time come to fundamentally change the conditions of production and challenge power relations within the creative processes? On which grounds do we create relations with our audiences? Should our reflection on conditions of production already include a vision about involving audiences in the process and thus offer them a platform for the emancipation of their own position? How can we go beyond the notion of us and them, of us performing and then passively receiving in order to come closer to a more equal and community based process? Where is the space for democracy in theatre, especially if wish to overcome the economic transitions of some paying to watch and others being paid to perform? 

How can we deepen the perspectives and reflections of our work? How can we change the world with theatre?

Panelists, all longtime theatre workers, will offer their interesting insight into the perspectives and limitations of politics in theatre.

Connect to the session

This session will be held in English and we will arrange simultaneous translation in Slovene.

This physical discussion in Gledalisce Glej will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Barbara Poček at


[Ireland] International Theatre eXchange (ITX): Pitching Initiative***

[Ireland] International Theatre eXchange (ITX): Pitching Initiative***

Pitching Initiative is a curated session which is an opportunity to hear from five Irish-based theatre companies and artists with work that has received both audience and critical praise and is ready to tour when restrictions allow.

Irish Theatre Institute, in partnership with Culture Ireland and Dublin Theatre Festival, hosts their annual gathering for Irish theatre artists to pitch their productions to international presenters, and we invite IETM members to sit in and listen. 

For the 27th consecutive year, ITX offers a platform for Irish theatre artists and companies to present their work and exchange ideas and models of working particularly around international touring and collaboration.

To register for this session, please write directly to to book your spot.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at

Pitching Initiative is a curated session which is an opportunity to hear from five Irish-based theatre companies and artists with work that has received both audience and critical praise and is ready to tour when restrictions allow.

Irish Theatre Institute, in partnership with Culture Ireland and Dublin Theatre Festival, hosts their annual gathering for Irish theatre artists to pitch their productions to international presenters, and we invite IETM members to sit in and listen. 

For the 27th consecutive year, ITX offers a platform for Irish theatre artists and companies to present their work and exchange ideas and models of working particularly around international touring and collaboration.

To register for this session, please write directly to to book your spot.

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at


[Ireland] Adaptation conversation: Artists and makers

[Ireland] Adaptation conversation: Artists and makers

The first half of the hour will be a conversation between Irish contemporary performing arts makers with an international outlook. The second half of the hour will be breakout groups for you to discuss some of the issues raised, your own thoughts, and get to meet up with your IETM counterparts. We will leave the Zoom open for informal chat after the end of the session. Bring a drink.

Connect to the session

 Passcode: 934259

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at

The first half of the hour will be a conversation between Irish contemporary performing arts makers with an international outlook. The second half of the hour will be breakout groups for you to discuss some of the issues raised, your own thoughts, and get to meet up with your IETM counterparts. We will leave the Zoom open for informal chat after the end of the session. Bring a drink.

Connect to the session

 Passcode: 934259

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at


[Ireland] Adaptation conversation: Artists and makers

[Ireland] Adaptation conversation: Artists and makers

The first half of the hour will be a conversation between Irish contemporary performing arts makers with an international outlook. The second half of the hour will be breakout groups for you to discuss some of the issues raised, your own thoughts, and get to meet up with your IETM counterparts. We will leave the Zoom open for informal chat after the end of the session. Bring a drink.

Connect to the session

 Passcode: 934259

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at

The first half of the hour will be a conversation between Irish contemporary performing arts makers with an international outlook. The second half of the hour will be breakout groups for you to discuss some of the issues raised, your own thoughts, and get to meet up with your IETM counterparts. We will leave the Zoom open for informal chat after the end of the session. Bring a drink.

Connect to the session

 Passcode: 934259

This session will be held online as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Ireland. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Lian bell at or Irma McLoughlin at


[Buzău] Online theatre game: Generation 200***

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

[Buzău] Online theatre game: Generation 200***

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

What if aging was not a problem anymore? What if researchers found “the cure” for this process? What would humanity look like? Part game, part lecture, this participatory performance will let you step into the shoes of a futurist.
You can be part of the game by selecting your role:

Futurist (max 6 people)
By selecting the role of Futurist, you agree to participate directly in the development of the action via live written opinions (in English). You need to keep your webcam on at all times and, if you like, you can wear a face filter (you will receive all instructions via email).

