Each IETM meeting is co-created. As a membership organisation, IETM strives to work with its members in organising its events.
For the 2024 IETM Sofia Plenary Meeting, the Toplocentrala team and the IETM Secretariat team have collaborated on shaping and designing the programme.
Several sessions in Sofia are shaped by local practitioners in line with IETM's approved translocal approach - which aims to proactively encourage and enable members to articulate and (re)connect with their understanding of the ‘local’ through learning, reflecting and conveying their local narratives in international conversations.
Our programme curation has the vision to ensure a strong connection to the local context as well as welcoming versatile international perspectives, which we hope will resonate with the experiences and reflections of the participants.
The Sofia meeting is held in mid 2024, just as IETM is about to reach the end of its 3-year activity plan exploring the New International in the Performing Arts (NIPA). In Sofia, key sessions will be influenced by attempts to draw conclusions from the activities during NIPA on fairness, working conditions and the role of arts faced with the climate crisis, and contribute to new visions for moving forward.
We acknowledge that all approaches represent only partial and limited perspectives and welcome reactions, criticism and suggestions for improvement. We aim to always acknowledge who is in the room and who is not, and that no singular voice is the holder of universal truths.
A survey for giving feedback to the Sofia Plenary will be shared with all participants after the meeting.