Pro Capita Public Cultural Expenditure in selected European Countries
Gross figures in € per capita and in % of total public expenditure or of GDP; all levels of government.
Feasibility study on data collection and analysis in the cultural and creative sectors in the EU
Prepared for the European Commission (DG EAC), the research addresses the fact that the economic and social value of the CCS remains largely underestimated.
Budapest Observatory's Cultural Policy Barometer 2015
The Budapest Observatory barometer seeks answers to the question: “What are the most problematic factors for culture in your country?”
Eurostat cultural statistics (2012)
This publication comprises a broad set of comparable data related to culture available in the EU-27, EFTA and candidate countries.
Cultural and creative spillovers in Europe (2015)
The report sheds light on cultural and creative spillovers in Europe and will contribute to scientific, cultural and political debate around evidencing the value of culture and public investment into the arts, culture and creative industries.
Cities: Living labs for culture?
Cities of today are becoming vibrant spaces for experimentation, a process in which culture has come to occupy a central place.
Autonomy via Heteronomy
According to art sociologist Pascal Gielen neoliberalism, by pushing artists to be more entrepreneurial and to embrace the creative industry, leads to a shrinking of the imaginative horizon and to the evaporation of the modern hope for autonomy. If we ever want to become modern, we have to make a political choice, he states.
Reports from the IETM Brussels Satellite meeting 2015
The Art of Valuing: between evident and evidence-based: different approaches to comprehending and measuring the impact and value of arts and culture.