#MeToo in the Culture Sector: SHIFT Key Findings
This publication coordinated by IETM is part of the SHIFT – Shared Initiatives for Training project’s Strand on Gender and Power Relations.
The aim of the SHIFT Gender and Power Relations work is to research cases of sexual harassment and power abuse that have been revealed and discussed in the European arts field in recent years, with a focus on the developments since the #MeToo period. The team of researchers also aims to propose solution-oriented strategies for creating equitable and safe work environments for culture professionals.
This first document aims to share and put to discussion some first major takeaways from this work, to be presented in this online session on 6 October 2021. It also formulates preliminary recommendations and three major questions aimed to develop a transnational, cross-border perspective and possible solutions to combat sexual harassment and power abuse in the European cultural sector.
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A final publication outlining our extensive research and recommendations will be presented on 22 October 2021, during the IETM Plenary Meeting in Lyon.