Worldbuilder (max 80 people)
By selecting the role of Worldbuilder, you agree to keep your camera and microphone turned off throughout the performance. Your participation will involve voting via Zoom.

Note that in case there are not enough registered participants for each category, the game may be cancelled. Also note that in case too many participants are registered as Futurists, we may reassign some roles as Worldbuilders.

The link to connect to the game was already sent via email to all those who registered already. However, all people who have not registered via the form can join as Worldbuilders, with camera and microphone turned off. All participants will be required to vote via Zoom.

Connect to the game

Duration: approx. 1 h.

This session will be held online in English as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Buzău, Romania. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Marina Hanganu at

What if aging was not a problem anymore? What if researchers found “the cure” for this process? What would humanity look like? Part game, part lecture, this participatory performance will let you step into the shoes of a futurist.
You can be part of the game by selecting your role:

Futurist (max 6 people)
By selecting the role of Futurist, you agree to participate directly in the development of the action via live written opinions (in English). You need to keep your webcam on at all times and, if you like, you can wear a face filter (you will receive all instructions via email).

Worldbuilder (max 80 people)
By selecting the role of Worldbuilder, you agree to keep your camera and microphone turned off throughout the performance. Your participation will involve voting via Zoom.

Note that in case there are not enough registered participants for each category, the game may be cancelled. Also note that in case too many participants are registered as Futurists, we may reassign some roles as Worldbuilders.

The link to connect to the game was already sent via email to all those who registered already. However, all people who have not registered via the form can join as Worldbuilders, with camera and microphone turned off. All participants will be required to vote via Zoom.

Connect to the game

Duration: approx. 1 h.

This session will be held online in English as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Buzău, Romania. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Marina Hanganu at


[Buzău] Online theatre game: Generation 200***

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

[Buzău] Online theatre game: Generation 200***

The link to connect to this session will be provided close to the meeting.

What if aging was not a problem anymore? What if researchers found “the cure” for this process? What would humanity look like? Part game, part lecture, this participatory performance will let you step into the shoes of a futurist.
You can be part of the game by selecting your role:

Futurist (max 6 people)
By selecting the role of Futurist, you agree to participate directly in the development of the action via live written opinions (in English). You need to keep your webcam on at all times and, if you like, you can wear a face filter (you will receive all instructions via email).

Worldbuilder (max 80 people)
By selecting the role of Worldbuilder, you agree to keep your camera and microphone turned off throughout the performance. Your participation will involve voting via Zoom.

Note that in case there are not enough registered participants for each category, the game may be cancelled. Also note that in case too many participants are registered as Futurists, we may reassign some roles as Worldbuilders.

The link to connect to the game was already sent via email to all those who registered already. However, all people who have not registered via the form can join as Worldbuilders, with camera and microphone turned off. All participants will be required to vote via Zoom.

Connect to the game

Duration: approx. 1 h.

This session will be held online in English as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Buzău, Romania. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Marina Hanganu at

What if aging was not a problem anymore? What if researchers found “the cure” for this process? What would humanity look like? Part game, part lecture, this participatory performance will let you step into the shoes of a futurist.
You can be part of the game by selecting your role:

Futurist (max 6 people)
By selecting the role of Futurist, you agree to participate directly in the development of the action via live written opinions (in English). You need to keep your webcam on at all times and, if you like, you can wear a face filter (you will receive all instructions via email).

Worldbuilder (max 80 people)
By selecting the role of Worldbuilder, you agree to keep your camera and microphone turned off throughout the performance. Your participation will involve voting via Zoom.

Note that in case there are not enough registered participants for each category, the game may be cancelled. Also note that in case too many participants are registered as Futurists, we may reassign some roles as Worldbuilders.

The link to connect to the game was already sent via email to all those who registered already. However, all people who have not registered via the form can join as Worldbuilders, with camera and microphone turned off. All participants will be required to vote via Zoom.

Connect to the game

Duration: approx. 1 h.

