International network
for contemporary
performing arts

Réseau international
pour les arts du spectacle

Rete internazionale
per le arti performative


Internationales Netzwerk
für zeitgenössische
darstellende Künste

Международная сеть современного 

Red internacional
para las artes escénicas

Internationaal netwerk
voor hedendaagse

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Rede internacional
para as artes performativas

الشبكة الدولية
لفنون الأداء

í sviðslistum

Xarxa internacional
d'arts escèniques

Rhwydwaith rhyngwladol
ar gyfer celfyddydau
perfformio cyfoes

Rrjeti ndërkombëtar
për artet skenike

Διεθνές δίκτυο
για σύγχρονες
παραστατικές τέχνες

Međunarodna mreža 
za savremene 
scenske umjetnosti

Mezinárodní síť 
pro současné 
divadelní umění

International netværk
for kontemporær

Internasionale netwerk
vir kontemporêre
uitvoerende kunste

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Nemzetközi hálózat
a kortárs


líonra idirnáisiúnta
na taibhealaíona

Starptautiskais tīkls
skatuves mākslai

Netwerk internazzjonali
għall-arti performattivi

Międzynarodowa sieć
na rzecz współczesnych sztuk

Internationellt nätverk
för samtida

Međunarodna mreža
savremenih izvođačkih

Международна мрежа
за съвременни
сценични изкуства

Rrjet ndërkombëtar
për arte skenike

Міжнародная сетка
перфарматыўных мастацтваў

Međunarodna mreža
za suvremene
izvedbene umjetnosti


kaasaegsete etenduskunstide

현대 공연 예술을 위한 국제 네트워크

Tarptautinis tinklas
scenos menai

Интернационална мрежа
за современа
изведувачка уметност

شبکۀ بین المللی
برای هنرهای نمایشی معاصر

Rețeaua internațională
pentru artele spectacolului

Medzinárodná sieť
pre súčasné
scénické umenie

gösteri sanatları için
uluslararası iletişim ağı

News Browse through our news engine to find out about the latest news from the network, our members’ current and upcoming activities, recent international cultural policy updates and other developments in the global performing arts sector.

This web panel, initiated by Master Performing Public Space, invites you to join a discussion about the massive digital shift happening in the cultural world during the current global health crisis (COVID-19). International Speakers: - Nick Green, Founder of The Social Distancing Festival, Canada - Chiel Kattenbelt, Associate Professor in Media ...

We are very sad to learn that Janek Alexander, distinguished theatre programmer and later artistic director of Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff UK, passed away on April 16th. Janek was a long time IETM member, board member and an important contributor to our network´s development and that of our sector. Janek is remembered for being generous and ...

WORKSHOPS & PERFORMANCES JULY 28 – AUGUST 7, 2020 MUNICH Call for Open Stage – Who’s next? Every summer, highly promising dancers and choreographers from throughout the world come to Munich to train and test their own choreographic material in TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA’s various workshops. You are doing a workshop at TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA and have ...

The European Commission compiled a document providing answers to questions that were raised and those that may come up regarding the impact of the pandemic on Creative Europe activities.

Following a meeting at IETM Hull, between a Portuguese artist and a Polish theatre company, Diana Niepce received a residency invitation by Teatr21 in Warsaw. Supported by Creative Europe's pilot mobility scheme, i-Portunes, Diana has now completed the residency, and here describes the experience. This article first appeared on Disability Arts ...

On 8 April, Ministers of culture met with Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.

The pandemic has stopped our events and exhibitions. We paused rehearsing the forum-performance at the Bioethics Forum "Homo (Im) Perfectus". Also in KX stopped the work of a theatre studio for people with neuropsychiatric diagnoses (collaboration with the Club House). So far, activities on the attraction of people with hearing disabilities to our ...

Friday 10th April 4-5.15pm BST #Exodus2020 Every Spring, Jewish communities worldwide mark the seven days of Passover by telling and retelling the story of how the ancient Jews left enslavement, more than 3,300 years ago. The Exodus. Passover, like so many cultural festivals, isn’t just about stories of the past. It is a time to reflect on who we ...

Our recent survey proved that the international artistic community has been showing enormous solidarity and creativity dealing with the challenging reality caused by the COVID-19 crisis. However, it is evident that it is up to national governments to rescue the cultural sector from total devastation. We suggest you take two actions: Here is our ...

Considering the urgency of the current crisis and aiming at the long-term viability of our sector, we call on the national governments to take the following measures.