After Ownership and collaboration (Stockholm); Participation and politics (Krakow); Rights and being right (Copenhagen), in Zagreb IETM concentrated on art and Idea(l)s. Many kinds of developments are frequently discussed in the performing arts but sometimes it seems that it is more difficult for the great diversity of IETM members to have an open discussion on what is in fact essential to our work: the development of artistic idea(l)s. This is why we tried to stimulate discussions relevant changes in thinking paradigm(s) and ambitiously worked together at defining major transformations of ideas.
The development of ideas in the arts requires a dynamic public sphere that will support the exchange and circulation of ideas. It is this public sphere which has been under a very serious threat for quite a while now. We felt it was necessary, along with issues related to changes in communication technologies, to address the importance of the free flow of information, exchange of ideas, artistic creation and cultural communication - mere diffusion tools or means of artistic development? That was a good moment to take a look at the series of studies that IETM is commissioning to highlight ‘stories’ of how the contemporary performing arts integrates artistic practice with key sociopolitical issues.
In Zagreb and Rijeka (on the pre-meeting trip), IETM members had the opportunity to experience the vibrant local and regional art scene, as well as the strategies and actions behind its dynamic development. The artistic programme presented the latest achievements and tendencies of the Croatian performing arts scene and was organised alongside the Perforations Festival.