Satellite Yokohama 2011
14 - 16.02.2011

IETM members were warmly invited to attend the Asia Satellite meeting in Yokohama (Japan) from Monday 14th to Wednesday 16th February 2011. We advised that you arrived a few days before the start of the Satellite Meeting, to attend Yokohama Dance Collection Ex2011 from Friday 11 to Sunday 13 February, and to stay on as well for a renewed-concept TPAM Wednesday 16th to Sunday 20th February.

This IETM-TPAM Satellite was the latest in a series of IETM events in Asia since 2005 (Satellite meetings in Singapore 05, Beijing & Shanghai 06, Seoul 07, Tokyo 08 and Jakarta 10) and it linked to the Asian Producers Network initiated by colleagues we met during those events.

The new definition of TPAM (Today/Tomorrow Performing Arts Meeting) reflects current changes in the Japanese performing arts environment: changes in the subsidy system, a new generation of artists and art presenters placed in leading positions, the creation of responsible Arts Councils…

The IETM-TPAM Satellite looked at these changes in Japan, in Asia and in Europe and will also investigate strong arguments proving the value of culture in our societies, on both sides of the world.