This session will be held online in English as part of the online IETM Multi-location in Buzău, Romania. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Marina Hanganu at


[Montreal] Canadian Newsround

[Montreal] Newsround canadien

6 international and national presenters and 5 local artists share their news about what drives them, their projects, their questioning, their way of seeing and approaching the current reality of creation, production and dissemination, as well as its impact on their practice.

Connect to the session

Companies/artists from Canada
Kim-Sanh Chau, dance video, choreographer
Nina Segalowitz, throat singing, musician
Maxime D-Pomerleau, performer, dancer
Ilya Krouglikov, performative installation
Elena Stoodley, songwriter

Évoé Sotelo, Director, Danza UNAM, Mexico City)
Diego Aramburo, Artistic Advisor, International Theatre Festival, Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Ariane Cuminale, Diretora, Vuela Produção e Criação, Sao Paulo-Buenos Aires
Martin Faucher, Artistic Director, Festival TransAmériques, Montreal
Angela Fumarola, Artistic Director, Festival Inequilibrio, Rosignano Marittimo
Ahmed El-Attar, Festival D-CAF, Le Caire

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Montreal, Canada. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Geoffroy Faribault at

6 international and national presenters and 5 local artists share their news about what drives them, their projects, their questioning, their way of seeing and approaching the current reality of creation, production and dissemination, as well as its impact on their practice.

Connect to the session

Companies/artists from Canada
Kim-Sanh Chau, dance video, choreographer
Nina Segalowitz, throat singing, musician
Maxime D-Pomerleau, performer, dancer
Ilya Krouglikov, performative installation
Elena Stoodley, songwriter

Évoé Sotelo, Director, Danza UNAM, Mexico City)
Diego Aramburo, Artistic Advisor, International Theatre Festival, Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Ariane Cuminale, Diretora, Vuela Produção e Criação, Sao Paulo-Buenos Aires
Martin Faucher, Artistic Director, Festival TransAmériques, Montreal
Angela Fumarola, Artistic Director, Festival Inequilibrio, Rosignano Marittimo
Ahmed El-Attar, Festival D-CAF, Le Caire

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Montreal, Canada. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Geoffroy Faribault at


[Montreal] Canadian Newsround

[Montreal] Newsround canadien

6 international and national presenters and 5 local artists share their news about what drives them, their projects, their questioning, their way of seeing and approaching the current reality of creation, production and dissemination, as well as its impact on their practice.

Connect to the session

Companies/artists from Canada
Kim-Sanh Chau, dance video, choreographer
Nina Segalowitz, throat singing, musician
Maxime D-Pomerleau, performer, dancer
Ilya Krouglikov, performative installation
Elena Stoodley, songwriter

Évoé Sotelo, Director, Danza UNAM, Mexico City)
Diego Aramburo, Artistic Advisor, International Theatre Festival, Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Ariane Cuminale, Diretora, Vuela Produção e Criação, Sao Paulo-Buenos Aires
Martin Faucher, Artistic Director, Festival TransAmériques, Montreal
Angela Fumarola, Artistic Director, Festival Inequilibrio, Rosignano Marittimo
Ahmed El-Attar, Festival D-CAF, Le Caire

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Montreal, Canada. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Geoffroy Faribault at

6 international and national presenters and 5 local artists share their news about what drives them, their projects, their questioning, their way of seeing and approaching the current reality of creation, production and dissemination, as well as its impact on their practice.

Connect to the session

Companies/artists from Canada
Kim-Sanh Chau, dance video, choreographer
Nina Segalowitz, throat singing, musician
Maxime D-Pomerleau, performer, dancer
Ilya Krouglikov, performative installation
Elena Stoodley, songwriter

Évoé Sotelo, Director, Danza UNAM, Mexico City)
Diego Aramburo, Artistic Advisor, International Theatre Festival, Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Ariane Cuminale, Diretora, Vuela Produção e Criação, Sao Paulo-Buenos Aires
Martin Faucher, Artistic Director, Festival TransAmériques, Montreal
Angela Fumarola, Artistic Director, Festival Inequilibrio, Rosignano Marittimo
Ahmed El-Attar, Festival D-CAF, Le Caire

This session will be held online as part of IETM Multi-location in Montreal, Canada. For any questions about this session or in the event of a technical issue, please contact directly Geoffroy Faribault at